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Questions tagged [username]

A username is the handle or nickname by which a user is recognised by a system - it is typically displayed to other users in association with that user's profile and activity.

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2 votes
1 answer

how to know a user real name with psychology questions?

I have developed an app/game that doesn't collect any user data, and I aim to pleasantly surprise users by revealing their real name during the gaming experience. The game follows a story-based format ...
Vasant Raval's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should I include the @ symbol with the username when the social icon is shown as well?

Assume the following clickable social links at the footer of a website: Find us at: [F] @username [I] @username [Y] @username Where [F] = Facebook icon, [I] = Instagram etc. My question is, is it ...
cherouvim's user avatar
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1 answer

Changing the user's email address

We have a dashboard that our users log into using their email and password. We don't currently have the ability to allow them to change their own email address (login). Sometimes, a user may contact ...
M Bo's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

What is the best experience for generating unique usernames?

We are building a social network and as part of user onboarding, we want to assign each user a unique username The only currently defined use case for the username is the profile URL, i.e. if your ...
Gajus's user avatar
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1 answer

How to assign users unique and meaningful identifiers to child users while avoiding various pitfalls?

In my application, we need to assign unique identifiers to users, but this is turning out to be trickier than I would have thought. We load all users from a bulk feed, and do all the assigning ...
Joshua Frank's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

User dialog - How to state clearly username isn't found, and unable to connect to server?

An app I'm working on has an "offline mode" - as it is frequently used in environments where mobile data is unavailable. When they're connected to the internet and login to an account, that account ...
Ben Palmer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Example workflow when changing a site's identify provider

I'm switching a site from ADFS/AD to Azure B2C/AAD and require users to reset their password. Users will also see different log in screens. I'm struggling to find an approach where users won't be ...
Kye's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Error message in login

In the login page of my software, there are 3 input fields - organization, username, and password. There isn't an option to register, but the registration is done by the organization manager. ...
ProductM's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Fullname vs username and how to ask for username after Social Login

I am building a mobile application where users can post/rate songs they like. I have three ways of registering: email+password, facebook login and google login. From my personal experience, some ...
Tasos Kakour's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Where to ask for username while creating profile?

I am creating a mobile app where user can create profile with various fields and with my current approach I allow user to enter all the field details and when clicking on "Save" button, I ask for ...
Mohammed Rampurawala's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Options for User Type Name between business and client

My first post here, still trying to get how to make a good question because most of the answers are a little subjective. anyway. I'm having a issue close to this others, but none of the others has a ...
Canato's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Is it mandatory to show user name next to the user icon?

The application requires a person to login to the system. When logged in, there will be an icon on the top right of the header which will have a context menu. Now I've decided it to look in the ...
Imesh Chandrasiri's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

'Username or email' label on the log in page, for people who can only use 'assigned' username?

I've reviewed discussions on username vs email for login form but couldn't find any reference to a similar case. The website I'm working on has large number of existing clients who can only use '...
Milo's user avatar
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What should I call a highly restricted username field?

I am designing an account creation form that will prompt for username and pass phrase. The username will represent the user for login and communication with other users. It will also be used across ...
lofidevops's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Username & Password min and max length [duplicate]

We are in the process of creating a web game where username is part of a user profile from the get go. This username will be visible to the user within the main game screen and also in the leader-...
Dimi's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

Username field in registration form

I have a registration form with: username email password captcha I am thinking about remove the username field and generate something like username_123 and then give the opportunity to the user ...
user455318's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What percentage of internet users save credentials in the browser?

I'm trying to get a high-level understanding of what percentage of internet users allow their browser to store the username/password so I can understand the potential impact "breaking" this will have ...
Mlalahoi's user avatar
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1 answer

Will my users get confused if I call them by their username?

On our company's website, error messages, loading screens, etc. call users (who are logged in) by their username. For instance: "Just a minute, [name]. Your content will be loaded shortly." "We're ...
clickbait's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the best practice for resetting an invalid email address as username

Setup: Site is for utility customers to view usage and pay bills etc. Usernames are email addresses Passwords can be reset by providing an email address to which a password reset email is sent The ...
Frank Sheiness's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Usernames, Display Names, Full Names - how to onboard

In the app I'm designing there are currently only display names. Since these are not unique, it can be hard to distinguish. With this in mind, full names are going to be implemented alongside display ...
Elise's user avatar
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1 answer

User must change password but changing username its optional. Best UX design for this?

i have to design a page where the user (after login for first time) must change the password but its optional to change the username. I am not sure which is the best approach from UX perspective, if ...
user86398's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Recommended Way of Displaying Long Usernames?

So the issue is trying to display usernames in these grey modules. I see the option to scale, truncate, display first/last few chars, or word wrap (which may look bad). The usernames don't have any ...
Ochre's user avatar
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0 answers

How should I allow Facebook-linked accounts to post anonymously? [closed]

I'm building a WordPress-based website where users will create an account from their Facebook account. Users will be able to post and comment but I'd like to offer the option for anonymous ...
Diana's user avatar
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26 votes
8 answers

What is the best email address format for people with the same first and last name?

The larger the organisation (for example a company or educational institution), the more likely that there will be two people with the same name. Typically, email addresses are formatted firstname....
Midas's user avatar
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3 answers

When is it better to use "You" versus using the user's name?

Currently we are designing a task management system that notifies users of current tasks they need to complete and about the status of tasks they have assigned. We are struggling with using "You" ...
Nickar's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

URL for public user page - hyphenated or camelCase?

