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Showing year on year data visually in a map

I am working on visualizing year-on-year data in a map. This data needs to be shown on the map, show what year the data was recorded in, and convey the frequency/total amount of records at a specific ...
Mitchell D's user avatar
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1 answer

Filter all the data - big data load

I'm creating a platform that has a lot of company data, around 200,000 companies with 1000 branches each, so it's a lot. When we load the platform we usually don't show anything until we have loaded ...
Flamur Krasniqi's user avatar
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1 answer

How to display a bar chart for users' test scores if you have more than 50 users

For an admin panel I have to present visually the employees' test scores and after lots of searching to decide which data visualization is the best I decided to choose the vertical bar chart but as ...
Mahdis Atabaki's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I display large amount of active organizations within the platform?

Currently when the user uses the platform is able to choose an active organization (within his organization) and which data he wants to include. The current solution indicates a narrow bar under the ...
Lorelei Heckmann's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the right way to display the KPI number?

I'm designing a dashboard, and one of the cards should display the status of the activated users - if there's any problem - it's should emphasize that and show how many users are not activated. The ...
naorux's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

How to decrease a cognitive load on a dashboard component?

Any suggestions on how I can decrease the cognitive load on the example below? The development, benchmark, and amount of comments regarding each question are equally important for the user. I think ...
Lorelei Heckmann's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Highlighting differences between old and new results and conveying value to user

Context I have a dashboard where I want to highlight- A. Total data that the user has uploaded on our system and the amount of matches against that data in our database. B. The amount of difference ...
Ashwin Nepal's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you balance dynamic data driven dashboards with design and UX?

I see hundreds of posts and design shots of "dashboards" on things like Dribbble etc - but what lots of them neglect is that they're only ever representing one or two sets of data. How do you present ...
lamps92's user avatar
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5 answers

What is the name of this dashboard UI element?

I've seen many dashboards or statistics pages/screens to have some kind of "dashboard header" in which larger text or graphics are present. They are designed to give an overview of important ...
user9993's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Navigate from monthly to daily view in a dashboard

I need to provide users a way to view data on a dashboard on a monthly basis or daily basis. It should be possible to navigate back and forth from daily to monthly view. The users should also be ...
Lili's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Best way to display graphs and data visualization of multiple variables and complex data in mobile?

I'm struggling with some data visualization for a mental health app. This app evaluates different mental states (lack of pleasure, sadness, focus, Nervousness) via a questionnaire. The questionnaire ...
Daniel Vianna's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Design for a scatter plot graph

I am designing a data vis platform and there are two primary form factors of the graphs, large and small. In designing these graphs, I'm trying to avoid the terminal ugliness of most platforms while ...
JClaussFTW's user avatar
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2 answers

Is User Action Message and User Greeting Messages impactful if no data shown and to redirect to settings page?

Dashboard statistics with no data and showing 0 values because On the first login you will see all entries appearing as 0. There are steps to follow to deploy configure the software at first priority ...
Roshan Abraham's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Dashboard for displaying widgets with lots of similar output

I am trying to create a dashboard to be displayed in an office on a TV screen which allows staff to quickly see relevant statistics. For each statistic it needs to show the current value as well as a ...
bhttoan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to present a view with large number of inputs

I'm developing a dashboard for hotel managament system application. There's a view that allows the user to set prices for room types in different currencies. Sadly, I can't provide any screenshots as ...
Michał Rakowski's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to create an eye-catching display of numeric values in a web page?

I am going to design a management level monitoring page for displaying some sums and counts. No interaction is allowed and it will be used as a monitoring page on a big LCD in the managers view. The ...
Farshid Zaker's user avatar