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Questions tagged [user-expectation]

The attitude that the user develops as a result of previous experience with similar products/service or previous experience with the product/service in question that evolves over time. Tag must be used only when there's a change or shift in an otherwise common user expectation.

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2 votes
1 answer

Delivering updates: Separate beta channel or staged rollouts?

Let's say I have a program with an automatic-updating feature. When I'm shipping a new update, I can do either of the following (or both): Provide a beta channel for advanced users to test the latest ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 517
9 votes
4 answers

What to call a page that covers the Sign In / Sign Up aspect of user accounts?

I would like to make a page that covers creating a user account / signing into a user account. I have researched this before and found out that sign in / out / up is generally a better term to use ...
Craig van Tonder's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

Is the use of hamburger button in Google material design an example of a bad user experience?

I have constantly found numerous issues with hamburger button, like: People tend to show a lot of options with them. It takes at least twice as many taps to change sections. Hamburger button is also ...
steve's user avatar
  • 184
5 votes
1 answer

How to indicate a control's value is pending submission

In the application that I'm currently working on, the user is allowed to make changes to a subset of data from an external data source. Changes are made using basic or custom controls such as Toggle ...
deloreyk's user avatar
  • 151
1 vote
2 answers

Is "Get Adobe Acrobat" still necessary for business websites?

First off I think its important to say this is a business to business website that isn't web / techy related. It's a manufacturing company selling to blue collared contractors. On our existing site ...
Ryan's user avatar
  • 217
0 votes
1 answer

Should a document viewer app show the document name?

To save screen space, I decided to not display the document name in my document viewer screen. So only the standard action bar (with the app name) is shown above the document. Would it be better ...
mjn's user avatar
  • 103
1 vote
1 answer

How to highlight the concept of degree of separation?

I own an application aiming to organize meetings between users that may know each other. For instance, Bob creates a meeting, and Alice then notices it. Alice expects the application to inform her ...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
7 votes
4 answers

How to force user to select a location and not simply type it?

Let's suppose this simple form: So, the user is expected to enter the keywords of the meeting's full address. While typing, suggestions are displayed (autocomplete feature). Here's an example: ...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
3 votes
1 answer

Do users like/read changelogs("What's new" dialogs)?

When I update my app(with bug fixes, new features, removed features etc), I present the user with a dialog like this: Does the user actually read it? Will they find the dialog annoying? Will the user ...
tom91136's user avatar
  • 893
2 votes
1 answer

Where should I place the "Actions" button?

I'm building an iOS application aiming to let user create meetings and wait for some participants. Basically, when the user is on the meetings list page, he can click to open a specific one. ...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
0 votes
1 answer

Displaying variable Prices in a Shop Menu

I am redesigning a shopping experience for food delivery, and I have come across this situation where I want to display the price of an item inside the menu, but Price may vary depending on specific ...
protogeridis's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Password recovery and user expectations

I am in a dilema, currently designing a login screen, to recover their passwords users will be relying exclusively on (SMS). Is it worth setting users expectation to the type of recovery mechanism ...
Okavango's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Which page should I redirect to after item edit/creation?

Let's suppose a mobile app aiming to show "all" items, "my" items, and create some items. The important thing is that an item I create should appear to both "All" and "My". When I click on "...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
6 votes
2 answers

How to end a polyline drawing

I am implementing a polyline drawing tool in a software for commenting over videos frames. By polyline I am referring to connected segments forming an open shape. The usual experience is that the ...
Joan Charmant's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

Why does the caps lock key have a down arrow as its icon?

The caps lock key has a downwards arrow like this as its icon on most keyboards: Isn't that hugely counter intuitive and inconsistent with the way the Shift key is designed like? One would imagine ...
iFreilicht's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Full Search vs Column Search

I'm working on building a new application for a company. This company works with a lot of data, and as a result, their application requires them to work with numerous tables/grids. In there current ...
Mark's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Examples of products that have 2 areas / sets of login details

Take the scenario of a Point of Sale system, like Square. There is a 'hub' account that is logged in all day from the tablet, that all employees use to make transactions. Every employee then also ...
Angela Smith's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

Login and Register in one form

We have been seeing more sites following this UX enhancement: where login form actively checks for registered username/email, if a user entered an unknown email/name, then the form inputs are updated ...
bitinn's user avatar
  • 371
1 vote
2 answers

Is accuracy of terminology important in localized situations

I am in a situation where we have been told our users do not understand the word 'filter' and we have to use the word 'search' instead. The functions, though, literally are filters by definition: ...
Damon's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Filtering by distance based on an address as reference

Being aware that HTML geolocation API does not work on every browser without using Wi-Fi, I'm trying to use an alternative more accurate to present nearest items from the user location. I'd ...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
1 vote
2 answers

Responsive Design / What is an appropriate web component to choose a distance regarding user's geolocation?

I own a responsive web application. I want to let user filter results (supposing a page listing some data) based on his geolocation and a chosen limit. For instance, Bob wants to see all meetings ...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
0 votes
1 answer

Responsive Design / Is it a good UX for a multi-step form?

I've got a responsive web app that displays a multi-step. There are 4 steps: What?, Where?, When?, With?, that are indicated on each step to let user know the progress. For instance, here's what it ...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
4 votes
3 answers

Top-down hamburger menu / is it a cool experience regarding my application?

I own an application managing some meetings (conceptual example). Of course, my website is responsive so that it's fully usable on mobile devices. Before showing some screenshots of my navigation ...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
0 votes
2 answers

How to improve the UX of this filter area?

Let's suppose an application that manage meetings between employees of various companies. A meetings list is shown to any logged employee, and this one may mark himself as a participant if he's ...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
43 votes
4 answers

Should I empty the wrongly filled fields or leave as user has filled after validation message?

