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Questions tagged [data]

Numerical or other information represented in a form suitable for processing by computer.

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234 votes
23 answers

How To Display Too Much Data

We're building a web-based platform where the main dashboard shows a table of data for users to view and analyze. As we're growing this tool, we seem to be adding more and more columns and are running ...
Jason's user avatar
  • 2,765
89 votes
11 answers

Why do some users complete forms all in capital letters?

I have noticed what seems to me as rather strange user behaviour when completing web forms. Our system is used by solicitors and will-writers to submit client information. Sometimes, certain users use ...
Rich Andrews's user avatar
46 votes
4 answers

Why show the user 'There are n updates since page load, refresh to see them' rather than adding new data

On a page which features a list of items (such as stack overflow questions or quora), the site often polls for data but instead of displaying that data it instructs the user to refresh the page to see ...
Tom's user avatar
  • 595
35 votes
7 answers

Cumulative percentage between 4 controls

I have a tricky request that requires the user being able to change the values across 4 vectors. The catch is that the four vectors between them must total 100%. My initial thought is to go with 4 ...
Mitch's user avatar
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33 votes
5 answers

When displaying statistics to a user, is it better to bold the data or the label?

The following picture shows some statistics. Here they bold the data, not the label. Which is better? Does it depend on the information being shown? What if you have a header on a report with some ...
richard's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

Best way to offer a large amount of selectable options (without using Javascript)?

I come from stackoverflow and have no answers for this one, so I turn to the UI guys for assistance. Let's say I have a library application that allows a user (librarian) to add a book to the ...
Joseph's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

When is an exception message too big?

I'm testing a web app that has a cumbersome exception message for attempting to add non-eligible invoices to a payment system, see the image below. The developer sees no issue with this but its ...
Mike D's user avatar
  • 241
23 votes
6 answers

What kind of chart is this?

This is not a donut chart.. not showing distribution here. These are different attributes contributing to the total score (in the middle) Another example: The thickness of the wedge is proportionate ...
essdeepee's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

How should I visualize the average of two bars in a bar chart?

I am presenting results from an experiment in an academic publication. Here is what the figure currently looks like: The gray bars are the averages of the red and the blue bars. Goals I want to show ...
Kilian Obermeier's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

When formatting numeric data with rounding, should the total line reflect the total of the rounded data, or the raw, unrounded data?

Consider this scenario: The rounded numbers add up to 195. But the rounded total would only be 193. So which total should you show when showing rounded numbers. The one that matches what is SHOWN (...
richard's user avatar
  • 3,264
21 votes
4 answers

How to handle conflicting updates of a customer record

We are developing a simple web based single-page CRM-like app. I was thinking about what happens when two operators are both editing the details of a customer "John Doe". On the server side we use a ...
MattUI's user avatar
  • 211
18 votes
4 answers

Is there a more legible way to present tabular data?

I have some tabular data I'm displaying to users. It's not a lot of data, but I'm wondering if there is a more legible way to display it? Right now the data looks like this: Is there a better way ...
mint's user avatar
  • 367
17 votes
5 answers

Extra wide tables best practices

I have a table with large (25+) amount of columns in it. Right now it looks very complex and has a horizontal scroll. I want to make it more useful for the users. One solution is to group columns by ...
Serhiy Baryshniev's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Best way to represent null and empty data in an excel file

We have an application that allows users to design their own forms and export the data to excel. One problem is the representation of null or empty data. There are two scenarios that we need to ...
Cory's user avatar
  • 273
16 votes
5 answers

What are the UI/UX guidelines for data heavy modern style Windows apps?

