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4 votes
2 answers

How to make a wall of unicode symbols useful?

I am having fun playing around making a dictionary app, one part of which is adding pages teaching about scripts. One script page is on Tibetan consonants. I am trying to keep every page extremely ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

7 fixed columns with horizontal scroll in complex data table

I have been trying to define the UX of a complex data table that needs to have the first 6-7 columns fixed followed by infinite weekly data columns. The weekly data columns need to have a horizontal ...
Nisha Changrani's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Encouraging users to 'group' very large data sets

We have a product that requires users to import large data sets (100+ rows) and then 'group' those datasets into buckets within the product. This is part of the set-up process so that they can start ...
jacklawley's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Filter by values not present on the table

Is it OK to offer filters whose values are not present in the table? For example, I have a table of industrial shipments. I know some users may want to filter by driver, but I don't have room in the ...
Danielst's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Display accessibility reports in a concise way

The following is meant to be full screen on a website like a dashboard. I have accessibility reports for different webpages. Which gives accessibility scores and mark them as critical or serious and ...
kar's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Fitting two tables in 1280 viewport

well I work on complex SaaS which has two tables currently. Pretty much when you select one row in first table second one loads data (it's like software for restaurants/coffee shops etc.). Currently ...
Paco's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How do you differentiate between '0' and 'no data' on a graph?

I am working on platform that shows data on a graph over a period of weeks. Right now, weeks with no data and weeks when there is data but the property is 0 are shown visually the same. On hover, it's ...
Michelle Walstra's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Dealing with non-fluid data tables

I have pages consisting of mainly data tables. So far I'm using a fluid design with Bootstrap's rows/cols. Here is an example: As you can see at the bottom of the page, table 1 has very wide columns ...
user3262284's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Refresh button in addition to 60 second auto refresh?

This may be an obvious question (I'm hoping so, since I'm new to this), but I haven't found an overall rule of thumb for this online or in this forum. In a data table for large data sets, the auto ...
MPC's user avatar
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1 answer

Using 2 side-by-side tables to display a long list of key-value pairs?

I've a list with 20+ key-value pairs that I need to display in my app. The data is static and cannot be edited. I'm using a table, currently it looks like this: keyA valueA keyB valueB keyC valueC ...
Simon Tran's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to best display the contents of a flat JSON file

I'm designing a web app that can import a custom JSON file. The file is completely flattened, meaning every value is only a single layer deep. The user is importing data into the app. The data comes ...
Simon Tran's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to motivate users to archive/delete to improve the performance of the system?

Users on our platform can create lists of groups that have unique items. The number of items in these lists can reach millions. Over time users have created hundreds of these lists to use in various ...
Deniz Erdal's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Input data in data tables

I have to design a data table which is going to be 288 rows and 15 in size. I want to make it easy for users to input data efficiently. The data covers an entire day, in 5 minutes intervals, i.e. (...
Madhuri UX's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to describe two variables in a heatmap?

I need to describe distribution of showtimes across day-hours and their occupancy. Showtimes distribution across day-hours can be described using a simple heatmap/ table, e.g. Here each times-cell ...
Gajus's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Displaying Table inside Table

We have table setup like below. Before you click the plus table looks like Once you click on the plus next to any row, it opens up like this So as you can imagine if the user opens up too many ...
Extelliqent's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Desktop only: Display multiple one-row tables

I couldn't find a fitting solution to that so I am asking for your guys opinions - what is the best way to display multiple one-row tables? Since there is a lot of other information behind each row, ...
GConscience's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Appropriate UI pattern for Expandable List Item in Data table?

I'm currently looking to find a solution for expanding a list item in a data table to display more information. One of the best solutions I've found thus far is done on reddit (see screenshot). Any ...
zakcreate's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

In a Diagnostics Report, should we prioritize data we think the user should care about more?

