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2 answers

Is there any difference to how users perceive tabs and buttons (button groups) meant to act as tabs?

I don't seem to be able to find adequate guidelines on how and when tabs should be used. Take these variations for example: a) horizontal tabs: b) vertical tabs (left sidebar): I have been ...
drabsv's user avatar
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1 answer

Back button changes from cancel to save and exit

I'm working on a campaign management tool, and the user can create a new campaign which takes them to the creation page (a full page takeover). This full page takeover has a save and exit button on ...
user176654's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

CTA in the search icon or separated search button?

The search field of this page has a text insertion, search icon, and search button. My working process is as follows: place the text and click on the most immediate graphic object, the search icon. ...
Danielillo's user avatar
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2 answers

Appropriate button label to preview a file before sharing it publicly

We're working on a platform that has these 2 sections: Private files - participants in the call have their own private files section Public files - Files shared here become accessible (to preview and/...
M Bo's user avatar
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3 answers

2 buttons with the same action

I'm currently working on a project, and the FE devs pointed out that I had the same action twice in a page, and I knew I had done this, but after researching more about it, there's not much I can find....
Rita's user avatar
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2 answers

Title and button placement for a Saas product

I'm working as a UX/UI designer at a startup where we have a Saas product. Currently I'm working on making improvements on the design made by a different designer. On our pages we have a Page title ...
Mosh's user avatar
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2 answers

Disabling a feature until a button is pressed

So I'm creating a dashboard that will allow users to sort through by date as long as the "live monitoring" feature is paused. I created 2 buttons, one for the pause/unpause feature and one ...
Gene's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it acceptable to have three call-to-action buttons?

I'm working on an application that displays a dialog box. This dialog box prompts users to switch to a new editor. That will be the main call-to-action (CTA). The 2nd CTA will be to retain their ...
M Bo's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Make Optional Buttons More Clickable

I currently have a UI where I have three optional buttons. By clicking on a button, it will go to another user flow and the button is "completed". Unclicked buttons are considered "...
turtlefish12's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Any standards for :visited styling for CTA buttons?

I have used :visited in CSS for links for a long time and understand their value. However I have not thought of using it for buttons. My "CTA buttons" are usually soft CTAs that direct to valuable ...
Spencer Buchanan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is the best practise for a Search button state - should we always keep search button active or make it active after user inputs?

I have seen that in some sites they always keep " Search Button" in active / enabled state even if input fields are empty. Is it a correct way or should we make it enable only when user selects / ...
Monisha Jaswal's user avatar
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Is it ok for a button to open in a new tab?

We have an application that allows users to write posts/articles. Within this application, there are a couple features that require users to upgrade. I think it's reasonable for the upgrade button to ...
M Bo's user avatar
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Short Story / Full story Button inside a Case Study. Why is it a bad idea?

-- BACKGROUND -- Hey I'm working on my portfolio (UX/UI) website now. The main audience will be smaller companies who don't know much about UX and case studies. But I am also looking for work and ...
user1857639's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to support a "Save draft" to a wizard approach when the user takes a long time to complete a step?

I have simple user workflow, in which the User has to complete the process sequentially. But the step 2 might take a day or more to get completed. In the Current UI, If user decides to complete the ...
symbiote_sam's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Do I need "Continue Shopping" button on the shopping cart?

I did read a lot about shopping cart page this week and everywhere people insist to say: Add continue buying button on your basket to reduce the abandonment. The button "continue shopping" is an ...
Rafael Perozin's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Can it hurt our brand to use our logo as a (floating action) button?

We're exploring ways to familiarize our users with our brand and one idea is to use the logo as the icon in a floating action button in our mobile application views. I have heard in the past from UX ...
Bennidhamma's user avatar
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1 answer

Another way to say "Replace your currently selected item"?

I'm building a part to our e-commerce store, it's essentially a "kit builder" for building several products in to one big kit, giving the user a discount. The use can only select one item per ...
HarryK's user avatar
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3 answers

Best way to indicate usage of 'points' to offset an amount?

I'm having a bit of a dilemma on how to properly do the interface for using points to offset an amount. Let's say I have 5000 points in my wallet. Of course, I need to indicate that I have 5000 ...
catandmouse's user avatar
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Does the location of "main buttons" affect usability?

Here we have Meta Stack Exchange: The "Ask Question" button is part of the "search results" group. Could this possible confuse users? Should site-wide "main" buttons always be placed on the header ...
clickbait's user avatar
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User-friendliness vs. conformity (with an app)

I have two apps: App #2 reads text files to display 3D objects with specific coordinates (e.g. a sphere, a cube, a pyramide and a cylinder) in a VR environment with each file having its own unique ...
Neph's user avatar
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1 answer

Mobile - how to reconcile view title and action button title?

I have a view in a mobile app responsible for stitching photos into a video. I’m looking for advise on how to make the title of this screen match the text of a single action button on the same screen. ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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3 answers

Primary/Secondary button placement pattern

Button placement has been a debated topic at within my UX team recently and I am for feedback or direction to research that states a solution. The problem I am trying to solve is where to place ...
Kitti Lakner's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How to best filter data with multiple toggle buttons?

