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10 votes

Use bad UI till overall redesign or add good UI in small steps?

As lead designer in the startup I work at I have to handle the same situation quite often. I don't think there's one out-and-out solution. That depends on your situation. However, my experience in ...
Nick Groeneveld's user avatar
6 votes

How to arrange columns in a table appropriately?

The first column should be a primary column by which the user can scan down the list of items in the table. Typically a table will be sorted and that could be by any of the columns but by default ...
Roger Attrill's user avatar
5 votes

Usability Testing a website redesign

You don't have to build the whole UI to test some features like navigation. Early in the design process, you can test information architecture with a tool like tree testing or card sorting. These are ...
celinelenoble's user avatar
4 votes

How can I make a navigation for an older demographic?

Ask your users how they understand (and categorize) the domain. Lawyers (especially older ones) have years of experience and models of how the legal world is organized. You may discover patterns of ...
Mike M's user avatar
  • 25k
4 votes

Interviews aimed for a website redesign

User interviews are a great way of research, you can use them on multiple occasions in a design process. When can you use them Gather information before you have a design / use them to make ...
Kevin M.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Onboarding suggestions for a redesigned web app?

I recently wrote an elaborate article that lists some awesome ideas to make your User Onboarding Experience smoother. - 10 Ways You Can Make Your User Onboarding Experience Irresistible! (With ...
Gokul Suresh's user avatar
3 votes

Want to redesign an app but can't find its users

After reading through the other responses and your remarks, I feel like there are still things I can add. 1. User research If you cannot reach actual users, the second best group to work with are ...
QWERTZdenker's user avatar
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3 votes

How to build a new Website-Navigation?

Generals Let them search!: if the users are used to get through the navigation forest and arrive , let's say, at a "inventory report" page, just give them the change to search that section in a ...
Alejandro Veltri's user avatar
3 votes

How can I make a navigation for an older demographic?

Older people have primarily the following problems uses digital tools: Lack of familiarity with digital interfaces Ageing makes it increasingly difficult to read text that is small and close. Colour ...
LastPlot's user avatar
3 votes

Redesigning h1 headings

Start with defining the problem. Why are they being redesigned? Legibility? Does the CMS let people but in too much text so they break the rest of the design? Are they confusing (users don't ...
Bryce Howitson's user avatar
2 votes

Benefits of unsolicited redesigns

For a portfolio its better than nothing. Far better to have real projects but if you don't have those then imagined projects don't hurt. The key is showing your process rather than the end design ...
the other one's user avatar
2 votes

What's the better way to reduce the impact to the familiar users when process redesigning or take place

It's true people hate change. It could scare them off. But there are ways of minimizing any recoil or you could even turn it to your advantage. Make small iterations A nice example is the case of ...
Paul van den Dool's user avatar
2 votes

Use bad UI till overall redesign or add good UI in small steps?

To be honest, I'm not sure what do you mean, but whatever it is, the answer will always be: do it right There really isn't a single scenario in which doing something wrong will help anyone at ...
Devin's user avatar
  • 38.3k
2 votes

Designing new interface for a legacy web application

Bringing a fully new design can be catastrophic. Even started over is bring good things, it takes time. So much time. You need to address every mental modal that your customer created with the new ...
Erkan Kerti's user avatar
2 votes

Interviews aimed for a website redesign

This largely depends on the aims of your user interview. Also what are the aims or scope of your website redesign. is it an aesthetic facelift or you aim to fix UX issues too? If you want to find and ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
  • 10.8k
2 votes

Want to redesign an app but can't find its users

Andrew gave a great response. Taking everything into consideration, personal project, struggling to recruit participants, small audience — I'd probably look at some competitor research and create an ...
Dan's user avatar
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1 vote

App revamp would mean all locally stored video and audio data will be wiped out

I don't have enough information to estimate the seriousness of loosing this data (i.e., are there a few full-feature films, or hundreds of short takes; is it only a download issue, i.e., time and ...
virtualnobi's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the best way to reduce clicks and improve the product list page UX on mobile devices?

There are several solutions, but all depend on the type of product for sale, if they have variations or if they are unique products. If the buyer adds quantities to different products, they don't ...
Danielillo's user avatar
  • 20.4k
1 vote

Improve the current UI library or build a new one?

It depends on the company's budget, openness to change, the worth of the effort, current state of the app. You could be better off with a review of the design system and the app itself. Identify all ...
Chris's user avatar
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1 vote

Interviews aimed for a website redesign

This is a redesign job (a customer portal) for a big Australian company which I recently worked on. My initial interviews were focused on below three things What the portal does. How it does it. ...
Ashumk's user avatar
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1 vote

Hidden screens and hidden states in your app, how do you surface them all when redesigning?

We normally plan and spec out and list all the states across the entire product for the developer. If there are missing states, the developer will bring them up and ask us how to handle them. For ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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1 vote

How to build a new Website-Navigation?

Card Sorting exercises are generally the best first activity to undertake when reorganizing a menu structure or starting information architecture. One thing I really like about doing exercises like ...
It's Dylan's user avatar
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1 vote

Approach for Designing the Mobile App for an Existing Desktop Optimized Web Application

Template Usage I am not sure what your question about the template usage is. I think you automatically reuse already existing components when designing, so it isn't even a question - of course you ...
Big_Chair's user avatar
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1 vote

Onboarding experience for redesigned apps

You must be having already traffic for the app. You need to divide the traffic and run A/B testing, Multivariate testing for different traffic segments. So think of a situation where you take two ...
Supra's user avatar
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1 vote

Redesigning h1 headings

Like what Luke said, you need first to define the problem. Because what's the use redesigning the H1 Header, is the font size of H1 is too big? I suggest you look for all the elements/words where H1 ...
Gie Miranda's user avatar
1 vote

Usability Testing a website redesign

To add to the good @Celine's answer, you can conduct usability tests on partial functionality of the site, or some of its sections. All you need is scenario or several scenarios, which should be ...
Alexey Kolchenko's user avatar
1 vote

Use bad UI till overall redesign or add good UI in small steps?

I currently help maintain close to 50 web apps. You should go with the small, incremental changes. Reasons: resources are limited Big changes would cost a lot of time to the developers, you dont ...
luisluix's user avatar
  • 141
1 vote

Use bad UI till overall redesign or add good UI in small steps?

Make sure your definition of Good (new) UI is aligned w/ the current paying customers needs. That can give you leverage with management to move forward and devote more resources towards new design (...
Mike M's user avatar
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1 vote

Existing product: how redesign a product of a user only?

Here are some tips that will help you change your mindset so you can view your product from new perspective: use the six thinking hats method from Ed. De Bono, use Tina Seelig flavour. test the ...
Jose Berengueres's user avatar

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