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Questions tagged [user-expectation]

The attitude that the user develops as a result of previous experience with similar products/service or previous experience with the product/service in question that evolves over time. Tag must be used only when there's a change or shift in an otherwise common user expectation.

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111 votes
9 answers

Use up or down arrow to represent "sort ascending" at table header

To represent "sort ascending" (a -> b -> c -> ...) , my first sense told me that, I should use ↓ to represent it. This is because if I lay my data a b c It seems like thing is moving naturally ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
104 votes
6 answers

What is the use of Google’s "Google Search" Button?

I'm sure whenever we used to type a keyword in the search bar of Google, the Google changes its search bar UI and the search button become useless in the home page.
Pradeep's user avatar
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89 votes
5 answers

Why do most microwaves open from the right to the left?

Why do all of the microwaves that are used in our houses opening from the right side to left side? I've never seen any that do the opposite. I called LG company and asked them why and I got an answer ...
Krebto's user avatar
  • 1,964
87 votes
15 answers

How to make text look *not* clickable

Problem: I am currently building a textbook exchange website as pictured below. During beta testing users kept trying to click the three snippets of text under the logo ("6 books listed," &...
JosephSlote's user avatar
86 votes
14 answers

Should you concede to user demands that seem clearly inferior?

Currently working on a ground-up (not just the UI) reimplementation of a whole, existing system. Because it's internal we've been able to work with its existing users during the process, and get their ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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82 votes
12 answers

Should I redirect the user if there's only one search result, or still show the results list?

If a search results in only one item on the search results page, should I save the user’s time by immediately redirecting him/her to the searched item, or let the user see the list before moving on? ...
Zaenille's user avatar
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81 votes
14 answers

Make people understand they can click on a button in a flat design

I'm creating a flat-ish responsive website, which basically is an online résumé. I'm displaying skills (but it could be whatever) in a grid system. Each skill is clickable, to display some ...
pistou's user avatar
  • 913
79 votes
12 answers

Are people sick of logins?

If you have a website where users 90% of time only read and view content, but rarely post, like a blog, does it make sense to force a login? If I force the user to login to view some information, ...
Luka's user avatar
  • 915
77 votes
10 answers

Why is sugar not in a shaker?

At most restaurants that I've seen, the middle of the table is set up with: One salt shaker One pepper shaker A small dish of a few sugar packets Why isn't sugar put in a shaker like salt and pepper ...
SirPython's user avatar
  • 921
77 votes
10 answers

Why do editors (such as MS Office apps) have so much redundancy?

I'm thinking of making an editor and how it should differ against other editors. One of those points are promoting the work area over GUI buttons and information fields. Tool bars, menu bars, scroll ...
Andreas's user avatar
  • 813
73 votes
5 answers

Should "Deletion successful" confirmation be red, or green?

What color should a deletion confirmation message be? This is related to the question Should 'yes, delete it' be red, or green?, but different because this question asks about a passive confirmation ...
Luc's user avatar
  • 842
70 votes
10 answers

Is it safe to assume everyone uses / has mouse wheels?

Is it safe to assume all users are aware of using the mouse wheel to scroll and that all users have a mouse wheel on their mouse? I'm hoping to implement a scrollbar which stays hidden even when you ...
nuwa's user avatar
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69 votes
13 answers

How to convince a client that the website doesn’t need to be too animation-driven to stand out?

I had a discussion with my client about a website revamp (it's an agency website). He’s a business strategist and not a web / UX designer. In the meeting, we showed him several websites (from ...
catandmouse's user avatar
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58 votes
9 answers

Is capturing known keyboard shortcuts such as F5 a bad UX?

I have a website that has an editable table with data in it. Is capturing F5 to refresh data (with clear notification that the data was refreshed) instead of refreshing the entire page bad user ...
Hex's user avatar
  • 714
56 votes
6 answers

Is a slow home page better than a loading bar?

I am working on a small site which needs to load a large amount of data to show on the home page. The page container loads fast (~1 second) but then I need to retrieve data from a database and ...
R2D2's user avatar
  • 663
55 votes
3 answers

Gender neutral photos for users who don't yet have a profile picture

I am administering a web application that has male and female users. Currently, the default user photo is: I don't like this because it seems rather masculine and gives me the impression that the ...
karancan's user avatar
  • 693
52 votes
6 answers

Are there any letters/numbers that should be avoided in an ID?