In our mobile applications (intended for Android and iOS platforms), we have fields that should be filled by users. If the user fills the field not in required format what should I do show the ...
saakian's user avatar
  • 633
3 votes
4 answers

Asking users to sign in when already logged in

This is a rather confusing user interface element: The presence of my name indicates to me that I am logged in The presence of the "Sign in" link indicates to me that I am logged out eBay isn't the ...
rink.attendant.6's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Displaying user skills with pie chart (in percentage)

I have seen various job templates where users have shown concepts to show skills in a percentage value or pie charts. Below are some examples of that: Source: Source: Source: Is this really a ...
Zerotoinfinity's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Fitting in the "call me" button

Going by usage, buttons should be place either close to the subject where it refers to (like the close to the phonenumber) or close to a place where the thumb will be comfortable to use. The screen ...
Siddharth's user avatar
  • 513
0 votes
2 answers

Best color to represent a price decrease or sale? [closed]

I work for a startup in the world of price tracking across multiple retailers. There's an internal debate at the company about color choices that represent a price that has dropped on a product. ...
Josh's user avatar
  • 1
0 votes
3 answers

UX to collect multiple forms in mobile application

In the current mobile web Application I am working with, there are multiple forms to be collected from users (10 forms) and each form looks similar to that in the image below What is the best UX for ...
user894795's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Dealing with street for a perfect CRM software [closed]

We are planning to build a CRM software for SMBs. CRM will be on cloud and intended to publish as SaaS. I am responsible from analyzing task. And I do not want to make a sedentary analyzing for our ...
latefreak's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to better represent this multi selection?

Suppose a web application showing a form where user is expected to specify the friends he wants to share with (conceptual example): User can select either: No friends at all (no sharing) within 0km-...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
0 votes
2 answers

Source of user contacts for app

I'm making a mobile app similar in functionality with Whatsapp where the user will have to select and contact acquaintances (friends, family, co-workers name it) so I'm just wondering if it's ...
Romeo Mihalcea's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Staying current with many enterprise applications in the portfolio

Our organization has 6 applications that our end-users interact with on a daily basis. Each application is developed by a separate team and lives in their own solution files. We've made an effort in ...
user52330's user avatar
  • 455
0 votes
1 answer

Layout for assigned roles to users and organizations and managing those users

I am building layouts for a public-facing site that requires the user to fill in multiple pages of information to apply for a license. Think in terms of someone applying to hold an event on public ...
Marcus's user avatar
  • 103
1 vote
1 answer

Order of user operations when creating a graphical chart

I'm writing a piece of software that involves users creating graphical charts. After they select the data they want (time period, location, etc.) what order should the next operations below take place?...
ryand's user avatar
  • 111
0 votes
2 answers

How to represent this notion of "favored" participant?

I'm introducing the concept : Suppose a webapp aiming to suggest some meetings to targeted people so that they can participate to at least one of them. So there's a page listing the items and a page ...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
1 vote
1 answer

Is my needfinding observation plan methodologically sound?

I was wondering if you could help me conduct a proper needfinding observation. Mostly, do you see any methodological errors in my observation plan or survey questions? Does my plan maximize the ...
user51843's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

A good way to manage notifications read/unread in my social network

I'm building a social network that triggers some notifications to the user regarding friends' comments, similar to Facebook notifications. The notification simply serves as an alert, meaning that it'...
Mik378's user avatar
  • 570
0 votes
2 answers

Why do we see often outlines of scientific/technical presentation in slides?

Outlines of a presentation is normally given in the second slide of a presentation. Why do we often see outlines of scientific presentation in slides? Is there more to it rather than delivering ...
ikel's user avatar
  • 165
4 votes
3 answers

specific vs generic error messages

So in this site we have an array of error messages. In the case something goes wrong, we pick the specific error message show it to the user. There are many instances where the error should occur only ...
open_sourse's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to handle when necessary conditions for application to function are not met?

I have created a location-based app, with its core functionality being location. It is not a maps type application, it also relies on the internet. Right now my current way of handling when the user ...
Milo's user avatar
  • 320
2 votes
1 answer

How do I politely ask the user to refresh after concurrent editing has occurred?

I know this situation is not ideal but cannot be avoided. I have a website database system where a user can choose from a list and display information, edit it and then save it. During the time a ...
user8082's user avatar
  • 345
2 votes
1 answer

Best practice to show transaction history?

I am working on the redesign of a transaction history page. Existing design uses expandable data table to show the history of each item. the data set comprises over 8 attributes including the status ...
Okavango's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Closed vs Open user community

I am working a blog like site (with a specific niche) where users can come and makes posts. I have been thinking about whether to make the site open, closed or semi-closed. Here are my thoughts: In ...
open_sourse's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Navigation / Information Architecture

In the application I am designing, I have 4 entities, customers, contact, employees and organizations. Each of these entities has their own profile. Within each of their profile's there is an ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Should I have both username and email for registration/sign up?

I am working on a blog like site where the user can register and write stuff. I want to keep a minimalist registration/sign up process. I am thinking I will use email/password for signup/registration....
open_sourse's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Show "Log In" or "Sign up" after adding items to a cart for an e commerce site?

I'm working on an e-commerce site and I would like to know after the user has added one or more items to his cart and is not logged in he will be directed to a page. Will this page be the "login page" ...
Jezza's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Card results or list results for mobile web app

I want to know which approach to show results is the better one. The web-app shows roughly 10-20 results, and I want to know if it is better when the user sees these results in a normal list-view (...
John Brunner's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Usability and effectiveness of using a safety net to create a secure experience for the user

While going through the tutorial for Optimal Sort I saw this interesting message: Microsoft OneNote and Google Docs don't have save options, but Google Docs prompt users when changes are saved. It ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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