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Questions tagged [tree]

trees show hierarchical data. File directory navigation is one of the most familiar UX for browsing a tree.

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How to display a hierarchical Tree structure that supports CRUD and moving nodes?

Context I have an administration Web-UI (implemented with vue and vuetify) where one should also be able to manage organization structures. Meaning something like Daimler AG -> Mercedes Benz AG -&...
telion's user avatar
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Tree table, filters and open/closed state

Let's say there is a tree table displaying a hierarchical structure. There are actually two kinds of objects displayed in the table, one kind forming the internal nodes of the tree and the other one ...
Jakub Lédl's user avatar
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UX Research: Tree Test with profile picture menu

I would like to do a Tree Test for a site (using but one of the nodes in my tree would be a profile picture in the top right of the screen that clicks open to reveal a menu. It's ...
Michael Designs's user avatar
2 votes
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Problems with showing deep Tree structure

Background I am designing a tree structure that should represent folder nesting and contain some properties inside. On the left side of the screen, I have a tree structure with folders and on the ...
Pollywog's user avatar
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Tree - select all child nodes or select only few

I have a multi-level tree structure and the user would want to select only a particular parent node or all child nodes below it. There can be multiple trees with multiple levels one below another The ...
user5155835's user avatar
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Mobile tree structure with 2 tappable areas

I am designing a tree structure displaying the course content for mobile. Each row has 2 tappable areas: caret for the unfolding text area for detail content page. In the usability tests, most users ...
yellingbytes's user avatar
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Signaling an update in a tree structure

I have a tree structure that can periodically update ( meaning adding new elements inside the tree structure ). These updates can be performed at leaf level so I'm not sure where to signal that there ...
Chris's user avatar
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Editing large nested content

I'm looking for a useful editing UX for large, tree-structured content like this: Project 1 - Step 1 - Explanation 1 - Explanation 2: could be long paragraphs, too. - E2.1: Lots of ...
bebbi's user avatar
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Deep tree navigation with possible actions at any point

I'm building a tree structure navigation that could go quite deep. Actions can be performed at child level but you can also select any point of the tree navigation and use an action that will switch ...
Chris's user avatar
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Parent and children action inheritance

I have a parent / children relationship table where the children have an action but given the fact that there could be up to ten children we want to allow a way to set the action from the parent level ...
Chris's user avatar
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radio button matrix in a checkbox tree

I would like my users to toggle opt-in or opt-out the nested items in my checkbox tree individually but also toggle them all opt-in or all opt-out at once. In my example, I use radio buttons. But the ...
Menno Weerepas's user avatar
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Multi-select tree in which parent also is a child

I am working on a multi-select tree in which the user should be able to select all children of a parent. Normally you would be using the parent checkbox to do so, but in this case it should also be ...
Iljoesjin's user avatar
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How to show tree structure indentation?

We can show hierarchical relationship either using simple spaces, or using dash lines: Spaces parent child Dashes parent --- child I have seen both of them. But now that I have to design ...
Ali EXE's user avatar
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Displaying and managing tree data of 10 to 100k+ top level nodes

I need to allow users to select products / sub products that are up to 3 levels deep. We also are only able to display 100 top level products at once due to technical constraints, this is currently ...
josh's user avatar
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3 controls on the tree - select, expand, open

We have a tree with one click to select and double click to expand. This works well for our users and is something that would be better to keep unchanged. Now we need to add another action to some of ...
mifaniac's user avatar
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What's best practice for including correct answers in tree tests?

