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Questions tagged [charts]

A sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram.

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6 votes
3 answers

What is the best chart or infographics to present a Confidence Index Ranking?

Let's say there is some Confidence Ranking - i.e. Consumer Confidence Ranking. Year Rank 2010 1 2011 2 2012 2 2013 5 2014 7 2015 8 The rank is going down - i.e consumer confidence is going ...
user93353's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to display a heat map of range plots?

I am doing a bibliometric study and I am attempting to show the age ranges frequently studied in a particular field of research. Each study typically picks an age range to pick their participants from,...
Katia's user avatar
  • 11
0 votes
3 answers

Improving Time Series Visualization for Multiple Variables

I'm seeking advice on how to enhance a time series visualization I've created. Currently, I have plotted a line chart to compare the rate of change of deaths for multiple countries during covid19. ...
Isakkiii's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What is the name of a chart in which bars are concatenated?

What is the name of the chart in which bars are concatenated?, for example: I try to show the following sequence of loss and gain 10-2+3-5 first step in x-axis increase in y-axis up to 10 and set a ...
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Showing weekly year-over-year line chart

I had a dumb oversight, in a mockup of a year-over-year line chart that had an option to view at the weekly level. This listed months with 4 hashmarks between - representing the 4 weeks in a month. ...
turpentyne's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Show two set of dates in a chart for comparison

I'm working on a graph that compares two date ranges, but based on the feedback I received, there's some confusion. It appears that the graph is being interpreted as spanning from January 1 to January ...
Flamur Krasniqi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

UI/UX when showing a ton of data on a small mobile device

I need to show a ton of data and make it look good. Heres my current list view: Heres what i think is "nicer": And heres another idea with table switches: Some guidance is appreciated. Im ...
RobbB's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

year-over-year bar chart years

I'm trying to mock up a dashboard widget with a bar chart comparing values in a rolling year-over-year timeframe. By it's nature, this chart will usually overlap three calendar years. Example: Year-...
turpentyne's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Best Path Representation

I'm working on a product that visualizes and identifies path based relationships between nodes. However a new relationship showed up in which a node might have a relationship to itself. Right now we ...
merlin's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
1 answer

Should each month tick be at the first day of month, or every 30 days?

I am making a chart with a time axis. This axis can have yearly, monthly, dayly, or hourly ticks, depending on how big the timespan is. For monthly ticks, I'm in doubt as to where should the ticks be ...
Juan Perez's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is a data download a viable text-alternative to a visual chart?

I have a dashboard with various different at-a-glance charts. For some of them (such as pie charts) it's simple to offer a toggle / alternative view to change from chart to table view, but for more ...
JonW's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Empty state vs. Hiding Charts

I have category pages, with a list of products inside each of them. The category pages contain details on tests which have been conducted for each of the products, with some categories having up to 50 ...
zYzX's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Too little data in the starting month causes the text on the x-axis to overlap

When the data is displayed in the month dimension, when there are only a few days left in the starting month, the date text of the next month will overlap with the starting month, The current solution ...
spidey_qz's user avatar
0 votes
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How to display a bar chart for users' test scores if you have more than 50 users

For an admin panel I have to present visually the employees' test scores and after lots of searching to decide which data visualization is the best I decided to choose the vertical bar chart but as ...
Mahdis Atabaki's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Visualize average asset condition over time

I have 3300 road inspection records in an Oracle database. I've summarized the inspection records in a SQL query as follows: YEAR AVG CONDITION CLASS ROAD_COUNT ---- ------------- ----- -...
User1974's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Whats is an alternative way to show the Y axis label on the line chart

I'm currently facing a challenge with a trend chart I designed. Right now in quantity of the values are less, so things are fine. but as the quantity seems to be increasing (e.g. 100,00. to 600,000) ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
  • 10.8k
2 votes
2 answers

When hovering over a charts, which arrow alignment works best

I'm designing the hover states for 2 charts, a bar chart and a line chart. Maybe I'm over thinking, but for both these charts I find there is an arrow alignment that would work better based on the ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

What's the most intuitive control to sort a bar chart?

I'm designing a feature that includes a bar chart which needs to be sorted in a few different of ways. I'm exploring a few options on what's the most intuitive way to achieve this. A. Tabs B. Combo ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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2 answers

What's an intuitive way to reset drill down charts to their default state?

I'm building a drill-down chart flow that has two graphs that work together On the left, the bar graph has a list of locations and their temperatures. On the right, there's a temperature timeline of ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Showing a large amount of trend-lines on a single graph

I'm designing a dashboard which has a graph showing the humidity notification trends across multiple locations over a selected timeline. The challenge I'm facing is that there's 70-100 locations that ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How would you design a three stage bar chart drill down?

I'm designing a drill-down chart for management to analyze heat trends that are impacting their staff across multiple factories. The images show the intended flow in which they would be using the ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to show a large amount of values in a vertical bar chart

Designing a dashboard that includes a section with 70-80 temperature readings sorted from high to low. given the limited space in the screen, i can only a show a limited amount of them. My question is,...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
  • 10.8k
0 votes
1 answer

How to represent chats and groups if there are only two users possible?

