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Questions tagged [dashboard]

A dashboard is a design pattern or concept that focuses on the display of data in a clear and concise way to draw the user's attention to the most important information when making decisions. It usually consists of one or more modules containing information from a dataset arranged in a way to show their relationships to each other.

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2 answers

Breadcrumb and Page title for multiway accessible pages

I couldn't find a proper solution and need your advice. In my system, there are many pages that users can work on. A page can be accessible in three different ways. For example, we have a page called ...
Semir Yağkut's user avatar
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How best to guide a user on the flow of a complicated web app

I am in the process of designing a really complicated system and, true to form, beta users are having a hard time navigating it and figuring out what to do. They're not using the nav menu, the tabs ...
Beryl's user avatar
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4 answers

wrong UX design process?

I'm a new UI/UX designer at a company, and it's my first UX job. I could really use some advice on my design process. When I joined the team, they gave me a week-long task (trial-period) to work on a ...
Md Nazmul Hossain's user avatar
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User terminology - dashboard?

I'd like to ask you about the appropriate terminology. So, I'm preparing a Dashboard for clients, which will be a summary of their orders, invoices, requests, etc. - a classic stuff. I'm wondering ...
Przemas's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add a way to navigate to a main page

I have a dashboard and my goal is to add a way for users to interact with a chatbot from the dashboard to ask questions about their data. There are two ways to launch chatbot, one that keeps you on ...
Desiree's user avatar
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3 answers

Should an info banner close automatically on page refresh or only when the user actively closes it?

everyone! I'm designing a CRM dashboard where users can list items for sale. The process involves our internal team verifying the product and information before it's published online. To communicate ...
Mimy Polina's user avatar
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Organizing a large list of notifications in a block on the dashboard

We are working on a dashboard for a bank and it is turning out to be quite loaded with information. In one of the blocks we provide information about the client base (how many clients you currently ...
Liza's user avatar
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2 answers

Show menus that should be contained in each module

I am creating a system that has different modules that need to be shown (in my example: Payroll, Bonus, Loan, Severance, Annual Tax) that each have different processes but all of them (except Annual ...
Dolorosa's user avatar
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1 answer

What's a better way to differentiate row types on wide tables

Looking to improve the usability of the a claims dashboard for claims assessors. The users feedback was that they find it hard to visually differentiate each claim by panel type (row 1). i've fixed ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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2 answers

year-over-year bar chart years

I'm trying to mock up a dashboard widget with a bar chart comparing values in a rolling year-over-year timeframe. By it's nature, this chart will usually overlap three calendar years. Example: Year-...
turpentyne's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Bento Grid Trend: Interactive Dashboards [closed]

I am exploring the integration of the Bento Grid trend in interactive dashboards and seeking insights based on your experiences and knowledge. Background: The "bento box/grid" concept, ...
Alex Marcevoi's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Right way to show hours spent on project - with or without h:m

I'm currently involved in a project that focuses on tracking the time spent by team members on various projects. We are facing a dilemma regarding whether to include the 'h' notation in the 'Work ...
SynthExperience's user avatar
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How do we let users know if a dashboard shows the entities’ lifetime activity or activity during the selected date range? [closed]

I am currently designing a dashboard that displays data related to entities (e.g., campaigns, ads, ad groups). My challenge is to effectively communicate whether the data presented pertains to the ...
Daphna S's user avatar
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Research Dashboard: Empty State vs. Partial Data - What's the User-Friendly Approach?

I'm currently working on redesigning a research data dashboard. I'm facing a decision on how to handle the initial data load for a specific type of data that dates back couple of years. I have two ...
Wolfgang Criollo's user avatar
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Showing year on year data visually in a map

I am working on visualizing year-on-year data in a map. This data needs to be shown on the map, show what year the data was recorded in, and convey the frequency/total amount of records at a specific ...
Mitchell D's user avatar
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Placement of refresh cta

We have one widget wherein we need to place a refresh CTA on clicking will load new information on another item. In an ideal sceanrio Refresh should be placed at widget level which gives clear info ...
NB4's user avatar
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One group of filters applying to the whole page and another group to one section of dashboard, what should be hierarchy and positioning of filters?

