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25 votes

To use or not to use "Zebra Stripes", or Alternating Row Colors for Tables

Don't. Don't use zebra stripes. Let me quote Edward Tufte: Again, this is a solved problem, with examples in Envisioning Information, chapter 3. Strips are merely bureaucratic or designer chartjunk; ...
Felipe Hoffa's user avatar
12 votes

Research about search vs navigation

A lot of time and attention has been put into this topic. I've only included the first five articles/studies I came across in my searching. These should provide an adequate starting point for more ...
dennislees's user avatar
  • 11.6k
12 votes

Google flights mobile app feedback/research

That's going to be tough. I've skimmed your existing text, and you make it sound like Google Flights is currently not user-centered. That's blankly incorrect. The first thing you've got to realize is ...
Kolja Sam's user avatar
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11 votes

Concept of research debt in UX design

To understand debt in UX research, please take a look to some detailed articles about UX debt. I liked this explanation of UX debt, found on "The 3-Step Guide to Erasing Your UX Debt": If your ...
Madalina Taina's user avatar
8 votes

Is guerilla testing meant to be ad hoc and improvised?

Guerrilla testing is a common and low cost method of testing, which is by definition ad hoc. Its goal is to get quick feedback whenever you need it. As you said, all testing should be thought about ...
SteveD's user avatar
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8 votes

Behavioral Research regarding wait time display

Some interesting research on wait times from the Nielsen Norman Group. Response Times: The 3 Important Limits 0.1 second is about the limit for having the user feel that the system is reacting ...
Mike M's user avatar
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7 votes

When conducting user research/customer surveys, how do financial incentives affect quality and quantity of feedback?

General Summary It's safe to generalize and suggest that both the positive and negative effects of incentive use on survey response rate and data quality can be described as mild to none. Notes on ...
dennislees's user avatar
  • 11.6k
5 votes

Application of personality type to chat bot interface

There are multiple elements that come into play with conversational interfaces that people tend to forget. People often expect the bots to be live chat, and base their experience on that. When they ...
Tom.K's user avatar
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5 votes

What techniques can be used to assure users of their unique selection?

Continuity: Often the design, appearance and layout of popups differs drastically. Such popups are often provided via 3rd party tools or companies with limited style control, meaning that the language,...
Roger Attrill's user avatar
5 votes

Female only persona

What you have now is a clear statistical evidence that shows most of your audience is female, and that you should take special care about that evidence. Statistical evidence also shows that AT LEAST ...
Devin's user avatar
  • 38.2k
5 votes

UX Maturity Assessment results

I think NN/G's model is one of the most comprehensive ones that make sense and cover all the different level. There is a series of articles on that (as someone mentioned in the comments) explaining ...
Socrates Kolios's user avatar
5 votes

Designing Experimental Webapps and Avoiding Bias

Here is a list of biases you should avoid. These biases may result in bias in emotional responses from the subject of the pictures or from the subject of the test. Facial Expressions: The faces ...
Tal Yaron's user avatar
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5 votes

Do users expect an 'undo' feature in web applications?

See this very related question for a detailed answer on implementing undo. Here is a focused article on Model-View-Controller implementation of undo (which can be applied to web-apps). If your web ...
Alan's user avatar
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5 votes

Treating foldable devices like a multi-screen user environment? Any research or finding to support the hypothesis?

Multi-screen mode is a plausible default mode given the history and wide install base of existing foldable devices, namely the Nintendo DS. The DS and variations like the 3DS, 2DS, XL, Lite, etc. ...
Nathan Rabe's user avatar
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5 votes

How many participants for a survey when you don't know the total population?

About 400 people. Sample size is more influenced by your confidence level and margin of error than the population size. If your confidence level is 95% and your margin for error ±5% your sample size ...
Nathan Rabe's user avatar
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4 votes

Do non-technical users understand radio vs checkbox?

I'm not aware of any research on your specific subject. I have seen that UI before in a Bootstrap add-on and personally, I think that only because that UI exists doesn't mean it is correct, because it'...
Devin's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there any research that shows most common punctuation usage for numbers?

I do not know of any research personally but there is only a very small set of characters that are used when formatting numbers: Decimal separator (. or , depending on locale). Dash for negation (-). ...
Jason C's user avatar
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4 votes

User Experience Definition

Not sure if you count the ISO standards as a scholarly paper, but the standards are pretty high. You'll also have to check whether this definition is still current in the latest version. ISO 9241 ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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4 votes

Behavioral Research regarding wait time display

My initial feeling is that a countdown timer makes the user immediately focus on how long the wait is, rather than the progress being made to get past the wait. A countdown is going to consistently ...
Miles Reiter's user avatar
4 votes

Mobile website user behaviour - drop off

Two things that I would consider in researching this: Perceived Security of Mobile Browsing Research suggests that users view their mobile devices as less secure than their desktop. This could lead ...
Mike W's user avatar
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4 votes

Confidence intervals, Confidence levels and probability of simple tests

From your example, let's imagine you have run the fake door test, which resulted in 265 visitors clicking on it, where total visitors that day were 350.

 The real question (as you rightfully ...
Steven B. Peutz's user avatar
4 votes

Fake call-to-action buttons for research

It's quite a broad question and requires a lot of elaborate discussions to arrive at a conclusive "answer" but here are some of my observations and experiences User Expectation - Users don't like to ...
Shreyas Tripathy's user avatar
4 votes

Do you know any research regarding so-called "scroll arrow" used for vertical scrolling?

Personally I think it's unnecessary, and counterproductive in case you have to put a back-to-top button if the form is too long. There are other ways to indicate that there's more content. One of the ...
Danielillo's user avatar
  • 19.8k
4 votes

How to conduct a design / UX workshop with an in-house team?

the easiest way to identify critical issues is to conduct a heuristic evaluation of your product, it can be done inhouse, a short article from the leader NN group on 10 principles of heuristic can be ...
ilabuac's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes

How to analyse results for an open ended question?

Text Mining Some researchers have calculated word frequencies, but raw frequencies by themselves are not very reliable or informative. For example, if 40% of your users used the word “helpful,” you ...
Michael Zuschlag's user avatar
3 votes

Application of personality type to chat bot interface

The personality of a voice or bot interface should be based on brand's persona and its userbase. Here are some things I have compiled to think about..Some checklist / guidelines for Personas for ...
Arun's user avatar
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3 votes

Is guerilla testing meant to be ad hoc and improvised?

The tl;dr version Guerilla testing is a structured test set up and performed quickly to investigate one or very few immediate concerns. It's a simple, actionable test. Don't overcomplicate it. Don't ...
plainclothes's user avatar
  • 21.4k
3 votes

Data on forcing marketing opt-in?

Today, under GDPR this would be problematic to say the least. Under the new regulation, freely given consent must be guaranteed, and that's not the case when there's an element of compulsion. From ...
ghislaineguerin's user avatar
3 votes

How to model the probability of an item being selected from search results

Is there a way to model the probability of each item being selected? To begin with we may associate your suppliers list to a search result page. There are many studies about this topic, older and ...
Adriano Repetti's user avatar
3 votes

UX Maturity Assessment results

There is an in-depth article from MeasuringU stating this lack of empirical studies for these models. It’s not clear how these models were developed so practitioners are left to assume that authors ...
asiegf's user avatar
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