I'm working on an application that uses the Windows "modern" design language (née Metro). The app involves a lot of data entry and manipulation. Think of something like you might do with MS Access - ...
Erick T's user avatar
  • 263
15 votes
8 answers

Best empty string

What is best way to represent empty value inside table of rows with some optional columns? '', empty, N/A, -, -------- (number of allowed chars), any other advice?
Kamil Tomšík's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Tufte's data density, readability and comparison

I'm intrigued by Tufte's data density. While I love his definition of data / ink ratio which can be easily measured, I have hard time measuring data density. He defines data density in a graphic as a ...
Kraken's user avatar
  • 393
14 votes
8 answers

Greater Than > or Plus +

I want to convey a requirement that has a minimum but no maximum to my users. For instance 8. Which is more understandable? Participants: >8 or Participants: 8+ ? From layouts point of view >8 is ...
Moe Sweet's user avatar
  • 243
14 votes
4 answers

A/B testing - client wanted the test run 70/30

We recently ran an A/B test for a new sidebar in a checkout flow. New variant 70% of traffic, old 30% of traffic. We tried to get client to run at 50/50 but they were sure our version was an ...
Ellouise's user avatar
  • 141
14 votes
1 answer

When to save data?

When should I save data in an business application? We have a lot of applications and currently they have not all the same behavior. I am not very experienced with UX and would like to know when I ...
Daniel Bişar's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

How to present weighted values

I have a formula which is used to calculate certain scores. The formula has some parameters (shown in the image below) including a Weight parameter that is changed dynamically (the rest of the inputs ...
Zoltan Veres's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

For death year, should I use N/A or --- if person still alive?

I am making an app that displays detailed information of all U.S. presidents. For each president, you can view data such as the year the president was born and died. George Washington ...
Tot Zam's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

graph exploration and data overload

I love to visualize huge graphs (this is a hobby: ). One problem however that keeps me awake at night, is data overload in such graphs. If I render all connections inside ...
Anvaka's user avatar
  • 221
11 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to show the user large amounts of data?

I am working on an application with a team that has roughly 2 years of data. This data is shown through multiple visualization methods. Part of the application is a settings panel, which lets the user ...
BDD's user avatar
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10 votes
11 answers

Showing which direction a value should go towards

I have an interesting UI challenge. I have a ratio that I am showing in two ways: one using a percentage surrounded by a circumference pie chart, and the other showing a status bar. In some cases a ...
Noranda Brown's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

What is the best way to graphically display item's position in a ranking?

My app has a table containing a list of financial securities. One of the columns is the security's position in a list of all available securities ranked by performance. For example: security XYZ is ...
Luciano's user avatar
  • 201
10 votes
6 answers

Best way to display large amounts of user data on a single page?

I've been searching around for some related posts, but I haven't really found anything that has been a lot of help. I've found a few posts that might help generate some ideas. Here is what I'm ...
rohicks's user avatar
  • 470
10 votes
3 answers

List of checkboxes or multi-value select box

Currently in our application we have multiple lists of checkboxes. These lists comprise of random attributes related to a company. Each company will only perform a couple of these attributes and it is ...
Jason Frade's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How Many Tabs are Too Many?

The mockup below, has a screenshot of a software I stumbled upon last week. It grabbed my attention that it presented information in the following way. It had Many Interface Level tabs, inside those, ...
edgarator's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to load long-time-taking content?

We have a page that takes very long to load (approx. 15 seconds, might be even more for some clients) as the data it generates is heavy and slow. While we are trying to directly speed it up, 15 is ...
casraf's user avatar
  • 228
9 votes
3 answers

Design pattern for merging duplicate contacts?

Have you seen any good examples of applications (web or desktop) that make it easy for a user to identify and merge duplicate contacts or other records? We need our users to manually approve the merge ...
Simon's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes
1 answer

How to handle out-of-range data in a realtime plot?

Background I am working on real-time data acquisition and visualization software for a scientific measurement device. The software gathers data from the device, and plots the data in real time. Data ...
Steven T. Snyder's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Data display for hierarchical data

I have various collections of entities that can be associated at various levels, varying in depth as well. Would the best approach be to use a treeview? If I cannot use a treeview could I create the ...
fr3dr1k8009's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to create an eye-catching display of numeric values in a web page?