Hello Happy new year everyone! I am working on an app where a parent can monitor and chat with his kids using this app. Current design is like this : Kid's profile is shown , and on swipe left you ...
Diego's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Display zero height bar in chart

We have a web application displaying some values on a bar chart (values shown are difference values: our product's performance vs all other products' performance). Time to time value to be displayed ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Representing multi layered data in dashboard

I am working on a new component for a B2B dashboard, and I am at an impasse trying to come up with an intuitive way to show this data, and would really appreciate your fresh perspectives. We have ...
Durara's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Accessibility for charts

We have several charts of different types across our application (donut, bar, line) that have their data fed in through APIs based on user selection (and therefore I have no control over the amount of ...
Mike's user avatar
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0 answers

How to avoid performance issues in user-customizable dashboards by limiting in some way the amount of information being displayed

I work for a Product that allows users to create customs dashboards. They have the possibility to create 1-25 custom charts and the available chart types are indicators, columns, bars, area, pie, and ...
Elliot's user avatar
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2 answers

Chart points are getting hidden by other points

Users can build charts in our app, and there's a problem: the points can overlap and sometimes they hide each other. I'd like to find a way to: At least make sure user understands there is more than ...
Stanislav Bashkyrtsev's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to concisely represent a set of statistics on a dashboard?

I'm designing a dashboard for a web app representing statistics related to a quiz/test. I'm using visual aids like charts, icons and other cards displaying a small piece of information. Each such card ...
Amal K's user avatar
  • 123
2 votes
1 answer

Displaying overlapping user data reflecting the status of an inventory in a horizontal stacked bar chart

I have an app in which users can track items. The app will flag when there are issues with items: Warnings (orange UI colour) Low stock Expiring this month Problems (red UI colour) Out of stock ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 123
5 votes
2 answers

Error type chart with simultaneous errors

1. What is an error type chart? Our monitoring system measures the parameters of telecommunications services at regular intervals, and based on the measured parameter values, automatically decides if ...
kol's user avatar
  • 125
1 vote
0 answers

Overlapping div in left side when turning off the collapse on the left sidebar [closed]

I built a dashboard that contains sidebar with collapse. When I try to put chartjs and make it display:grid, it turns out it is overlapping the right side when turning of the collapse. Here is my html ...
rickp4012's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Examples of two/multiple facet scoring?

Working on an interesting scenario - we need to communicate a "score" that has two facets: A percentage based score that has a threshold that must be met to pass (90%) Specific items that ...
Jason's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Bar charts in multiple colors for different type of information

I'm working on a dashboard and have to make a design decision. Is that okay to use different bar chart colors for a different type of information on the same dashboard or I should use the same color ...
uDima's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Best way to present multiple types of data in a cluster bar chart?

This company has two different customer types and they all have two different kind of contracts. The aim here was to show all the contract prices in the same chart. As you can see I tried to map ...
sarp's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you compare two trends on the same chart when one metric higher = positive, second metric higher = negative?

So we have two metrics that could potentially go on the same chart because they are semi-related and the user will want to compare them. However, when the first metric has a higher percentage, it is ...
Megs's user avatar
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2 answers

Line chart - do you add a legend to one variable data visualisation?

I started to consider what's the best practice for one-variable data visualization? Shall the legend be included in this case or not? What's important the component headliner indicates what's data ...
Lorelei Heckmann's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What level of compliance does a chart with patterns have in WCAG 2.1?

The following is an example of a chart using patterns. When a chart uses patterns (instead of plain colors) to separate sections, in which category of WCAG levels does it fall – A, AA or AAA?
Elena's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

How should I visualize the average of two bars in a bar chart?

I am presenting results from an experiment in an academic publication. Here is what the figure currently looks like: The gray bars are the averages of the red and the blue bars. Goals I want to show ...
Kilian Obermeier's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

data visualization - how to visualize the lack of data for certain amount of time

Currently, I'm redesigning the line chart. Sometimes for the chosen time period, the user might lack data. I need to visualize it. Someone has any experience what would be the best solution? is it ...
Lorelei Heckmann's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Expand/Collapse clue on a chart

I am currently working on an org chart with collapse/expand capability. In case it matters, the original code is from d3/visx. To improve user experience, I want to include a clue that a node can be ...
Christophe's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Information on Duration or Start/End Time

My question has split my team in the middle, so I'm here for more opinions. We have this Gantt Chart where you can extend/shrink tasks by hovering then dragging them from start/end. When this ...
Durara's user avatar
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1 answer

Dashboard charts where in some higher is better, others lower is better, and in yet others the values should fall between a range

As the title says, how are people approaching having multiple charts in a dashboard, where in some higher is better vs lower is better vs fits in range? All of these charts would have multiple values....
Mongo's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is it okay to use different thickness in a line graph?

Can we use different line thicknesses in a line chart to make a line prominent and easier to catch? The goal is to make one of the lines stand out from the rest (say average traffic). This chart may ...
essdeepee's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I improve the legend in this line chart with value, norm and prediction?

I'm currently reworking some existing graphs which are shown on a webpage for a B2B tool. These graphs are showing the current state of what's happening in the life cycle of an animal, along with the ...
Pepijn Olivier's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to display a chart which has larger dataset in a dashboard widget?

I have a dashboard which display different charts as equal sized widgets.The issue with my current UI is when there is more data labels and data sets the charts looks compressed. Is there a better ...
sanjeeviraj's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Developing good UX for handling configurations of multiple objects

I am developing a dashboarding system that lets users drag and drop charts of interest. Some of our users may want to have 4-7 charts on a given page. For each chart, there are certain parameters that ...
Dylan Wootton's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to visualize complex data on the same bar chart for short and wide timelines

I'm designing a dashboard that visualises AWS cost details on a bar graph. Below is a weekly view and all seems fine. However there's also a need to show the data across a boarder timeline, like ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the name for a plot that shows data at each X,Y coordinate

I'm creating some new plotting infrastructure and I can't figure out what this type of plot should be called. It's a pretty basic plot where you have an Cartesian X-Y grid and each grid cell ...
NateW's user avatar
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1 answer

Display large chart inside a card in a Dashboard

I'm going to design a Dashboard, I know how to show the information but my client said to me that a cohort chart is going to have a lot of information. I wonder if it's ok to add to the card that ...
Gisela Ale's user avatar

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