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Questions tagged [position]

the location in time or space of a control or element, position is often controlled to imply meaning or emphasis for an item.

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Location of advanced options on form

In our platform, you can schedule routine scans. Imagine you can check boxes to scan for people, cars, locations. But under advanced options (located currently at the bottom) you can perform a type of ...
merlin's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
2 answers

Selection state position after selecting/onload

I'm wondering for a UI element like this, where users can select an option, what should the on-load positioning be? Should the selected item be first? or should I have a divider for selected and the ...
Benzowin's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Button position in equal height containers

I am designing card elements and struggling with the CTA button positioning: with equal amounts of dummy text the content heights and button positioning remained consistent and easy on the eye. ...
shahidmirza's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to improve UX for multiple buttons which are in one place with different functionality

I am working with a web application, there is a case to use 4 different buttons in one place with different functionalities. I think adding all the buttons in one place leads users see awkward and may ...
Nav Raj Bhattarai's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Where is the best place for the back button? [duplicate]

In some apps, you need to go through a number of steps. Of course, a back button is needed in this process, in case the user has made a mistake or changes his mind. But my question is, what is the ...
Roberto Dekker's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Button position depending on situation or always in the same position?

I have two situations: A page with a table. The table can be short or long depending on user preference (items per page). A page with a form. The form can be short or very long depending on some ...
Adrian's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Referring to the position of an element in modern (responsive) design

This is such a common and basic issue that there must be an answer somewhere already, but I can't see it, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Should we avoid referring to the position of an ...
reed's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

position of an icon with a text next to it [closed]

currently i'm designing a back-office to manage geolocation of items in realtime, well... The thing is you can download a csv with all data detailed... which is the right position to put an icon ...
Terla's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

On a mobile, why is the search bar position different in an web app and a mobile app?

What is the ideal position of the search bar on the mobile screen? Is it in the top-right corner or at the bottom? Here is an web-app. In this case, the search bar is placed at the top. In ...
NB4's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to display a page with only one sentence and a link? [closed]

I have a page with only one sentence and a link after a form submission but I don't know how to display them to look good and still kind of 'appealing' to the user. The sentence is (translated): Data ...
ofmiceandmoon's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How big should an analogue stick be on a mobile game?

I am developing a mobile game, for fun, and am adding an analogue stick to control the main character. It looks something like this: I am hoping to get some advice on the appropriate size and ...
sam_smith's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

iOS: Delete/Upload button position

My iOS app (for iPhone and iPad) has two main screens with two buttons each: A table: Clicking on one of the cells opens screen 2; with Upload & Delete button Detailed screen with more ...
Neph's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Print-Button on expose

I have been thinking and thinking and thinking about this topic. I've researched multiple sources and theories. None of these was near to what we do, probably because of the pretty unique german ...
marvinpoo's user avatar
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1 answer

Button location: Save / Next / Cancel / Text notice

I am facing an issue in a recent project about the position of buttons. In the UI system, we have this button group bar fixed to the bottom of page which already using in other pages. So in the new ...
Ashley M's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Should a "Close" button on a dialog message modal always be in the same position and style?

Here are two examples of a current message dialog we have in the application I'm working on. The close button is the primary and only button in the left dialog. It's one of two options in the right ...
MRL's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I display chat widget on mobile without affecting other artifacts?

I want to know a best way to display user chat icons on mobile, as these widgets are overlapping with other artifacts of screen. In mobile due to lack of space, overlapping of icons is appearing. ...
Ollie's user avatar
  • 37
2 votes
1 answer

Where to put a search filter checkbox left or right side?

I have a search filters design for an eCommerce website, I wonder where should I put the checkbox of each filter? Any suggestion in terms of the usability and user experience?
NPN's user avatar
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2 answers

How to show an approximate location along a route on a map?

A pin on a map is a very precise thing, that is the impression it gives. To show that a location is approximate, we can put a circle around it since the error range is in 2D, and that is easily ...
Heshamg's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How to make a screen with tons of whitespace not look awkward

In my settings page (above), I am currently using tabs to navigate between sections (Rake + tip, Hand rankings, Tiers...). For the insights section of the settings page, the only objective is to allow ...
Adam Zerner's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Icon for a button to move a list item. Not scroll [closed]

In our software we have a dropdown menu. The dropdown menu has listitems which represent columns for a table. Via two buttons in the list (on the left side), the position of the listitems can be ...
Simon's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

When the user changes a default item, how should the new one be signified?

Considering this case, in which we don't expect the items to be very many (mostly 1-2, but can get to 5-6 tops, and there can only be one favorite: The order of the items is the one in which they ...
bumbledy's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Best practices on tooltips position

I'm building a UI Kit and I'm trying to define the best position for tooltips to be displayed. Some thoughts: On charts, I believe the tooltip should be displayed on the top of the pointer; On touch ...
ananeto's user avatar
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1 answer

How should I position the "Remove player" button?

Note: There will always be at least two players, so the first two players won't have the "Remove player" button. For the view with three players, it seems to make sense to put the "Remove player" ...
Adam Zerner's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why do Slack thread cards flow upwards instead of downwards?

Today someone replied to a thread in Slack, but I was not focused on that particular channel, so Slack attracted my attention to the "All Threads" page on the sidebar. To my surprise, when I opened ...
joeytwiddle's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Why are login forms centered?

Why are login forms always centered on the screen? Most horizontally, some vertically also. Sites like Apple/Amazon/Adobe/Microsoft/Google/PayPal/Instagram/Twitter etc. are all centered! Is this an ...
bfritz's user avatar
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Where I can put the CTA button in a process steps?