For example, an image upload site that gives you a 5 digit ID for your file ( Should any letters/digits not be used in the final ID, to make it easier for people to read and share ...
cantsay's user avatar
  • 643
51 votes
5 answers

To clear (or not to clear) the search box?

We are having a discussion at the office today, about when to clear (or not to clear) a search box from its input. Is there a preferred approach, something that the user expects? Like emptying the ...
efrethe's user avatar
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50 votes
16 answers

How long should a page take to load?

Back in 1997 Jacob Nielsen was suggesting: Currently, the minimum goal for response times should therefore be to get pages to users in no more than ten seconds Obviously expectations have sped up ...
PhillipW's user avatar
  • 11.3k
50 votes
6 answers

Will forcing response time to the average time as a minimum improve UX?

I have a situation where my Ajax call response time could vary from 14ms to 600ms, because of the complexity of a Query they could make. From my experience Users take for granted those 20-80 ms round ...
skmasq's user avatar
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49 votes
1 answer

How to show a "Yes" for a negative occurrence and "No" for a positive occurrence

I am working on an internal admin dashboard for a finance company and the PEP (Politically Exposed Person) section of a business is actually a negative thing because those are the people we do not ...
Oluwatobi Mayowa's user avatar
48 votes
9 answers

Might a design be "too good" for users that expect a low price?

I am working hard on the new design of an online shop using all the best practices. But I had this strange thought: What if a design is so good that it worries the user? When you see something well ...
Renaud's user avatar
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48 votes
5 answers

Should edits affect upvotes/likes?

Suppose there is site with an upvote/downvote (like SE) feature, or a "liking" feature (like Facebook). A user posts something to this site and other users can cast their vote on it. Now suppose the ...
DasBeasto's user avatar
  • 15.4k
45 votes
7 answers

How to make irregularly shaped objects / elements look clickable?

On our homepage, we have these irregularly shaped elements that are clickable above the fold (actual images are not cats, just for demo): And this is how it's ...
catandmouse's user avatar
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44 votes
13 answers

New users choose sign in over app try-out in first use screen

We have an mobile application that allows new users to try the application as "ghost" users before signing up to become certified users. The application has a first use screen that tells users that it ...
locationunknown's user avatar
43 votes
4 answers

Should I empty the wrongly filled fields or leave as user has filled after validation message?

In our mobile applications (intended for Android and iOS platforms), we have fields that should be filled by users. If the user fills the field not in required format what should I do show the ...
saakian's user avatar
  • 633
41 votes
5 answers

Do capital letters make you seem serious?

Lately, I've been seeing a trend of using lower-case letters over capital letters. Outlook Hello, matthew Smart Water In the above picture, there are many examples of simple sentence structure ...
Cøde Play's user avatar
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39 votes
16 answers

How to present a race for the lowest score

We have an energy dashboard in a STEM elementary school. One of the pages is a competition for the most efficient building which starts at 8:00 AM Monday and completes 2:45 Friday. We are currently ...
user1032531's user avatar
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38 votes
3 answers

What text should be used for an insertion button? "Create", "New" or "Add"?

Whenever I have been designing interfaces, I always wonder if I should name the button Create, New or Add. I have never decided and stuck with one and would like to get an explanation on what use ...
SamV's user avatar
  • 483
37 votes
15 answers

Order of "female" and "male" in survey form

In a survey form, which options would be the best (user friendly)?
Pradeep's user avatar
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37 votes
8 answers

How can I differentiate duration vs starting time

Let’s say I have a meeting at 06:00 AM that is scheduled to last 8 hours and 15 mins . Are there any guidelines, tips or tricks to display that information in a non-ambiguous way? If I simply display ...
Radu094's user avatar
  • 471
33 votes
10 answers

Which way should arrows point for a dropdown button?

In the following images I've animated a button dropdown where the arrow animates to the downward position when displaying the dropdown menu. Wondering if there is any usability studies on this or if ...
whatsnewsaes's user avatar
32 votes
7 answers

Next vs. Continue

Is there any situation in which either Next vs. Continue would be more appropriate to use? I'm working on an application that has many, many different forms (data entry), and have been using the word ...
Mark's user avatar
  • 1,189
32 votes
8 answers

Is there a recommended size for search boxes?