I am working on a product that has an overview page - where users can find two sections statistics and a data table. At the top of the hierarchy, we display the date and 'partner' filters that apply ...
niccoloz's user avatar
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2 answers

Categories that have Questions, CRUD in one view feels chaotic

I've been thinking about this design for a while, and I couldn't find any good examples online, this is a system where there are Categories and Questions, and they are both translatable. So in my ...
Miguel Stevens's user avatar
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Multi-language system, which languages are mandatory when creating an item?

A company has an administrator (which uses the dashboard), a company also has employees. An administrator can create a set of Categories that have Questions, now I introduced translations into my ...
Miguel Stevens's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you display users that new information is available?

Let's say we have a bunch of tabs like this or with svg icons, how would you show that new information that weren't viewed are now available to the users? Would you highlight the tabs in some way? How ...
user avatar
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How do you attract the attention of a user if you want them to click a button, or look at an ui element like a checkbox?

Let's say you have a side panel that's a bit more complex than this, and you have a button called "Fill in with sample data", "Use recommended filters" or "Use AI-generated ...
user avatar
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Filter all the data - big data load

I'm creating a platform that has a lot of company data, around 200,000 companies with 1000 branches each, so it's a lot. When we load the platform we usually don't show anything until we have loaded ...
Flamur Krasniqi's user avatar
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How to display a bar chart for users' test scores if you have more than 50 users

For an admin panel I have to present visually the employees' test scores and after lots of searching to decide which data visualization is the best I decided to choose the vertical bar chart but as ...
Mahdis Atabaki's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Which of these is a better design approach for displaying this banner on a dashboard and why?

Which will be a better approach to display this banner on a dashboard? Option 1 Option 2
Emmanuel's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the best practices for designing a UI when the system state might also be changed by a secondary client?

I'm designing the frontend for a system (lots of text boxes for numeric entry, a couple of on/off switches). This isn't proving too tough, but I'm encountering some difficulty because there's also a ...
Tom H's user avatar
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3 answers

Visual way of showing presense of team

I'm designing an application that has some functionalities in it only for people who are managers and have one or multiple teams working for them (most of the time it will be 1 team). Now on this &...
Awesom-o's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the ideal font size to be used in dashboard?

I came across many websites that use 14px for the content in the dashboard and outside i.e Website's homepage tends to use a bigger font size. So the question is a) What is the ideal font size for the ...
NB4's user avatar
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Usage of colours differentiate urgency and nature for vital readings

Designing for a monitoring dashboard that alerts the safety officer if the following incidents that might occur to workers onsite. high heart rate low heart rate high environmental temp (may cause ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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Archiving. What are the best practices?

We are having a debate about a new feature we want to implement. Our system has a long list of items with five statuses (Public, staged, scheduled, draft, disabled). One of the users' main problems is ...
Deniz Erdal's user avatar
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3 answers

Using fixed placeholders vs hiding element

On a dashboard I'm displaying 'cards' representing operating statuses of factory machines (the data is retrieved from a database), management can use the dashboard section to identify the number of ...
edwardinchains's user avatar
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Best way to Display Responsive Tables on Small Breakpoints? [duplicate]

I have a web-based dashboard with several tables spanning 80% of the page width. Its a very typical responsive table design. A few columns (3-10), many rows (up to 100+), pagination, search filters ...
cgtk's user avatar
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3 answers

Should we implement a map feature or not? Building an analytics platform

We are building an analytics platform for our system, now focusing on introducing new metrics or reports. We wanted to introduce a map that shows visits to the websites of our Users. However, what we ...
Madzik's user avatar
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2 answers

"Analytics" vs "Stats"

I'm designing a dashboard for an e-commerce site. Inside it, there's a page where the store owner can see some data and charts about their sales, revenue, number of customers, etc. What's the best ...
Shahriar's user avatar
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How would you design a three stage bar chart drill down?

