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Questions tagged [perception]

Perception is the way users attain understanding about what is happening by interpreting visual and other UX clues.

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0 votes
1 answer

Measuring realism perception of generated imagery?

We are working on a complex system, which will take data from a game, process it via machine learning methods (think types of neural networks (NN)) and output an enhanced image. The enhancement varies ...
rbaleksandar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What WCAG criteria addresses hearing-impaired users and the use of audio instructions?

We are working on a product for Kindergarten to Grade 2/3 level students learning to read that displays an activity with various mechanisms to students. The instructions for these activities are not ...
rikil's user avatar
  • 33
1 vote
3 answers

First page of a commercial service web site - a) list your stuff or b) seek to win visitor's trust by publishing PR news/ awards/ about us/ etc?

If you have a web site describing some type of a commercial service, where customer trust is a deal-breaker (e.g. construction work company), which perception model is more common among visitors: a) ...
drabsv's user avatar
  • 730
1 vote
0 answers

Why thumbs up and thumbs down buttons looks better when facing towards each other when placed next to each other? [closed]

I'm designing a rating feature for an app with thumbs and thumbs down next to each other. i'm curious why is most examples i'd seen the hands will be facing each other instead of being in the same ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Perceived security of magic link/passwordless login

As far as I've read, passwordless login like Slack uses (user inputs their email and then clicks on the login link in their email) is becoming more common and is just as secure as logins that require ...
Briana's user avatar
  • 91
2 votes
2 answers

Distorting data on progress bars?

I am currently doing some research on how data is sometimes distorted during visualization on progress bars (showing 70% instead of 50% etc). The research is focused on expanding the thesis of Chris ...
Mara Augustin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Sequential representation of a parallel process? (skyscanner search progress) [closed]

When I search for flights on Skyscanner, it first shows a "Searching" screen with a spinner, then shows some results along with a progress bar and indicators stating "Searched 28/30 providers" and "...
linuxhackerman's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Are there any alternatives to using an asterisk (*) to indicate optional fields inside a form?

I am working on the web app and I need your suggestion for the below issue. In this case, I don't want to keep an 'Optional'(Solution) beside the text.
Ravisanath's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is it an issue to replicate browser autocomplete styling to represent mandatory fields?

I am designing a complex software application used by enterprise clients, which has a large amount of data entry forms (as is the nature of the work being done on there). The application is available ...
Jon Kyte's user avatar
  • 297
3 votes
1 answer

How to do brand perception research?

As a user researcher I know how to conduct studies around usability, design, feelings, needs, pains and other topics regarding a specific product. What I am struggling with is transferring this ...
Peleke's user avatar
  • 145
2 votes
2 answers

How to test perception of specific elements on a page?

I have a typical article page, and I am trying to include a left indented box with a "related articles" and also a bigger element at the end of the article with the same purpose. The elements are in ...
Mr. G's user avatar
  • 78
5 votes
3 answers

How would one define the scope of UX

So part of my job involves reviewing existing applications from a UX perspective and then take a consultative approach and suggest improvements. This task however runs in parallel with other teams who ...
TDsouza's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

List vs tabular (grid) layout

I have been wondering which is easier for users to process - list (linear) menu layout or tabular one? An example: on a Contact Us page on a web site you have the following modules of information: &...
drabsv's user avatar
  • 730
0 votes
2 answers

Show overview and detailed information en same screen?

Do any of you have experiences with changing the overall layout of an application. The existing layout is shown with an overview grid in the top to change the records, and the detailed information in ...
Signe Skelgaard's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to facilitate the perception of the uniqueness?

Often my user fill two password fields in a form. The computation of the two fields generates a unique sha1 (ex: dba59b52c4d483e17cad109e7...). I use the generated sha1 to generate something (with ...
Guillaume Vincent's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Is beauty universal for user interfaces?