Let's say I'm creating a tree test to validate my IA for a grocery shopping website. When I'm creating the tree, I'm wondering if I should include the target in the tree, or stop the tree at the next ...
nzookie's user avatar
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Mobile apps with large hierarchy/tree selection, with scrolling in two directions

We are currently developing an app with a content catalogue. The catalogue is large (about 5'000 nodes) and hierarchical, with the typical node having about 5-10 subnodes. We want to display this in a ...
Jonas Sourlier's user avatar
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UI pattern for adding option to a tree select box

I'm wondering if anybody has seen or knows of a good UI pattern for creating options for a select box with a tree-like structure. This is the library I'm planning to use to display the actual ...
Aleks's user avatar
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4 answers

Categories tree structure UI with brands and setting value with inheritance

We have a tree of categories as a first column and commission as a second column. Commission has inheritance abilities, e.g. if I set commission on Category 1 by default it will be applied to Category ...
Dmitry  Yaremenko's user avatar
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Marking nodes in tree as important

I’m working on kind of explorer which has a tree hierarchy which consists of two types of nodes, first type is a category and second is a resource. Category can contain only resources and resources ...
Ivan Kulezic's user avatar
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Single and whole group selection in tree table

We are using a tree table view in our product. We also have a multiple selection in this view for purpose of bulk updating or drag and drop. I would like the user to be able to single select the group ...
Tal Blizowsky's user avatar
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Do we need to provide pagination for a directory structure?

In a typical web UI, pagination is usually provided for lists. However, I would like to know whether it makes sense to provide pagination for a tree structure like a directory structure since it may ...
bin's user avatar
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If it's possible to combine plain and hierarchical view together?

I'm facing the issue of data representation. On the same page, it's possible to view both plain and tree structure. It's ok (tbh no, but we can live with it for a while), but when it comes to new ...
user137375's user avatar
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Testing Information Architecture with limited participants

I understand that a way to test IA is through tree testing. However, a lot of articles mentioned that tree testing requires at least 30 participants (best 50 participants). How else can we test our ...
DoubleClickOnThis's user avatar
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Display suggestions for hierarchical checkbox lists (trees)

I'm working on a web-app for a document management system where employees upload documents and associate them with metadata. In many cases, we are able to predict certain metadata properties and we ...'s user avatar
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Present a hierarchal view (tree) containing sequential and parallel tasks [closed]

How would you present a hierarchal view (tree) containing sequential and parallel tasks? The tree can contain two levels of groups when each group can contain one or more tasks A specific group can ...
Tal Blizowsky's user avatar
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Is a Tree or Autocomplete better UX for the below Scenario?

I am creating a web app (web app only, no mobile functionality) and am wondering if I should use a tree selection (where the user drills down through hierarchical categories until they find their ...
Ryan Streett's user avatar
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Showing two informations in tree node

In my web application I have a tree with each node holding two status. Nodes are circles linked with each other. The status can be either OK, KO, or PARTIAL. The first status is the "technical ...
qleguennec's user avatar
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Expand/Collapse button directions in tree table ie data grid versus non-table applications

I'm creating a tree table for use on our platform. We currently use chevrons for our expand/collapse buttons, and in doing a lot of research across UX forumns, I decided on the rule that the chevron ...
abaumm's user avatar
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Alternatives to nested dropdowns?

When a user uploads a new document, they have to assign that document to a certain category and subcategory. Our current solution uses two dropdowns for this. The problem So currently the workflow ...
QWERTZdenker's user avatar
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Gray-out conundrum

As we're approaching the release date for v2.5.0 of Rubberduck (an open-source VBIDE add-in), we're facing a bit of a dilemma regarding a specific type of tree nodes in one of our toolwindows: The ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
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What would be the best practice for creating an element with two actions?