Do users change their search patterns if the search is shorter? Do users search less if the search box is too large? The only article I'd found is a 2009 Smashing Magazine article: The [Nielsen] ...
Eliot Hill's user avatar
32 votes
2 answers

Why do we keep asking if our users would use/recommend our product/service again?

I read about users not being able to predict their own future behavior because they simply can't comprehend what influences their choices(UX Myths). If this is the case, why do websites, apps and ...
SliQz's user avatar
  • 435
31 votes
9 answers

Will I confuse users by making my whole site HTTPS?

I'd like to make every page on my site load through HTTPS by default (less hassle at my end, personally I prefer HTTPS if given a choice as a user). However, I'm concerned that seeing the HTTPS icon /...
MHG's user avatar
  • 472
31 votes
4 answers

What's the rationale behind Google's "no save" approach?

Before anything, this is something I'm seeing on several sites, not only Google, but I think it started with Google, and it's obviously the most known case. There are several UX aspects quite arguable ...
Devin's user avatar
  • 38.3k
29 votes
9 answers

How to handle "forgot password" when user has not confirmed email?

If you follow the pattern of allowing users access to your application without having confirmed an email (generally considered good UX), how do handle the case where they forgot their password? Very ...
cminu's user avatar
  • 291
28 votes
9 answers

Facial recognition - Given the context, should the user be made aware of the process?

We are designing an application for iPads that are stationed in tech support areas. We have implemented a facial recognition capability, so that when you tap a button it begins analysing your face and ...
wzlr's user avatar
  • 391
28 votes
3 answers

Is it acceptable to place video controls at the top of a video?

Is it okay to place video controls at the top of a video? Like so: Mainly considering a full screen video streaming platform like Netflix, I believe this format has some benefits: Subtitles would ...
Woodwoerk's user avatar
  • 433
27 votes
6 answers

Display an overdue task on task list

I currently have a task list (displayed below) that I want to convey a way to represent that it is overdue. I don't want to add too many icons such as warnings etc, so I figured the best way may be to ...
SNYDERHAUS's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Login and Register in one form

We have been seeing more sites following this UX enhancement: where login form actively checks for registered username/email, if a user entered an unknown email/name, then the form inputs are updated ...
bitinn's user avatar
  • 371
26 votes
2 answers

Google UX flaw? switching placement of Videos and Images

Google offers the possibility to search for several different types of media/information: Web, Images, Video, Maps, etc. Lately I noticed that these choices for other types of information is being ...
GWv's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

Distinction between saving and exporting

Some software makes a distinction between saving and exporting. Lets take the image processing software GIMP as an example. The save button will only allow to save the project file in the native gimp ...
paw's user avatar
  • 352
25 votes
5 answers

Text Field Validation vs Prevention

I've been having a debate (mostly with myself) over the best approach to deal with invalid input in text fields -- validation versus prevention. Taking a numeric text field as an example, is it ...
Bill Dagg's user avatar
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25 votes
8 answers

Should a "loading" text or spinner stay a minimum time on screen?

In an app I'm building the user can click a button to load more content, which might take 1 second or up to X seconds (when X seconds passed I show a timeout error message). There is a "Loading" text (...
Alvaro's user avatar
  • 16.9k
23 votes
7 answers

Another way to show a sub-row in a table?

I'm trying to determine a way that shows sub-rows for a table. Typically the indentation of the row means that it is a sub-row of the parent. The table can have a single row of children from the ...
SNYDERHAUS's user avatar
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23 votes
5 answers

Rewards System: Points or Money?

Scenario We have a soon to launch app which includes a rewards system. These rewards are real money, so a direct Rewards Balance: $xxxx should suffice (in theory). Basically put, rewards are a real ...
Devin's user avatar
  • 38.3k
22 votes
9 answers

What are some good alternatives for using a lot of icons in software?

This is my first time posting here. The company I work for uses A LOT of icons (100+) in every color to specify the meaning of a specific table row. See the image below for clarification: I've been ...
IDEAX's user avatar
  • 221
22 votes
3 answers

Highly rated content, how do users expect this to be sorted?

We are currently designing a community where users can upload content (User Genererated Content). This content is voted on by those who have used the uploaded content (usage is a criteria for voting) ...
JeroenEijkhof's user avatar

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