I'm working with a Process, this process has 5 steps. I don't know what's the best place to put the "Next" or "Continue" CTA button. I have 3 options: Top-right on the header, this options is ...
uxavi's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

In landscape mode on a smartphone, should the positioning of control elements be based on whether the phone points to the right or left?

Imagine a smartphone application, which has a number of control elements in its top row: Now, if the user rotates the phone to landscape view, it makes sense to rotate the control elements to make ...
vsz's user avatar
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2 answers

Positioning of the result of an action made by the user

Ok, so I'll try to make this as clear as possible. So, I work in a PASS app product offering tech company and we've encountered the following issue while building a micro interaction task for one of ...
Aelyx's user avatar
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39 votes
7 answers

In burger menus, should "Logout" always be at the bottom and why?

I noticed this while using websites that require login/logout - I get used to accessing the "Logout" button at the bottom of the menu. For example: On burger menu, the logout option will always be at ...
corgiiscute's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Placing meta data in horizontal post boxes [closed]

Note: Dark gray line represents the post title Gray lines represent the post excerpt Light gray line represents metadata; data/author name etc. Displaying meta data in a horizontal box looks fine ...
Megh Gandhi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Position of a bar near a search input

I am building a website that includes a page that has a search input and a sensitivity bar near him that allows the users to control over the amount of results returned and their accuracy. This is ...
Yuval Pruss's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is it beneficial for users to be able to change the display location of user and system notifications?

Some back story. I'm working on a data science platform, and sometimes when working with Jupyter, RStudio, H20, etc, displaying notifications works for one type of notebook but not the other. Because ...
JWhiteUX's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Where should I put the Filter button on the top or bottom of mobile screen?

I'm currently designing a website that has 80% of mobile device users, so I'm trying to enhance the experience when opened on mobile. In products page I'm planning to put a button filter to help ...
Rob H. Yamin's user avatar
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8 answers

where should the "point of coordinate" of a slider knob be?

I made a tool for my students, so they can slowdown music and learn it in their own tempo. In the tools there are some knobs, and specifically 3 of them interact to a "loop" functionality. The idea ...
Sergio's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Describing 3D swiping hand movement as curve on a XY plane

I'm trying to describe a 3D swipe gesture (only vertical or horizontal, no diagonals) above a given flat surface using as much conventional geometry or similar non-machine-learning techniques (Hidden ...
rbaleksandar's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Need ideas on Version number position for web application [closed]

I want the user to notice the version number as it will be easy during feedback. There is no footer and menus for the website. I am planning to put it under the logo as shown above. Need comments on ...
Kannan R's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Positioning a close button for a tab

I've got a tab list where I have a menu and a tab close button. I've positioned the close button as shown in the image. download bmml source – Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups Is this ...
Imesh Chandrasiri's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Placement of buttons

I am designing a pop up which will come up after the user has set of a chain of commands. We have a group of 10 items and the first one that can be picked by the client gets processed automatically ...
The O G's user avatar
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4 answers

How to represent a n-dimensional map of users?

I'm working on a service that handle users which have a position in the system. The service is flexible in that positions can be of any dimensions (understand, 2D or 3D or... well 4D even if that's ...
ereOn's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Change language dropdown on a login page

Where do you believe is the best place to add a change language dropdown menu on a LOGIN page? Is it below the form? Or is it on the right? Are there any conducted studies you know of? Thanks in ...
Loro's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Should the "X" be lined up with the Login button or Sign Up Form? [closed]

Should the "X" stay put or move to the purple square, which is lined up with the Sign Up Form. Does it matter?
Cøde Play's user avatar
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3 answers

Save/Cancel buttons position above or below table?

I am building a software which has a lot of tablets fill out. There are situations where a table row has a lot of settings. A consistency throughout the software is that there is an action menu on ...
Loro's user avatar
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1 answer

Columns in a table - settings buttons position

I am building a screen for a rather big platform and I am trying to figure the best position for settings buttons for a column in a table. The table holds information about players and their ...
Loro's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it good design to cover part of the video display with control buttons?

Long time ago video control buttons were being placed just below the display area so nothing was overlaying the image, then some strange fashion was introduced - moving these controls on video image ...
Waldemar Gałęzinowski's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

prefered window position

My company has a web application that uses lots of windows. My boss forces us to set all "y" window positions to "0" (top) instead of the default center. To me, it's a pain in the *** to manually ...
Gio Asencio's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

Is it acceptable to place video controls at the top of a video?

Is it okay to place video controls at the top of a video? Like so: Mainly considering a full screen video streaming platform like Netflix, I believe this format has some benefits: Subtitles would ...
Woodwoerk's user avatar
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2 votes
6 answers

Active/selected members of group on the left? or right?

Given a web page with the classic "move items from a list on one side to the other", does it make more sense to have "active" on the left hand side of the screen? or the right? While Submit Buttons ...
user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

When voting, should the positive option be on the left or the right?

On my website, users can vote on whether they like or dislike various things, and then they can write either positive or negative opinions. Historically, has positivity been associated with the right-...
Jeff Caros's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Button positioning for Negative, Neutral and Positive actions

I'm in the process of putting together a style guide for a web application, in particular, a section about buttons (it's visual weight, position and labelling). I'm almost there, I've done a lot of ...
Gareth Lewis's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

In a fresh install, why is Recycle Bin the only icon on the desktop? [closed]

I recently installed an instance of Windows Server 2012 although I suspect that this also applies to other versions of Windows Server. In the case of Windows Server 2012, the OS has the start screen ...
karancan's user avatar
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