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1 answer

Is a data download a viable text-alternative to a visual chart?

I have a dashboard with various different at-a-glance charts. For some of them (such as pie charts) it's simple to offer a toggle / alternative view to change from chart to table view, but for more ...
JonW's user avatar
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1 answer

How to display a bar chart for users' test scores if you have more than 50 users

For an admin panel I have to present visually the employees' test scores and after lots of searching to decide which data visualization is the best I decided to choose the vertical bar chart but as ...
Mahdis Atabaki's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you compare two trends on the same chart when one metric higher = positive, second metric higher = negative?

So we have two metrics that could potentially go on the same chart because they are semi-related and the user will want to compare them. However, when the first metric has a higher percentage, it is ...
Megs's user avatar
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2 answers

Line chart - do you add a legend to one variable data visualisation?

I started to consider what's the best practice for one-variable data visualization? Shall the legend be included in this case or not? What's important the component headliner indicates what's data ...
Lorelei Heckmann's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

How should I visualize the average of two bars in a bar chart?

I am presenting results from an experiment in an academic publication. Here is what the figure currently looks like: The gray bars are the averages of the red and the blue bars. Goals I want to show ...
Kilian Obermeier's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it okay to use different thickness in a line graph?

Can we use different line thicknesses in a line chart to make a line prominent and easier to catch? The goal is to make one of the lines stand out from the rest (say average traffic). This chart may ...
essdeepee's user avatar
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6 answers

What kind of chart is this?

This is not a donut chart.. not showing distribution here. These are different attributes contributing to the total score (in the middle) Another example: The thickness of the wedge is proportionate ...
essdeepee's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Ways to indicate a series is selected on a line chart

I have a program that displays a dense collection of line series. I can select series from a tree view to the left of the chart. My issue is I need an elegant way to show the user which line series ...
Loocid's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How to represent quantity in an X / Y axis grid without taking too much space?

We have a graph that displays the symptoms (y axis) and the ages of people who have them (x axis). The bigger the circle, means more people of the same age range share the same symptoms. Example of ...
catandmouse's user avatar
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3 answers

Word to describe adding an independent variable to a chart

Consider the following chart. The word "series" is used to describe something unique about the data such as the city. There is also something common to each series curve such as the month ...
user1032531's user avatar
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2 answers

What data visualization fit my Air pollution app

I have created an app that measures 7 Air pollution parameters (like dust, and car pollution, etc...) and combine the results in to the final pollution level: this is the app description and here is a ...
Eran Bar's user avatar
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3 answers

Design for a scatter plot graph

I am designing a data vis platform and there are two primary form factors of the graphs, large and small. In designing these graphs, I'm trying to avoid the terminal ugliness of most platforms while ...
JClaussFTW's user avatar
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1 answer

Shaded line graphs: Good or bad?

I've been staring at this design for way too long and I need an outside view. These are not stacked line graphs (a no-no in data vis) but two graphs occupying the same space. Does the shaded area ...
JClaussFTW's user avatar
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Ideal visualization for popular book pages [closed]

Curious for some input regarding the ideal visualization for the most popular pages in a book. We have a data set that shows traffic (hits, essentially). The use case is this: We're tracking songs ...
Killnine's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

Design pattern to display missing data in line/bar chart of a daily data feed

I am displaying a daily data feed in my app, i.e. one value per day. The data is displayed in either a bar or line chart. In the event that a data point is missing on a given day, I want to indicate ...
ted.strauss's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Best Type of Chart for Numbers inside Matrix?

I have a matrix that looks like the following, and I want to make a chart out of it because the numbers are just too much to look at. What is the easiest way to digest this information? We are trying ...
Jay West's user avatar
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1 answer

Which D3JS data chart is most similar to a scheduler?

I realize this is a borderline SO question. I am trying to figure out which of the examples on D3JS most closely resembles a scheduler or Gantt chart so I can use it in our app. I think bullet ...
Danger14's user avatar
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Improving data usability

I'm working on a new version of a data analysis for robotics competitions. Among other things, I'd like to make it easier to view complex match statistics that are collected on each robot. Currently ...
superlizardmo's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

how to illustrate dependence of time of day?

I need to demonstrate that move people spend more time checking their e-mail at certain times of day than others. So I created this chart: I thought it was this was apparent, but it proved too much ...
john mangual's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Dashboard for displaying widgets with lots of similar output

I am trying to create a dashboard to be displayed in an office on a TV screen which allows staff to quickly see relevant statistics. For each statistic it needs to show the current value as well as a ...
bhttoan's user avatar
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6 answers

Hide or display a chart while its updating

I am working on a chart application and the user changes options many times to update the chart. Sometimes the updating may take few second. (A) Should I hide it to avoid any misunderstanding about ...
Renaud's user avatar
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1 answer

Why do histograms not have spaces in between bars (as opposed to a bar graph)?

Lets say one wants a histogram . Say how many trades for a stock occurred on that day. And they are dead set on a histogram/bar graph. (as opposed to other representations why are histograms ...
Frank Visaggio's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Necessity of y-axis label on a line graph?

I'm currently designing a line graph to provide a relative, "quick-glance" view of data trends, rather than the granular stock-market-style view. There will only be one trend line. Currently each of ...
ewittke's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Data visualization - Choosing the right chart

I have a survey with about 30+ questions which are related to pregnancy and nutrition during pregnancy. Now I need to decide how to show results for each question, basically which type of chart to use ...
Prasad Perera's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Charts or Tables

I have been working on a dashboard where a chart and a table are requested. However, both would contain the same data. For instance, it is required that a country map is shown, with the values of ...
Hrishikesh -Rishi- Choudhari's user avatar