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Questions tagged [data]

Numerical or other information represented in a form suitable for processing by computer.

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1 answer

'Add Another' button in mobile

Context I have an issue with a form, let's call it the parent form. Inside the parent form, you can 'Add Item'. Once you click the 'Add Item' button, it will navigate you to a new screen where you ...
intnnn's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it okay to use different thickness in a line graph?

Can we use different line thicknesses in a line chart to make a line prominent and easier to catch? The goal is to make one of the lines stand out from the rest (say average traffic). This chart may ...
essdeepee's user avatar
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Should I Store User Data Locally on Device or Server Side Database

I'm currently working on a 'mental wellness' app, functionality for which include things such as; Making journal entries (typed and voice recorded) To Do Notes Setting Goals/Targets Recording ...
Lewis Hanson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Correct column order of comparison data table

I need to design a table where the user will have to approve new values. The table will show two old values and the difference between the old and the new (the percentage represents the difference ...
David's user avatar
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4 answers

USA date format best practise

I am working on a table that displays dates by using USA format. I was wondering which format below is more legible or usable - I guess there's a slight difference between these two, but I was ...
Óscar Mangas's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Overtime + 2 other aspects data visualization

What kind of data visualization can show 3 aspects of the data including time (the others are the number of conversions and revenue)? For example, I thought about bubble chart where size is one aspect ...
Eran Bar's user avatar
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6 answers

What's the best alternative to export thousands of rows?

I have an application that has many reports. Those reports includes thousands of rows with dozens of columns (too much data). My customers sometimes need to export this data to a .csv file, just to ...
pvergne's user avatar
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0 answers

Layout for many independent navigation in a section of a webapp [closed]

There are many sub section in my project and I am not able to find right pattern for the layout the user navigates into the section from side navigation bar and then there are close to 25 sub sections....
vaibhav Kothari's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to motivate users to archive/delete to improve the performance of the system?

Users on our platform can create lists of groups that have unique items. The number of items in these lists can reach millions. Over time users have created hundreds of these lists to use in various ...
Deniz Erdal's user avatar
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1 answer

Interface for users that need to fill in data for thousands of items

The problem I encounter is that I have thousands of items a day (e.g. transactions of toys that have been purchased in a store). My goal is to provide the users with an interface to fill in manually ...
ProductM's user avatar
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Listing multiple events with sub-events on a page

I have a fairly large collection of martial arts events that I'm listing on a page. Each event happened on a given date and in a given location (country, state, city). Each event has one or more ...
Petter Brodin's user avatar
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How to verify that services are being used by a customer

I have a project, which is sending surveys to customers as soon as they use certain services like restaurants, beauty salons, how can these customers verify that they actually used this service? ...
Hussam Alshamaily's user avatar
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Organizing editable content on mobile

I am working on altering a mobile UI for a client who needs to be able to add and edit data very efficiently, so in my mind efficiency > design. My re-design is a lot more efficient than the previous,...
Molly Harper's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Input data in data tables

I have to design a data table which is going to be 288 rows and 15 in size. I want to make it easy for users to input data efficiently. The data covers an entire day, in 5 minutes intervals, i.e. (...
Madhuri UX's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

What kind of chart is this?

This is not a donut chart.. not showing distribution here. These are different attributes contributing to the total score (in the middle) Another example: The thickness of the wedge is proportionate ...
essdeepee's user avatar
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What is the best way to show the Key/value pairs that has no data?

When there is no data for some of the attributes (key/value pairs) in the info/properties card, what is the best way to represent it? IMO, those attributes with null values to be shown as well with "-"...
essdeepee's user avatar
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1 answer

How to describe two variables in a heatmap?

I need to describe distribution of showtimes across day-hours and their occupancy. Showtimes distribution across day-hours can be described using a simple heatmap/ table, e.g. Here each times-cell ...
Gajus's user avatar
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3 answers

Displaying Table inside Table

We have table setup like below. Before you click the plus table looks like Once you click on the plus next to any row, it opens up like this So as you can imagine if the user opens up too many ...
Extelliqent's user avatar
1 vote
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Display 52 kinds of periodic research without a boring design [closed]

We have about 52 different kinds of researches getting released every so often, some daily, some weekly, some monthly, etc. Our current view is like So as you can tell, it looks boring. Each link ...
Reis's user avatar
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Desktop only: Display multiple one-row tables

I couldn't find a fitting solution to that so I am asking for your guys opinions - what is the best way to display multiple one-row tables? Since there is a lot of other information behind each row, ...
GConscience's user avatar
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Highlighting differences between old and new results and conveying value to user

Context I have a dashboard where I want to highlight- A. Total data that the user has uploaded on our system and the amount of matches against that data in our database. B. The amount of difference ...
Ashwin Nepal's user avatar
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How do you balance dynamic data driven dashboards with design and UX?

I see hundreds of posts and design shots of "dashboards" on things like Dribbble etc - but what lots of them neglect is that they're only ever representing one or two sets of data. How do you present ...
lamps92's user avatar
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1 answer

Which of these is the right way to let people reorder columns in a table

I have a data table where I present live sensor data for comparison. There are atleast 10 columns on the screen at all times and the user can add upto 100 columns by toggling them Some columns are ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the difference in ROI, KPIs, OKRs metrics? how and when to get them?

So I have decided this year that I would like to learn more about data informed design and I have been hearing and reading a lot about the following ways of measuring: ROI, KPIs, OKRs and I'm confused ...
Orange Juice's user avatar
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3 answers

Appropriate UI pattern for Expandable List Item in Data table?

