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4 answers

How to design a rating scale for only positive entries?

Would love to get some thoughts on this: I am working on an app that will allow users to rate their entries, e.g., on a scale from 1 to 5. The UX challenge, however, is that all entries are positive (...
Bastian Bauwens's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Disable buttons while data loading

I have a view in my mobile app with two buttons, before allowing user to click on them I need to wait for some data to load, should I disable them while it happens ? Should I show a loading indicator ...
Sunshine's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the repeated, blurred image background called?

I have a card component with a photo. I don't want any portion of photos to be cut off, but this means narrow/vertical photos will have empty space to the sides. I want to use that blur tiling often ...
djangodev's user avatar
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1 answer

Drawing on Mobile with fingers: magnifier or offset from finger location?

We are working on a "remove objects from photos" app, where the users highlight/select a part of an image they want to remove and the app takes care of it. Precision is sort of important ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I best make a tally of items on a mobile phone

I'm designing a wireframe for a mobile app for logging materials. One of the features needs to be able to log the makeup of a material. fx in the case of a technical fabric the composition can look ...
user13075814's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How should an app clarify that you can choose the outcome size only during the first 2 of the 4-step process?

I am working on an app that synthesizes long texts, articles, essays. You paste in the text and the system starts synthesizing. You can choose a size or length for the final format, say Short, Medium, ...
Giulio's user avatar
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1 answer

Will requiring "Enable Location" negatively affect user perception?

I'm not a mobile phone poweruser, so please bear with me. Let's say I'm developing an app whose sole purpose is to display the closest FloridaBestTacos restaurants to my current location of Florida. ...
rbhat's user avatar
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2 answers

What to do with loading animation for very short load times?

Within our iOS mobile app, we have a list of templates the user can choose from: Each template has (initially) remote assets that need to be downloaded and cached before the user can go into edit-...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Should non-existant files in a recently used files list be deleted without user prompt?

Say, you have this common thing of "recently used files" or "frequently used files" in your application. It may easily happen the user moves or deletes a file they had opened recently/frequently. So ...
rugk's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Four (4) Form On-Boarding Process

My mobile application has an onboarding process comprised of 4 screens/forms. The forms have 3, 4, 2, and 7 questions. What is the industry standard user experience: (1) saving data at each screen ...
user74889's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Show an alert to confirm Log out or not?

I am currently working on a iOS app where users sign in. However, I am curious to know what the best UX experience would be. Would it best to show an alert to verify that they do want to log out or ...
DocAsh59's user avatar
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0 answers

What is the default behaviour for device orientation when switching between apps? [closed]

I think there is probably a technical dependency involved, but I will ask the question from a user experience perspective. Many mobile devices run apps that have a default orientation (i.e. landscape ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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Is offering 2 Apps at the same time a bad experience for the User?

So we have our Website as a PWA (Progressive Web App) which means it can also be installed as a App on the Device from the Browser. I wondered how it would feel for the User to have Downloaded the ...
niclas_4's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Can it hurt our brand to use our logo as a (floating action) button?

We're exploring ways to familiarize our users with our brand and one idea is to use the logo as the icon in a floating action button in our mobile application views. I have heard in the past from UX ...
Bennidhamma's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Dynamic home screen, looking for a better solution

I really didn't know how to name this question. The problem is that our app should show a different home/start screen depending on the state the user is (Searching for a job/ inside of a recruitment ...
Jaime De Ascanio's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to convey that the feature has complicated connectivity requirements in a mobile app?

I have a complicated iBeacon based mobile app. To get to the end of the “happy path” -app functional, the following has to be true: Internet reachable Bluetooth enabled Bluetooth permission granted ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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2 answers

Should I create different databases for different languages of my app?

So my application is meant to be equally used between those of Arabic language and English language due to its religious purposes. I don't want my users to be confused/annoyed when they see something ...
Ali Bdeir's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Should the tab bar be accessible on sub pages in a mobile app?

I've just joined a team as an UX / graphic designer developing an app for iOS and Android. The app is already in production, and I'm working on implementing new functionality and tweaking the current ...
NBK's user avatar
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When allowing users to mute notifications in an app, what time duration options are most useful? [closed]

How does screenshot posted below make a difference by allowing to mute chats for 8 hours, 1 week, and 1 year and leaving some of the obvious usability cases like 1 month? What time-duration options ...
Mehul Shah's user avatar
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2 answers

Mobile Button - When tapping (before releasing), should it grow or shrink?

I'm wondering, On Mobile, when pressing a button (before releasing the finger), should the button grow or shrink? After the user lift his finger, the button returns to normal state. Illustration:
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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2 answers

Placing logout button in menu-less application

This particular application does not have a side menu, bottom navigation or a Profile/Account page. Although it requires the user to Sign In to proceed. NOTE: This is a front-facing application ...
Shreyas Tripathy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to handle content for a new app?

My app is new,and some field in my app need to present user generated data to user.So my question is,how to manage the content for the 1st-10th user?Since the app is new,therefore having no data,so ...
ken's user avatar
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44 votes
13 answers

New users choose sign in over app try-out in first use screen

We have an mobile application that allows new users to try the application as "ghost" users before signing up to become certified users. The application has a first use screen that tells users that it ...
locationunknown's user avatar
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Arabic, user friendly mobile menu - iOS

I am creating a hybrid app, this is a learn new languag app. I am using PhoneGap and JQuery mobile. The app will be in Arabic. It needs to follow the user interface guidelines for Arabic type apps. I ...
Charm Geld's user avatar
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Image Compression, Server or Phone?