I am going to design a management level monitoring page for displaying some sums and counts. No interaction is allowed and it will be used as a monitoring page on a big LCD in the managers view. The ...
Farshid Zaker's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Necessity of y-axis label on a line graph?

I'm currently designing a line graph to provide a relative, "quick-glance" view of data trends, rather than the granular stock-market-style view. There will only be one trend line. Currently each of ...
ewittke's user avatar
  • 642
8 votes
5 answers

Best way to organize data gathered during research?

What is the best and most scientific way to organize all the qualtative data gathered during research? I think this is important because with easy to understand research and data, it will be difficult ...
ih123's user avatar
  • 601
8 votes
6 answers

Design pattern to display missing data in line/bar chart of a daily data feed

I am displaying a daily data feed in my app, i.e. one value per day. The data is displayed in either a bar or line chart. In the event that a data point is missing on a given day, I want to indicate ...
ted.strauss's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Most readable way to display key value pairs

I am designing an app which has lots of data on any given screen, I've search Google and UX stack exchange and can't seem to find anything (perhaps I'm phrasing my search term wrong). Is there any ...
Jon Kyte's user avatar
  • 297
8 votes
2 answers

Ratio of search vs. browse on consumer web sites

Where can one find referenceable stats or industry research which highlights the percentage of users who search vs. browse on consumer web sites. Are there any known studies in this area?
jaxxon's user avatar
  • 265
8 votes
2 answers

How to best display a table of data with sub items?

We have a web application where we show lots of data in "datasheets". As part of this, some data values can have other values associated with them. To make it more complicated, every item can have ...
adrianbanks's user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

How to encourage the use of actual content (instead of lorem ipsum) in design?

Without getting into the debate about whether lorem ipsum is useful for not in design, this question is about how to discourage people from using irrelevant text in design because when actual and ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Data listed horizontally or vertically?

I am currently building a data entry application and a lot of our data is contained in Div's on a page. Right now all of our data is listed horizontally because I feel that it is more readable and is ...
Jason Frade's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Should filtering of data have an effect on the filter criteria as well?

My quesion is about filtering of data in a Windows desktop application. I have a large amount of data coming from a database (> 900.000 records). The records are shown in a classic listcontrol (rows ...
Bart Gijssens's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Best way to display graphs and data visualization of multiple variables and complex data in mobile?

I'm struggling with some data visualization for a mental health app. This app evaluates different mental states (lack of pleasure, sadness, focus, Nervousness) via a questionnaire. The questionnaire ...
Daniel Vianna's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Interesting visualizations for a personnel in-out control

I have a database with the data of all the company personnel in and out through several facilities (All people must put their fingerprint in the scanner to open doors) I'm looking for interesting way ...
Eduardo Molteni's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Mobile App: Data Update Notification

I have a mobile app that displays simple data for a large set of items. The entire database is downloaded to the device (<5MB) on first run but requires updates in between source code updates. ...
Joe Masilotti's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Would having a generic waveform be too confusing for users?

I'm currently working on a redesign of an online radio. It does not have a lot of content, so I decided to make the player the dominant element of the home page. I would like the design itself to be ...
Cracker's user avatar
  • 63
6 votes
5 answers

how to explain logarithmic scale to a non-techie user

In the product we sell, we show comparisons between websites on a number of metrics. Some of those metrics are best displayed with linear graphs, some are best displayed with logarithmic graphs. As ...
Dan Dunn's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

Is it good UX to right align numerical data in a text field when editing?

I understand it's a necessity when it comes to viewing data in a table or a list that numeric values should be righ aligned. but when it comes to editing the values in a text field, should it be same? ...
thusithak's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Examples of nice looking html tables [closed]

All tables on my app look like sh*t, it's making me lose hair, I've been trying to make them look better but I end up making them look worse, do you have any examples of nice looking tables? ...
ryudice's user avatar
  • 173

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