I'm currently looking to find a solution for expanding a list item in a data table to display more information. One of the best solutions I've found thus far is done on reddit (see screenshot). Any ...
zakcreate's user avatar
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Design Options for Weighted Directed Graphs

My question in brief: what are some reasonable design options for displaying data in weighted, directed, cyclical graphs? The longer version: I have some data that details shipments of goods from one ...
duhaime's user avatar
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3 answers

Better UX practice for data filter

I'm actually working with a redesign of a desktop application. And one of my challenges are to design a filter system from a table based screen. This is the actually design proposal from the designer ...
Mário Barbosa's user avatar
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Do you get differentiated data from Google Optimize A/B test with multiple user targeting variables?

If you target test variations for your users with Google Optimize will you get differentiated values for those variations such as mobile, tablet, location and so on in one single A/B test, or we just ...
Estela Gaspar's user avatar
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2 answers

Images in Email Campaigns

Overview: I am building a UX report on best practices for creating emails for marketing campaigns. One recommendation I am providing is to build your designs without images and then add them after the ...
Bromox's user avatar
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2 answers

How to apply add/save from modal window

I've got a web application where I want to be able to add qualifications to a user. When I open the Edit Employee form there is an Add button and a Delete button. When clicking on the Add button, a ...
Dunrar's user avatar
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2 answers

Ways to indicate a series is selected on a line chart

I have a program that displays a dense collection of line series. I can select series from a tree view to the left of the chart. My issue is I need an elegant way to show the user which line series ...
Loocid's user avatar
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1 answer

Data layout for a contract

I have visualised a contract. And previously there were less data, so it was like this: It was pretty nice, but then we added some more data, and my boss said to regroup it logically (left and right),...
Vinand's user avatar
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5 answers

What is the name of this dashboard UI element?

I've seen many dashboards or statistics pages/screens to have some kind of "dashboard header" in which larger text or graphics are present. They are designed to give an overview of important ...
user9993's user avatar
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3 answers

How to eliminate a repeating tree hierarchy for the types that share the same structure?

Below there is a modal where I have three categories that contain the same tree structure. Is there a way I can consolidate or simplify these three structures into one or maybe restructure this in a ...
user115622's user avatar
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In-line editing, display at the top or the bottom of a list?

I'm working with a nested list view. In order to add data to the list, the user initially sees an "add" button. Clicking this add button prompts a search bar where the user can then search for the ...
Isabelle 's user avatar
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How to visually configure dependency between data

I need to set the relationship between two sets of data. The sets can be big, with hundreds of records. After some research, I found that some applications use a dependency matrix, like in this ...
Aline's user avatar
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How to display units of measurement as words

Due to some technical oddities, I'm unable to display 5'9". My first thought was to show 5 foot 9 inches but this feels far too long and requires a lot more reading then I'd like. Would the user ...
sclarke's user avatar
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How to display huge sum of hours

I have a table which sums up worked hours for each project. When the ammount of hours is huge, has still sense use hh:mm format, or decimal format could be more clear? Reading, for example 7650:30, ...
wav's user avatar
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Different People Coding Data - Does that Invalidate the Results?

I have an intern who helps me code data and metrics I'm measuring from Qualitative Usability Testing sessions. However, we have a deadline and she has been out of the office more than I'd like or ...
Claire's user avatar
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2 answers

In a Diagnostics Report, should we prioritize data we think the user should care about more?

I am currently working on a diagnostics report that will output a green string of text if the test passed and a red string of text if it failed. However, the user is only ever going to be running ...
fwr nr's user avatar
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How do I represent the direction (ascending or descending) for setting a range?

I have a range (numbers) to be set. In most cases a lower value is better, however in some cases a higher value is better. How do I represent the same in my UI? To set up the range I just have two ...
Saurabh Bajaj's user avatar
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UI based on individual data / dynamic / generative

I am looking for examples where the UI is designed based on the individual user data. Not just a customizable profile page, more automated individual color palette / layout / typography / ??? ...
LrnzLngg's user avatar
5 votes
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Complex filtering

I have a data table that needs complex filtering. It is that kind of interrogation that needs "GROUP BY any-of-the-column" "WHERE any-of-the-column = value" "SORT BY any-of-the-column". I know ...
Madalina Taina's user avatar
1 vote
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QA a Chat Bot Relating to UX/CX [closed]

I've been tasked with checking over a chat bot from a UX/CX perspective. This is the first time I've looked a chat bot from this point of view. What can I do a heuristic analysis and UX baseline ...
sclarke's user avatar
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Best way to display data on a B2C website?

Running a real estate, consumer facing website and trying to present real estate data on both macro and micro level. Currently, engagement is low. Considering adding side by side bulletin points to ...
Dan Bamberger's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I tailor my error message when there is packet loss?

I am building a mobile app. Internet connection is often an issue. If the user's phone does not have an Internet connection I just display a message saying 'No Internet Connection'. I have a ...
user1261710's user avatar
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Time Series with Multiple Attributes for Each Year

We need to represent a time series of data. The problem is each item has multiple attributes that go along the time series. In essence, it's something like this - a long time series for 100+ items. ...
Mike Borozdin's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

User needs to paste clipboard data into website with CTRL+V, but the data they paste will not be shown to them. How can I make this intuitive?

I am changing a form where we have users paste some data from clipboard (copied from excel) and fill out a few metadata fields about the data. Previously in the design we were able to have a button ...
Eric Newsom's user avatar
4 votes
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Comparison of data tables

What is an effective pattern to allow users to compare two or more data tables with multiple (i.e 4) columns in each table? For example, we have a table with 4 rows and 4 columns for geographic ...
imagine's user avatar
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Large data migration workflow [closed]

Can anyone suggest the best way to represent this workflow for managing a large data migration which requires a manual FTP stage on the customer end? I am thinking a wizard to take us up to the FTP ...
David Saunders's user avatar

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