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Questions tagged [feedback]

Feedback covers both how apps and websites respond to user input, flagging errors, showing effects of actions etc to them AND anything to do with giving and soliciting feedback for the developers and site owners through e-mail, written reports etc.

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2 votes
4 answers

What options to give for multiple choice subjective feedback?

I'm working on a very brief feedback survey as part of our product. To encourage use and simplify the received data I was thinking of restricting it to: Do you like [product name]? Any comments? How ...
eduardorh's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How can I direct the user to add a home screen widget after configuring it?

I have an Android app which includes a home screen widget with complicated configuration options. To make it easier to configure a widget, I've made it possible to set up a widget configuration in an "...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How can the mode of a car's transmission be made more clear?

In a car, if you press the accelerator it can do one of three things: make the car go forward. make the car go backward. not move the car at all. The result depends on what gear the car is in, but ...
Graham Herrli's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Will animated feedback be annoying or nice?

I'm developing a website called Fablelane which allows you to write your own stories and have others contribute outcomes or "chunks" to that story. Right now (if you go to the website), there's an ...
Mathias Lykkegaard Lorenzen's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Crowdfunded feature request system - would it make users hate me?

I develop a free webapp and am thinking of taking some of the most popular and time consuming feature requests and turning them into mini, crowdfunded projects. I would post those on the site and ...
Chris Fritz's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Use old or new name for an update confirmation message when name itself has been updated?

I want to provide a user of a web application some confirmation message like: The task "foobar" has been successfully updated. Now, in term of usability, if the update consists in changing task’s ...
user avatar
49 votes
6 answers

How can I highlight errors when bright red is the main color of the brand?

I'm working on a mobile website for a client whose main brand color is red. The website header and headings are all red. CTA buttons are red too. How can I effectively separate errors (mostly in form ...
bernk's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

content for information message

Is it better to display a positive informative message "You can only view and share links of icons. for additional options please login" or negative informative message "Downloading, Uploading or ...
AsafBO's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is it a good practice to include a feedback button?

Is it a good practice to include a feedback button on the side of the website? or how do you recommend to get feedback from users at a initial phase of a project?
Guest's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How should I handle playing multiple alarms?

I have a web application that monitors a service (polls) every 30 seconds or so, and displays any new records (notifications). Each one of these must be acknowledged by an operator. The customer has ...
xdumaine's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How should I alter my programs progress bar?

An application I have just been asked 'to take care of' has some interesting code features. One is that when it is loading up the login screen, it displays a 'splash' with a progress bar. This splash ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
24 votes
7 answers

Should progress bars show percentage

In the application I am designing we are currently just displaying a circle that rotates clockwise from gray to green. Inside the circle is a number indicating where in the process it is (20, 50, 90). ...
Jason Frade's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Would it be good to only show invalid fields when showing input errors?

It occurred to me that it might be a clever idea to only show the fields with problems when a user makes a mistake on a form. This would be server-side validation, with the assumption that there is ...
Jonah's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Google Search Bar?

I wanted to test the waters and see how other fellow usability people felt about Google's search bar in all of their sub sites. For instance if you are on google search, on google drive, or in Gmail ...
Jason Frade's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How do you show that a feature can be selected individually or combined with another feature?

The user has 3 options/features to choose from, but here is the problem: Each feature can be selected separately/on its own. Feature A can be selected/combined with feature B. Feature B can be ...
nlh12's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Is there a reason to use this icon with a confirmation message?

This is the message Sharepoint 2010 gives as a confirmation message for requesting access to a particular site you do not have access to. I am quite confused by the icon - to me this looks like a "...
enderland's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Showing progress for a long many-step process with a discrete progress bar?

I've got a desktop-focused web application where the user is going to be initiating tasks that take a long time. Sometimes, these tasks will take hours to complete (users don't have to do anything ...
Mark D's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Which are some examples of digital applications using sounds to enhance the user experience?

Reading The design of everyday things I got to the section Using sound for visibility where Norman, the author, explains some of the advantages and disadvantages of using sound: Sometimes things ...
Marcos Ciarrocchi's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How should I display a "please wait" animation?

I have to create a "please wait" page on our website. I would think you usually put the words "please wait" with some kind of spinning animation, but do I really need text? Doesn't an hourglass or ...
user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Best way to display whether someone is the right age for a match on an online dating site?

When I visit another person's dating profile, I'd like to see a visual indicator that communicates something about a person's age so I can determine whether they might be a good match for me--without ...
craiglauer's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Should I add a floating, fixed feedback button on the pages of my website?

I would like to add a Feedback feature to my website. Should I add it as a floating,fixed button on the side? Is that considered something users are annoyed by? If I shouldn't, which method is ...
user1953552's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Leave data in form after submission?

I've got a form in my web application that a user would use to send messages to another user of the system. So for example, a manager might want to send a message to all of their direct reports about ...
Mark D's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

examples of user feedback for evaluation of other users' answers

As an academic project, I'm developing a simple facebook application. I intend it to be some kind of a mind game exploring creativity. Its current design is simple: the user just writes a short ...
NotGaeL's user avatar
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553 votes
16 answers

Should error messages apologize?

We are having a discussion on our team about an error message that says "Sorry, you do not have permission to access this feature. Please contact your administrator for assistance." Is it ...
JoelFan's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

How to give users feedback about rejected input?