What are some pros/cons for using camelCase vs hyphens in URLs for a username? As in, what is better (in terms of readability, writability, style, SEO, other): (a la ...
sellarafaeli's user avatar
73 votes
17 answers

What are some compelling reasons to disallow spaces in usernames?

I'm a developer. Our UX guy is asking us to allow spaces in usernames. The caveat is that they should be allowed anywhere. So entering the username 'JohnDoe' is the same as 'John Doe' is the same as ...
michael's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Log in with username vs. login with email address - which option provides better user experience? [duplicate]

I am developing a new web application and was wondering if I should have people pick their usernames and login with their usernames or should I have them login via their email addresses. Which option ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What Characters to allow for Usernames? [duplicate]

Each user will have a unique username as it is going to be used to link to their profile page. As an example, in the following URL johndoe is the username Are ...
AlGallaf's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Best Practice Users and Businesses URLs

I need help in figuring out what is the best URL structure for my website. On the website, I’ll have pages for users and business and would like to give each a custom profile URL. Here are the ...
AlGallaf's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What do you think is the best way to promote a Twitter account in an app?

I have an app and on the "About" page, there is a label which says Handmade coded by, then a button which makes the user follow me (the developer) on Twitter. The question is, what do you think it ...
BigK's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Where did the pattern of displaying username in the top right emerge?

What was the initial intention of displaying the user's name along with the avatar on the top right of the app-bar? This is fairly common in some sites like Facebook, OneDrive etc., while other ...
Vinay Raghu's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

What is the best way to display friendly usernames?

We are creating an activity stream for our application and I have run into a challenge related to username display. Our usernames are keyed on email addresses, therefore, First Name / Last Name are ...
rdellara's user avatar
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1 answer

Are alternate suggestions in “username already taken” errors useful?

I know it’s industry standard to provide alternate suggestions when a user tries to input a username that is already taken while registering. It occurs to me that users A) ignore the suggestions or ...
ffakerson's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Username & Password for selling page Yes or No?

I appreciate your given opinion about this: I intend to send an email to a specific target audience in order to offer small business owners (around the world) a product which is not cheap. (I don't ...
Erez's user avatar
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1 answer

What are the considerations of allowing users to change their usernames? [extended] [closed]

extended from stackoverflow Some applications use usernames and some don't. Some allow changing of usernames and some don't. I would like to know the pros and cons of allowing users to change their ...
Gene Diaz's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

If username is required for registration, but optional for login (email can be used instead), should it be part of the register form?

My registration form requires 3 things: username, email, and password. For login, the user can use either username or email (and password of course). Thus, if the username is not necessary for ...
mrl's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Should I have both username and email for registration/sign up?

I am working on a blog like site where the user can register and write stuff. I want to keep a minimalist registration/sign up process. I am thinking I will use email/password for signup/registration....
open_sourse's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Should usernames be unique?

Should usernames be unique? It would get rid of annoying id numbers and reduce impersonation. After all, why would anybody want others to have the same name as them? On the other hand, a new user ...
bjb568's user avatar
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1 answer

Forgotten username, password or both

I am having some trouble with the wording of the following: Forgotten your Username or Password? Both? Where Username, Password and Both are links. Is there a need for the Both option or should ...
Ashley Medway's user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

Showing user's (name) initials but what if more than 1 user have the same initials?

I'm designing an app where users can assign tasks to other people. The space I have available to convey to whom the task is assigned to is about 23-25px. So right now we're just showing two initials, ...
nuwa's user avatar
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7 answers

What should replace a space in a api url? [closed]

I am creating an API, where we can make reference to the users with their firstname and lastname. Since I can't use space, what is the best way to separate the firstname and lastname in the url? I ...
Simon Arnold's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Create user/pass placement

In a process of setting up a profile the information is very generic up front. However, once the user gets to a point of real interest we ask them to create a username and password. My question is ...
Ryan's user avatar
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4 answers

Username or email address fields

I am maintaining the server implementation of a website. The site allows usernames and email address as username. This is how the login screen looks where the user is asked to select if the user is ...
happybuddha's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

When user name is a number, what is the correct name for label

When user name is a number, what is the correct name for label? When we use an email + password to login, the label can be named USERNAME or EMAIL. But in my case, the username is a number - ...
Renato Borges's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

UI for a sign-in screen which allows to log in with a username or phone number

I have a sign-in screen which allows a user to log in with a username or a phone number. As the phone number must be in an "international" format, it confuses users, some of them fail to sign in. To ...
Robert's user avatar
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2 answers

Signup that supports multiple logins

I am working on a web based application for hospitals. When the first user creates an account, we ask for: hospital name email address password Once logged, a user can create logins for others users,...
Deborah Wood's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Money transfer username or e-mail

Paypal allows you to send money to someone by entering their e-mail address. Is this the best practice for money transfer services? Would it be more user friendly to use user-picked usernames instead, ...
Mike's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

If guessing a display name, what kind of confirmation is needed?

In an iPhone app of mine, the user needs a display name, that appears for other users. I found out that I can guess a user's display name. In the mockup below I have guessed that it should be "Sanna"....
JOG's user avatar
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2 answers

Best Practice when dealing with long user first names in UI

For the app I am currently developing, I have a vertical navbar which contains the main menus required for the user. One of the menus is for User Admin, which is a profile picture with the User's ...
Stephen Wright's user avatar