I'm designing a drill-down chart for management to analyze heat trends that are impacting their staff across multiple factories. The images show the intended flow in which they would be using the ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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Filters in dashboard

We have a dashboard with widgets across multiple entities. Each widget has its own filter, including filtering by release, sprint, milestone. We are working on adding a global filter, which would ...
Tal Blizowsky's user avatar
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How to show a large amount of values in a vertical bar chart

Designing a dashboard that includes a section with 70-80 temperature readings sorted from high to low. given the limited space in the screen, i can only a show a limited amount of them. My question is,...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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9 votes
10 answers

What's a better way to show number of staff at a location on a bar graph?

I'm designing a dashboard that captures temperature at multiple locations (L1-L5). At the same time, I want to show the amount of staff that have been in these locations. Right now I've indicated them ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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3 answers

Data visualisation usually shows progress, but I want to show what needs to be done instead

I'm having an issue regarding dashboard design. I'm designing an operational dashboard and for my users, they need to see what needs to be done instead of knowing how much they've done. For example, ...
Cassie Ho's user avatar
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1 answer

The best way to display multiple user emails in the dashboard?

Story: As a user I can add several emails to my account. As a manager I want to be able to display all emails assigned to the account I am looking for an idea how to display this assignment (I only ...
WitchKing's user avatar
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Representing multi layered data in dashboard

I am working on a new component for a B2B dashboard, and I am at an impasse trying to come up with an intuitive way to show this data, and would really appreciate your fresh perspectives. We have ...
Durara's user avatar
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How to ask users to confirm an item as True Positive or False Positive

I have an ML system which classifies a series of objects. These objects have a possible status X assigned by the system. This information is displayed on a dashboard table to users. An example output ...
cgtk's user avatar
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How to show student progress on a teacher dashboard?

I'm designing a dashboard for teachers to monitor the progress of their students. This screen can have 20 to 50 students and when the teacher selects a start date, I would like to show the difference ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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How to avoid performance issues in user-customizable dashboards by limiting in some way the amount of information being displayed

I work for a Product that allows users to create customs dashboards. They have the possibility to create 1-25 custom charts and the available chart types are indicators, columns, bars, area, pie, and ...
Elliot's user avatar
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How to show total as well as distributed total among categories

There is a total section on my dashboard and below that, a grid with all the list of data. As a total number of items and their total values need to show on top of the grid distributed among ...
CodeChanger's user avatar
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How to concisely represent a set of statistics on a dashboard?

I'm designing a dashboard for a web app representing statistics related to a quiz/test. I'm using visual aids like charts, icons and other cards displaying a small piece of information. Each such card ...
Amal K's user avatar
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Usability testing dashboard

I want to usability test the current dashboard before I start any designs to understand how current users are using it and what are their pain points. In the past when I have done such testing I have ...
Sam's user avatar
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Collapsible sidebar vs horizontal tabs

Our application is currently using tabs for its sub-navigation. The problem is, on some pages, there are more than 6 tabs; some of its labels are long, so we have had to shorten them. One idea I have ...
M Bo's user avatar
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Limit number of elements/boards on the premium account for performance reasons

I'm working on an app in which you can create an endless number of dashboards with (so far) an endless number of reports in them. Considering performance, we came up with the idea to limit the number ...
Madzik's user avatar
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2 answers

An alternative name for a Dashboard, with more functions?

We have an app that works in two separate pages. It involves sharing content and presenting information with other users. The secondary, optional (but highly recommended) page is called a dashboard. ...
Joe 12345's user avatar
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UX approaches for re-usable and configurable dashboards

Sorry for unclear post title, can't think of the succinct term which defines this problem. Any suggestions appreciated! I'm looking for some good examples of different approaches that applications ...
Dnaynay's user avatar
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