I am currently working on a diagnostics report that will output a green string of text if the test passed and a red string of text if it failed. However, the user is only ever going to be running ...
fwr nr's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Complex filtering

I have a data table that needs complex filtering. It is that kind of interrogation that needs "GROUP BY any-of-the-column" "WHERE any-of-the-column = value" "SORT BY any-of-the-column". I know ...
Madalina Taina's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Time Series with Multiple Attributes for Each Year

We need to represent a time series of data. The problem is each item has multiple attributes that go along the time series. In essence, it's something like this - a long time series for 100+ items. ...
Mike Borozdin's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Most readable way to display key value pairs

I am designing an app which has lots of data on any given screen, I've search Google and UX stack exchange and can't seem to find anything (perhaps I'm phrasing my search term wrong). Is there any ...
Jon Kyte's user avatar
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1 answer

Data table or li for mobile app

So I am having a hard time figuring out if I should use a data table or just list items for an mobile app I am making. The information is going to be accounts listed by name then have their year to ...
Packy's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Filtering in Datatables

Currently, we are having issues with filters on our datagrids and the space they take in the screen. I think the way they are used right now they take a lot of space that's not needed. I would ...
Dennis Wijkmans's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What to do with high amounts of results (data)

For a future implementation in our software we are facing the issue of large amounts of data. The main question in this situation is that how do we handle and display the data. because the data also ...
Dennis Wijkmans's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Expand truncated table cell content on hover

I'm working on a project using Google's Material Design and am running into an issue where we need to truncate table cell content. There is a spec for truncating table headers and showing the full ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Best way to display data from different categories in a single table?

I am currently trying to figure out the best way to display filterable leaderboard-like data in my web application. The app functions as a type of online-voting competition. When people sign up with ...
wntrmt's user avatar
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1 answer

What to display in a table when there is no content?

What is the best approach to tell the user that the app doesn't have anything to display at the moment? In most cases the table does have content (2 columns), but for times when there isn't any, I ...
ZiRo's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Indented row headers

We have a screen layout where we have several columns to display. The problem is - you guessed it - real estate - to be able to fit all columns. This is for desktop, tablet and mobile screens. One of ...
Neil Mazumder's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Two possible list designs: How to depict per-item actions?

I am working on designing an inventory management system. I feel one design is closer to optimal but I need a sanity check on this. I won't say which is mine and which is not. The debate is whether ...
JClaussFTW's user avatar
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Representing both large and small quantities of task based data

I have a task to re-create a chaser page in our existing task-based application. The product is a SAAS product. Some customers may have 5-20 tasks which require chasing on a weekly/monthly basis. ...
Dan's user avatar
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1 answer

Summarising grouped data in a data table

I'm working on a financial app and we're getting mixed feedback from users as to how we've displayed the summary for groups in data tables. We've data tables which are, say for example, shopping lists ...
Neelesh Sonawane's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What kind actions could be open to Bulk Editing in a Data Grid?

For a Data Table with Bulk Actions enabled, we will have 2 types of Data: Single Select Eg. Enable/Disable, etc., Multi-Select Eg. User access to multiple accounts. (refer image below) So, my ...
ChetanShridhar's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Best Type of Chart for Numbers inside Matrix?

I have a matrix that looks like the following, and I want to make a chart out of it because the numbers are just too much to look at. What is the easiest way to digest this information? We are trying ...
Jay West's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Cognitive strain by reading data in tables?

I would like to know if there is a study made about the cognitive strain that there is (or isnt) on reading dataheavy tables. I know there is a lot of help out there for how to make tables easier to ...
klara's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

How to effectively point users to a text that has 'more info' attached to it?

I need a simple and effective way by which I can let my users know that a particular column in a table has more information attached to it when you hover over it. It is not a link, just text (a number ...
Sanket Pai's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

At what point does the amount of data presented on a table become too much?

The engineers I have worked with at various companies seem to be of one mind, in that they believe it's most useful to their clients if every field available in a given dataset is displayed in a ...
Eddie Prislac's user avatar
1 vote
7 answers

Possible functions for a column in a grid, list or table

I'm working on a portfolio management system at an investment company, which will include a list of stocks held and their attributes such as name, issuer, market price, value etc. These will be listed ...
James's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Charts or Tables

I have been working on a dashboard where a chart and a table are requested. However, both would contain the same data. For instance, it is required that a country map is shown, with the values of ...
Hrishikesh -Rishi- Choudhari's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Best practice for displaying no of records on datagrid

I am designing a banking application where i have a record count of over 1000 rows. I wanted to understand the ideal design patterns for pagination and displaying rows on a data grid. I am ...
Ravi's user avatar
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234 votes
23 answers

How To Display Too Much Data

We're building a web-based platform where the main dashboard shows a table of data for users to view and analyze. As we're growing this tool, we seem to be adding more and more columns and are running ...
Jason's user avatar
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