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ThaSaleni's user avatar
ThaSaleni's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
34 votes

Button for "Play, but from beginning" for a scrubber UX

7 votes

Commit/Save button in material design

3 votes

Is it okay to have a login requiring users to first select from multiple services?

2 votes

What is the most minimal sign up process possible?

2 votes

Design paradigm for order process where customer has no existing record

2 votes

Use old or new name for an update confirmation message when name itself has been updated?

2 votes

What kind of feedback is appropriate to inform the user that he's actually offline for a mobile app interface?

1 vote

Descriptive notification or CTA?

1 vote

Why is it impossible to deselect HTML "radio" inputs?

1 vote

What's the Best UI to Configure a Database Connection String

1 vote

Site invites and verifications

1 vote

UI pattern: assign to list + details

1 vote

The most intuitive way to input credit card expiry dates

1 vote

Should the search-box that was used to search for a user hold it's search results upon return to address book after editing a user?

1 vote

Which message to show after user clicks "Report spam"?

0 votes

What is the terminology for the page to which the user is redirected to, after successful login?

0 votes

Deleting a group of users with the option to reassign one or more users to different groups without using a popup?

0 votes

User has edited text, then deleted changes. Should "save" button remain active?

0 votes

Automatic Reordering items in the Cart. Read the case

0 votes

Why the users are not clicking on the button?

0 votes

UI for a sign-in screen which allows to log in with a username or phone number

0 votes

Best way to share from a Material design list

0 votes

Will a Paste button increase usability?

0 votes

Is there any use case (except submitting a blurred input) when you can't do without visible SUBMIT button for a form?

0 votes

Why should we ask the password twice during registration?

0 votes

One time password every time user logs in?

0 votes

Return List to Original State

0 votes

Dynamic tabs or dropdown list for the same view but different data

0 votes

Icons only vs list with icons

-1 votes

In a modification flow, should I allow user to delete the form while editing?