Context: The user must navigate through a tree structure and select any one item from it's contents (including its parents) I find myself coming up against this situation often. I have a component ...
Calum's user avatar
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Show/Hide Select All Tree Checkboxes

We are using a 3-level nav tree (Sport-Country-Competition) with nodes being selected only on the third level. Upon running usability tests, we identified that the absence of a "select all" option ...
Dimi's user avatar
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Control UX to create pre formed responses easily

I need to build a component to help doctors generate patient reports after they run a test. The goal is to optimize the time taken to generate these reports. Currently they take upwards of 30m to ...
Dominic Bou-Samra's user avatar
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Mechanism to view and browse complex hierarchy

I'm trying to find the best way to display hierarchy information and to allow the user to explore structural information. At the moment there are the following levels but there could be more ...
JoseViso's user avatar
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Adding search to a tree

This is about adding a search field to a tree: the search for a keyword is supposed to return all tree nodes containing that keyword Also the tree nodes have the usual expand / collapse checkboxes ...
Dana's user avatar
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Task completion rate increased from 53% to 73% but still under the standard average of 78%

A tree testing conducted for a website navigation and the result was 53% then, we redesigned the information architecture and produced a new tree testing with the new navigation. The result improved ...
Izzie's user avatar
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How to handle check-able tree-view nodes that act as both a group and an item

I need to create a tree-view which allows users to select nodes (using a checkbox). The tree-view contains two types of node, "group" and "item". A "group" node can contain both "group" and "item" ...
rssfrncs's user avatar
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Best way to Indicate a item is shared or copied

I have a tree on my webpage that is used to display some folders and within these folders some items; These items can be copied from one node of the tree to another and also shared. When copied or ...
Ratan Servegar's user avatar
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How to present a tree in which objects may appear more than once?

I have a window showing a number of objects that can be individually hidden or recolored. Accordingly, in a sidebar each has a checkbox and a color swatch that launches a color picker when clicked: ...
Davis Herring's user avatar
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Designing trees out of lists?

On a web tool that I'm working on, I need to allow the user to navigate through a flat list of data and create a tree out of it. The user is a backend admin who is trained to use the tool. Example I ...
Ashwin Nepal's user avatar
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UX for selecting complex set of nodes from 2-level, dynamic, moderate-size tree?

What is a good UX design for letting a user select a complex set of nodes from a 2-level, dynamic, moderate-size tree? (I say a 2-level tree, but to be more accurate, the implied root could be ...
Will's user avatar
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How to eliminate a repeating tree hierarchy for the types that share the same structure?

Below there is a modal where I have three categories that contain the same tree structure. Is there a way I can consolidate or simplify these three structures into one or maybe restructure this in a ...
user115622's user avatar
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Huge Tree Hierarchy for navigation

I've a tree structure which extends to 6 levels down. When I get inside as a user I like to show the tree structure in my left panel and content on the right. But I'm worried since too much of data ...
Sudeep Ramasamy's user avatar
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Problem with 3 or more level of tree-view UI on Mobile

I had come with a problem with review/summary screen on phone that requires the information to have 3-5 level of tree-view. Generally on mobile phone UI, nested information will be shown on another ...
Samiadji Falahanif Ranggagani's user avatar
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An alternate approach to Treeview

I have a screen where I get a List of Main items. Inturn, each of these main items will have list of sub items inside them. Now user can select a Main Item or items inside it and then run the report. ...
Simsons's user avatar
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Should the checkboxes for selection be aligned?

In case of hierarchical grid displaying nested data with selection checkboxes on the left column, should the checkboxes at parent and child level be aligned vertically in the case when the child rows ...
SoftEngi's user avatar
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Can check box and link be together? If not then what is the best UX to have on screen: icon or view more link?

In my screen,left side text is clickable. You can click on parent level and see their child after parent. Parent and child has text box to delete or bulk delete. I want to give capability to user that ...
Harshada Sambare's user avatar
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Best way to show nested tree-model data in HTML tables

I'm making a webapp, that will mostly be used on desktop, is not intended to be used in mobile (at least, the dashboard area) - so that's no problem for me... Let's say I have some data-model that is ...
alessadro's user avatar
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5 answers

Should plus move item in a tree structure up or down?

Let's say that user selected item in a tree structure component and hits +. We want to enable her to move items in this structure and we wonder: is it more idiomatic to move the item downwards or ...
Lukáš Lánský's user avatar