We have a web app that displays a list of items as tiles. Each item can have zero to many 'tags' which can be used to filter items using a row of toggle-able buttons at the top of the page. There will ...
Woodwoerk's user avatar
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2 answers

Differences between links and buttons in a web app or a website in action, affordance, and user experience

I know this question may have been asked before in a different way, but what I'm looking for is that with all the differences between links and buttons, what is important in displaying them in the eye ...
Sarah Akhavan's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Rotating button text

Suppose that you design a standard button that at every click rotates among a fixed number of options (in this case, display modes), like: Wireframe, Shaded, Rendered and then back to Wireframe. ...
abenci's user avatar
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3 answers

Making something not look clickable

I haven't tested this theory, but I have a feeling users of my website may believe that the 'Concept' tag is clickable, when it isn't. How can I make it clear that this is not a button?
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

White colored card on top of a white background

I'm building an iOS only app that helps users understand their Twitter data. I'm not sure what is the best practice in terms of User Experience and User Exception. I'm using white pressable cards, ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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1 answer

Why 2 methods to submit forms?

Why do we give users a 'Log in' button when they can submit the form via keyboard? I know when I search the ios App Store, the only way to submit the form is with the keyboard. Should the same be ...
brewpixels's user avatar
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1 answer

prevent unneeded button clicks vs allow button click + show user notification

I have some tables with data where I display for each row multiple action buttons. I have now sometimes buttons where I am not sure wether I should allow the user to click on it because on the new ...
Pascal's user avatar
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2 answers

Using different styles of buttons to enhance the "accept" button over the "cancel" one is a good idea?

When it comes to completing an action/form you want to highlight the "accept" button rather than the cancel. I have seen android uses only text rather than boxing words to make them look like ...
UX Research's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it okay to generate popup from toggle switch?

For one of my page, I am going to use a switch for a yes or no question. However, that particular question requires a confirmation popup if it the switch 'turned on'. Is it appropriate in UX view? ...
Amethyst's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is an edit button necessary for a row of data?

If we have a data table, each row is clickable to see more details (and is editable from there). But for affordance purposes, should we explicitly include an edit icon / button for each row even ...
catandmouse's user avatar
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2 answers

What's the best way to let users adjust values that must sum to a certain number?

I have four values that are a percentage of a whole, and I want the user to be able to edit these values. These four numbers must sum to 100.00 (any precision after that is unimportant) and the values ...
zach's user avatar
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4 answers

The font style on a CTA affect user's decisions?

Some studies have shown that serif versus sans-serif on a computer display is not what affects readability and the practical differences between the two font styles are largely inconclusive. I ...
Madalina Taina's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Renew subscription CTA button

our saas web application has 30 days subscription model. we don't use the auto-renew subscription since the user can complete his mission within those days and if not to manually extend the ...
noadavi's user avatar
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2 answers

At this point, placebo buttons are still helpful for users in web design?

I had this question related to the redirect buttons. Some apps or websites need time to save data before making a redirect or load some content. Usually, action from the user can't help. In these ...
Madalina Taina's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it correct to have the same button in several areas of your application?

Imagine an application with an Employee register option in its header, but when you click another header option (let's say, Salaries), there is a button to register employees inside of the Salaries ...
Gabriel Abel's user avatar
-2 votes
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When showing label with button, which of the two needs a "bolder" font? [closed]

Hope you have a wonderfall day! Is it a personal preferences? a UI concern? or there is some known facts about this topic that i'm not aware of? I'm curious about this 2 related topics : 1) When ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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4 answers

How to differentiate between button and label

I've had difficulty phrasing this question. Basically, at my current design i have a "scrubbing" slider, moving the slider will affect the video preview. I've added another component. There is a ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is this ordering of buttons chosen

When I double click any executable sh file in ubuntu, I see the pop-up showing multiple options like below The strange thing to note here is that "Cancel" button lies in middle, not at either extreme....
Mohit Kanwar's user avatar
87 votes
15 answers

How to make text look *not* clickable

Problem: I am currently building a textbook exchange website as pictured below. During beta testing users kept trying to click the three snippets of text under the logo ("6 books listed," &...
JosephSlote's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

How to make people understand that a flat button is to be tapped/clicked

Have this tiles in the mobile version of a website I am designing. In the web version, the mouse hover would reveal a brief description, but how do I make the tile look clickable/tap-able to a user. ...
Harsh Gopal's user avatar
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2 answers

Choose between single or double buttons for two actions

I'm trying to find what is the best approach for the following scenario. I'm building Music Player App(iOS). For each played song we have two options : Add the song to My Music Library Add the song ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing button alpha value v button text colour to indicate current button status

I'm working on an old iOS app which requires updating. This app requires users to make selections from various screens. For example, the user needs to make two choices on the main screen before ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
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5 answers

How to communicate visually the ability to change columns in a table

Often websites may include functionality that allows a user to select what columns appear in a table. When this occurs, what is the best way to visually communicate this action, so the user both ...
Gurnard's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Best Practice - User Action in an Empty State

Is there an established best practice, backed up by research, that deals with an empty state with multiple CTA for the same action? For example, this empty state from Dropbox: There are multiple ...
Joe's user avatar
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2 answers

Save untested connection when testing is possible?

I have an admin console where I can add configure different data sources for my web application. The page looks like this : Some of my queries are : What is the ideal scenario for test and save ...
Nirav Chadda's user avatar
4 votes
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Focusing users on specific option/fragment creating the opposite reaction

i've made a research about my app today, and i've found some unexpected results. The default/opening screen of my app(iOS) is : The user can create a live photo from video or a photo. The "Video | ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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3 answers

Should I write a title next to a button icon?

Is it necessary to write what a button is if you have a picture? This is a very general question, and I think the answer to that would be: It depends how clear the image is. So my question is if the ...
Horay's user avatar
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Is there any way to ask for a like when user shares an article on facebook?

Say a user shares an article in facebook, is there any way we can include our page name and ask for a like in the same post?
Dilip Kumar's user avatar