Say a user wants to change his profile picture and uploads his 1920*1080 1mb picture. That picture I want to process into 2 new ones One "HD" Version, which is still quite good, but file size ...
Doges's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Ads: How to compromise between annoying users vs. more impressions + determining ad-free cost (mobile app)?

I have a dating mobile app and am having trouble monetizing effectively with ads. My app uses interstitials, and even rewarded video locks, which I am aware are pretty annoying. How should you decide ...
atkayla's user avatar
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2 answers

What's a good design to show a door lock (locked/unlocked) for a smart house iOS app? [closed]

I am designing a smart house app where the main feature is to lock and unlock a house door. The most obvious design was to use skeuomorphism with a padlock icon like ex. Kevo, Lockitron and iLock do. ...
beining's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Whats a good way to show that a user gets a free coffee in a loyalty app?

I am designing a loyalty card iOS app where users would get a "Stamp" for each coffee and bread purchase. Once the user has 6 stamps, shown with darker filled icons, the seventh would be for free. In ...
beining's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is this mobile slide menu user-friendly?

I am creating a Learn Norwegian language app for both iOS and Android. The app consists of 4 chapters, each chapter has a sub category, for example, Pronunciation, Exercise, Grammar etc. My problem ...
Charm Geld's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

"Your app is empty man!" / How to modify UI/UX to stop this kind of feedback?

I own an application aiming to make people meet each other around activities/outs. There are two ways of suggesting an activity/out to other members: Inviting anybody at once. All members would then ...
Mik378's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing button alpha value v button text colour to indicate current button status

I'm working on an old iOS app which requires updating. This app requires users to make selections from various screens. For example, the user needs to make two choices on the main screen before ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
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Best way to manage user experience when doing a database reset within a trivia app

BACKGROUND Apologies in advance, but this question requires some context. I'm working on a trivia app which has 600 questions in the database. Upon launching the app, the user is presented with a ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
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How to name those two buttons to switch from effective attendees to invitees

I own an app that suggest an event to some users I chose. So I select, let's say, 40 invitees and I expect some of them (or all of them) to effectively participate to my event. I want to have two ...
Mik378's user avatar
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3 answers

Mobile apps and websites

I have wondered this for a long time now,but it came up again when my mother asked me: "Why does facebook open sometimes in the browser if i downloaded the app ?" So i thought is this a technical ...
downrep_nation's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

A good way to let a participant confirm its participation

Let's suppose a mobile application aiming to suggest some meeting to others. One user creates a Meeting (announcement) (without invitations) and some interested users can detect it in a list of ...
Mik378's user avatar
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3 answers

Which is the right place to place close button in a mobile app?

This is my first project in mobile app UX and UI Design. I have facing problem in placing "close" button on UI. I have got two kind of screens, one like overlay and another one like form submission ...
Madheswaran M's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Indicating the stages of loading in an app rather than just the word "Loading..."

If a process takes a long time to execute in a tablet app and the ui is blocked during this load time, is there any benefit to informing the user what is actually being performed, e.g the stage that ...
Dave Haigh's user avatar
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Android design convention for saying a user needs to complete an action first?

I've read the Android design conventions, but can't see a good solution. I have a 3 tab mobile application. Tabs 2 and 3 need a selection made on screen 1 before they will work. The user enters at ...
Andelad's user avatar
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Are there Android design conventions for an empty screen? [duplicate]

I am designing an application with 3 screens, each on their own tab. Screens 2 and 3 require data to be inputted on Screen 1 before they work. The app will open at Screen 1. Are there any conventions ...
Andelad's user avatar
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4 answers

Where is the best place to put Terms & Conditions in a sign-up flow?

I am creating an app that when the user taps a certain action button such as "Follow" they are taken through the login flow. Included in the login flow is 1) Asking for Facebook permission 2) ...
Andrea Tate's user avatar
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Should I replace those texts on buttons by meaningful icons?

I own an application where users can organize meetings. Other users can participate. Here's a screen on the meeting I created: (so logged user is the creator) We can notice the three buttons at the ...
Mik378's user avatar
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Should a document viewer app show the document name?

To save screen space, I decided to not display the document name in my document viewer screen. So only the standard action bar (with the app name) is shown above the document. Would it be better ...
mjn's user avatar
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43 votes
4 answers

Should I empty the wrongly filled fields or leave as user has filled after validation message?

In our mobile applications (intended for Android and iOS platforms), we have fields that should be filled by users. If the user fills the field not in required format what should I do show the ...
saakian's user avatar
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2 answers

How to handle when necessary conditions for application to function are not met?

I have created a location-based app, with its core functionality being location. It is not a maps type application, it also relies on the internet. Right now my current way of handling when the user ...
Milo's user avatar
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Toast message or dialog message for displaying internet connection error message on application

We are designing a new android application. The app is in its initial stage of architectural design and UI definition. One of the main question is how to display internet connection error message, On ...
saakian's user avatar
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