I've got a mobile app where the user takes a photo of an object. This photo is to go through some heavy-duty image processing server-side, so to prevent large wastage of time, a simple pre-check is ...
fredley's user avatar
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120 votes
11 answers

How to "force" users to upgrade their browser?

I couldn't think of a better title for this question, but please don't jump to conclusions - I don't really want to point a gun at my users heads! I have a site that works well with the modern ...
Flot2011's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Fixed Feedback button on the side of LEFT or RIGHT side of the window?

My start up [WEBSITE] is going to be launching in private beta soon and we're trying to decide where our feedback button/tab should go. We've looked at how UserVoice does theirs (bottom right) and ...
Shirley's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Where do users expect to see feedback?

Circumstances where a user is adding a list of items to a page and hitting save then adding another. Where would the user expect to see items saved prior? Is it above the "add another" button or below?...
user19592's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

Deliberately annoying users to discourage certain behaviour. Is this a bad idea?

In my software, some users deliberately disable certain security provisions or practice bad security practice (such as running the software as root/admin). In the former case there a couple of ...
PhonicUK's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

When should feedback be in-page and when should feedback be a separate screen?

I've seen feedback/confirmation on a separate screen for example when the user has submitted a form. Then the next screen they see: "congratulations you have successfully..." Then on other occasions ...
user19592's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Managing an App's Loading Time Expectations

I was recently asked to come up with a framework to benchmark loading time expectations based on the tasks being performed in the app. I found that there were three categories in which I could define ...
edgarator's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

How do I explain the consequences of an action to a user who refuses to read?

A shared frustration among pretty much all software designers is how to communicate important issues to users when they simply refuse to read even the shortest amount of text. The short and sweet of ...
PhonicUK's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Inviting users to send crash reports instead of bad reviews

I'm developing an Android app and I'm planning to use ACRA - Application Crash Report for Android to get crash reports from users. It seems that a crash report has to survive to many user choices to ...
bigstones's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Why is HideSelection the default on Windows?

I've always wondered why Windows controls have their HideSelection property set to true by default? Example (TreeView):
Jens Mühlenhoff's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

What symbol to use to represent feedback

When reading Which "Like" symbol is best to use I suddenly realised that the UX community may be able to help me solve a little problem: I'm working on a site which has just gone in to Beta ...
TJH's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

validation message placement

Is it better to have the validation message next to the label or the control? download bmml source – Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups Update: To be clear, I'm not referring to marking ...
Homer's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Best pattern for posting to social networks

I have an app (RateBeer for Android) that allows users to post updates to the social network, like publishing a beer review, setting their current status, setting a star-rating or adding availability ...
Eric Kok's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Should a flash message be used for toggle buttons that perform actions immediately?

I have a simple interface for managing a user's account in a web app. Clicking each button in the interface performs the action immediately: download bmml source – Wireframes created with ...
F21's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How long should I wait before a user is unable to change a page rating?

I'm currently building a page rating/feedback component. Some of the requirements I'm trying to figure out is how long should I wait before preventing a user from changing their mind/page rating? ...
JeffH's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Can a page rating with feedback be more effective than a longer usability survey for identifying problem areas?

Our government website has thousands of informational pages, many online self-service task flows and 20+ content editors / stakeholder groups. In the past, periodic usability surveys have been ...
Luke Charde's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to indicate success to user without a message box?

I've read in books and a website that discussed great UI design that you shouldn't "bother" the user with too much feedback or message boxes and pop ups. I also think that as a user, I'd like to know ...
Sisyphus's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How to convince a user to fill out a survey

I am working on a project that provides a service (landscaping) to members of the community. When the work for that client is finished we always encourage the client to go to our website to fill out a ...
PL3X's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

Reasonable character limit for a comment field on a site feedback form?

I have a simple feedback form (see screenshot) on each page on a site. The user has to select whether the page was helpful or not (radio buttons yes/no) and there is also a text area input where the ...
Dave Haigh's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

What is an appropriate UI for a prepopulated textbox that you can overwrite?

Suppose I have an edit box that gets prepopulated with text. For example, in tax prep software, there may be a function that computes a value that is displayed, but then also allows you to change that ...
Mitch's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Action confirmation through double clicking (click-twice confirmation)

Clarification: Let me clarify first: By double-click I mean clicking something twice but not in a quick succession. So here is the question/suggestion: Usually on the web applications, designers have ...
Khash's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Forgiving Format: Rewrite on blur or ASAP?

I'm implementing the forgiving format pattern for phone numbers and social security numbers on a web site. Basically, the idea is the user types their (US) phone number: 5558675309 The system ...
Patrick McElhaney's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Gathering end user feedback on a mobile device

I would like to be able to solicit feedback (comments, suggestions, etc) from end users within my mobile business applications. I would expect the feedback to range from "I really love/hate this" to "...
superduperfly's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to enter separate amounts then give feedback if the total meets a given amount?

case: During an ordering process, the user should be able to divide a given amount of money into a '1 to infinite' number of pots. So the sum of everything should be exactly the same when the step is ...
Rene's user avatar
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23 votes
11 answers

Explaining "circular reference" to a non-technical end user

Please advise on simple, intuitive language for explaining a circular reference. I have a situation where adding children to a parent entity from the UI works just fine. I prevent circular ...
xanadont's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How can I maintain usability on a slow system?

Obviously a huge part of a positive UX is a fast, responsive design. The software I work with (Electronic Medical Records) is sometimes used on sub-standard devices (e.g. ancient desktop PCs) or in ...
Andrew Shipe's user avatar
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