I am a sales person for a building automation company. Without getting into the weeds, we put small computers on heating and cooling equipment to allow them to run most efficiently. We also provide ...
user1032531's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Priming in User Experience Design [closed]

How can we use priming / subliminal messages to increase the visitor / user's joy on a website? The topic "Subliminal Perception" a.k.a. "Priming" is often used by marketeers to subliminally ...
Max de Mooij's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to visualize Air Quality Index on physical widget to be easily recognized by pedestrians

I plan to develop a network of physical widgets all over the city to inform pedestrians about current Air Quality Index in their neighborhood. This is needed to improve people conscious about their ...
Marian Paździoch's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

How to add the feeling (perception) of complexity to an interface?

We have developed an application that has some revolutionary features that are new in our industry. The UI is stripped to the bare necessities and really easy to use. The revolutionary stuff happens ...
Martyn's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How can I make the message of this hero image clearer?

You, like many others, may have some trouble understand what this hero shot means: You can also check out the actual landing page to see how the same image looks on a big screen. I intended to ...
analog-nico's user avatar
74 votes
14 answers

Does visual design really affect UX?

I am really concerned about the effects of visual design on user experience, but as this may seem too broad, let me clarify it a little. My statement is that, if the user can find the information he ...
gpelelis's user avatar
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51 votes
6 answers

Why are messages on the road printed in reverse?

After reading this question, something occurred to me that I've always wondered - but never thought to ask. Why are road messages/signs printed in reverse? (source Anytime I ...
CodeMoose's user avatar
  • 604
8 votes
4 answers

Left-align or right-align a Call to Action button?

We are creating online presentation, and most of the text on the pages is centred, on the last page we have CTA, the button leads to a different website, that is aligned to the left. I was asked to ...
Igor-G's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Showing progress on activity over large time period

Background I am making a mobile app, where users need to perform some task N times a day. The target audience is women, with interest in healthy lifestyle (so not engineers who are comfortable with a ...
Gediminas's user avatar
  • 123
3 votes
1 answer

Maintaining a high degree of user trust on System that selects the best recommendations of a product for the user

I have been presented with the problem of rebuilding the reviews section of a Product page. The Problem: I am afraid of affecting negatively my users' trust by allowing an automatic system to select ...
Deningrad's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

What's the best button progressbar?

I've made a sketch of different button progressbars, but I need to know which is the best one and why based on a few key factors: Perceived speed (fastest). Noise/Distraction level (least noise/...
Lukas Graf's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Using black for CTA

I've recently design a website for a client, and at some point he was talking about the Call to action color and he said "I really want to move away from colors. Can we use black please?". I've made ...
kirkas's user avatar
  • 183
0 votes
1 answer

Mobile grid views - which style is preferred by users - rounded corners with borders or rectangles? [closed]

Is there's a way in which users of mobile devices prefer to perceive grid view content? I'm a mobile developer and stare at mobile interfaces quite a lot. One of the things that was bothering me for ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to balance navigation menu hovering lagginess and usability?

I'm building a navigation menu with many icons. Hovering one icon, will expand a different sub-bar while hiding the others. The delay I've choosed of 180ms is to avoid the users to accidentally change ...
rgalloni's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Best practice for indicating a live connection

I'm working on a project where we, amongst other views, have a grid displaying a list of units around the world and their last given status. Each unit can also have a live connection between itself, a ...
Nicklas Pouey-Winger's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Does site structure affects sales?

I work at an e-commerce company which sells replacement parts, we carry thousands of products which fall into several categories & subcategories and at the same time, fit different brand, model ...
Ox3's user avatar
  • 103
4 votes
1 answer

User acceptance of suggestions from decision-support system

I am looking for research into user acceptance of suggestions that they might receive from a decision support engine (spam filter, for example). Are users more inclined to take the suggestion if it ...
lynxoid's user avatar
  • 193
1 vote
3 answers

What are user's views on services from third parties?

I wasn't entirely sure how to word this one. What I'm getting at though is when websites/apps and so on use features such as Google Translate for translation or facebook integration for signup forms. ...
Joe Taylor's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Different experience in simulation and real system

I couldn't find a better match of SE site to ask than UX. My question is what is the technical term when a user have difficulty (cognitively speaking) of using a real system because the user was ...
ikel's user avatar
  • 165
22 votes
5 answers

Do shapes connote differing degrees of hazard?

I'm working on designing an icon set and experimenting with a few different styles. One style would involve every icon being the same color. However, color is really good at differentiating things ...
Brendan's user avatar
  • 383
23 votes
7 answers

red checkmark vs. a red "X"

I am currently designing a panel in my business application that shows a table of data to a user. The data in the table is the company's percentage (this is equated by many different values), whether ...
Jason Frade's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Battery - what percentage range to use for each color?

I need to display battery with 3 colors: green, orange (or yellow?) and red. This device's battery (like iPad, iPhone etc..) with a battery life of up to two days. What percentage range to use for ...
user80042's user avatar
  • 681
5 votes
5 answers

"Millions of colors" vs "24-bit": should technical concepts be simplified to ease understanding at the cost of precision?

Macs indicate 24-bit color depth by using the term "millions of colors", while Windows calls it "24-bit" or "32-bit". (I'm aware that Windows "32-bit" color simply adds an alpha channel that doesn't ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 517
14 votes
4 answers

Are 3D icons better than 2D?

I've seen an increase of 3D icons in the recent past. I am not convinced they are better. Instead they may actually be worse because space is taken up by the projection. Is there any evidence as to ...
John Smith's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

How to show progress towards goal?

On our intranet we display some numbers for our employees so they can keep track of their performance goals. Currently it's just a table. We'd like something more visual, and this was the first ...
longneck's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

content for information message

Is it better to display a positive informative message "You can only view and share links of icons. for additional options please login" or negative informative message "Downloading, Uploading or ...
AsafBO's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How to present weighted values

I have a formula which is used to calculate certain scores. The formula has some parameters (shown in the image below) including a Weight parameter that is changed dynamically (the rest of the inputs ...
Zoltan Veres's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Is it still effective and appropriate to use psychological pricing for IT people?

I need to build pricing plan for service that will be used mainly by developers and designers. I can't decide what price to use, e.g. $20 or $19. I'm afraid that well-educated and smart people (...
Dan Ban's user avatar
  • 303
7 votes
3 answers

How slow can an app be to keep feeling responsive?

I'm creating an editor to write requirements and I want to give suggestions to the user about what to write. How fast do I've to present the suggestion so that it feels responsive to the user. (...
OrangeTux's user avatar
  • 171
15 votes
2 answers

Are downvotes/dislikes useful if not highlighted?

I was watching a video on youtube and noticed their like/dislike bar. They have had this new design for quite some time now. In the earlier youtube, the dislike bar would be red and distinctly visible....
rk.'s user avatar
  • 17.9k
3 votes
1 answer

Displaying information in one dimension vs two dimensions (list vs graph)

A lot of work has been done in visual working memory and spatial memory but I am looking for resources that show displaying information in the form of a list is better than a graph. Shneiderman has ...
Austin Henley's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Show/Hide Password Icon - Eye/ Closed Eye? Is the "Eye" icon offensive to any cultures?

I am on a project where we are implementing show/hide password functionality, and after significant research I discovered the 'Open Eye'/ 'Closed Eye' to be fairly standard. Once this was implemented ...
pixelneer's user avatar
  • 419
7 votes
3 answers

"Activate" / "Enable" + "noun verbing" or simply "Verb noun"?

A popular chatting application has the global option "Enable buddy icon animation". Would this be better phrased as "Animate buddy icon" or not? And if so, is this a general rule? For example, ...
l0b0's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Is there a nice way to deal with geo-restricted access?

In a site which, by law (or otherwise?), cannot display certain content in a particular geographic region, what's a good way to deal with this? Hulu is pretty terrible (click here, seriously?): ......
fredley's user avatar
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20 votes
12 answers

Why is it that all caps text looks like SHOUTING, but all caps handwriting is easier to read?

Specifically for UI -- handwritten mockups, comics, etc are always better all-caps, but the same is never true for printed text. Why is that? Visual Studio 2012's all-caps menus are generally despised....
ced's user avatar
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