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27 votes

Using two different fonts on a mobile application

Having two fonts, one for headers and one for body text, is generally accepted. Do not use more than two fonts. Three's a crowd. What's important for you is to create visual hierarchy. You can do ...
Nick Groeneveld's user avatar
17 votes

Which is better, Side Menu or Fixed Bottom Menu?

Bottom navigation works well on Apple devices but not recommended for Android because of the system buttons. Dear Google, it is nice but I insist that the bottom navigation does not work well on ...
Dipak's user avatar
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13 votes

Using two different fonts on a mobile application

You should avoid using two different fonts for the following reasons: You create unnecessary contrast, which creates clutter. The visual hierarchy is already established by the difference in font ...
DesignerAnalyst's user avatar
8 votes

Bottom Navigation Bar With Floating Action Button

Yes, it's a good practice. While you can display a Floating Action Button in order to facilitate a primary action, this doesn't mean it must be showed in all sections. I mean, if you are on a Bottom ...
abrahamnavas's user avatar
7 votes

Using two different fonts on a mobile application

It is definitely common with both designs using a combination of typefaces (typically 2; one for headers and one for body) , and sometimes only 1 typeface. I can't say I have found specific research ...
Andreas Johansson's user avatar
7 votes

What is this UI component called?

I'm assuming they're talking about something like this: From what you've described, they might be looking for something like classic iOS date spinner, or the Material UI "datetime-local" component ...
Elliot's user avatar
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6 votes

Having no content on product launch

Empty States What you're referring to is known in the software world as an "empty state". It can be just like it sounds: empty. But if you're smart, it becomes a delightful training tool. The idea ...
plainclothes's user avatar
  • 21.4k
5 votes

Bottom Navigation Bar With Floating Action Button

I think one could make an argument that it leads to too much visual weight being in the bottom of the screen in cases of having software nav buttons. But there's nothing about it that's inconsistent ...
Miles Reiter's user avatar
4 votes

Is it bad practise to hide rarely used options and provide a button to expand them?

It is alright to expand certain content, but provide enough information of what is hidden. Right now the user won't know what the button does/displays until he clicks it. Take this Material design - ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a standard for capitalization of Android app menuitems?

Material design can be considered to be a standard when it comes to anything on Android app design. Material design on capitalization: Use sentence-style caps for all titles, headings, labels, menu ...
locationunknown's user avatar
4 votes

Using two different fonts on a mobile application

To me (not a designer by trade, but I've done some) MaaxRounded adds nothing when compared to the all-Roboto version (but the body looks very loose in MaaxRounded). With the contrast in size and ...
Chris H's user avatar
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4 votes

Which is better, Side Menu or Fixed Bottom Menu?

My inner designer supports hamburger menu because they can be designed soooo pretty - just look at all the dribbble shots (actually don't look at dribbble for UX related matters). But, unfortunately, ...
Armands's user avatar
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4 votes

How should regular black text change to show that it has become editable?

Text inputs on the web usually have distinct looks. Inputs and text areas typically look like they some some "depth" to it. You can try do add some borders or outlines to make it obvious that the ...
ecc's user avatar
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4 votes

How should regular black text change to show that it has become editable?

The most common way of doing this is to show uneditable text as text directly on the page and editable text in an editable text field. Are you doing something that prevents this?
Ken Mohnkern's user avatar
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4 votes

Having no content on product launch

In your situation try to avoid the empty state. If you join an app/community & it’s a ghost town, why would you ever return? As an extension of this, if you have smart coders who can build bots, ...
Supra's user avatar
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4 votes

Should a message show up confirming the user wants to leave when they press on a 'back' button within an app?

This is a good question but I am afraid the answers are going to be opinionated. My answer is based on my experiences with various apps. When a two-step exit is helpful On feed-based apps that don't/...
Shreyas Tripathy's user avatar
4 votes

One app with more features vs. separate apps focused on one thing

The term you're looking for is debundling. Debundling is definitely not just a UX decision. It's a collective decision between business technology and design. There are many reasons why not to ...
Korhan's user avatar
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4 votes

One app with more features vs. separate apps focused on one thing

As with most questions on UXSE, context is the key when it comes to making decision about your users. You used the example of Facebook which initially had a lot of different 'products and services' ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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3 votes

UI Suggestion for switching apps

Is the down arrow a good approach for letting the users know that from there the apps can be switched? No. You need an icon to hide Apps under it; icon finder is suggesting similar to Google or ...
Dipak's user avatar
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3 votes

Navigation Bar with Text App

Always use labels for your icons if you can. This greatly helps icon usability. Here's a snippet of an article by the Nielson Norman Group on icon usability. A user’s understanding of an icon is ...
Nick Groeneveld's user avatar
3 votes

Navigation Bar with Text App

Is it better to show the text along the Icons? (I thought it would get too chaotic if too much information is presented at once, like "less is more") Check more information about this subject here: ...
Joao Carvalho's user avatar
3 votes

Is Notification Setting really important?

Material design has a very complete section on Notification patterns. Types of notifications Notifications are considered either transactional or non-transactional. Transactional ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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3 votes

Badges for donations

It is always a good practice to thank your donors and to reward them. For other users, a badge can be an incentive to donate. However, I would not make the color of the badge dependent on the amount ...
Anna Prenzel's user avatar
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3 votes

Using two different fonts on a mobile application

You already had answers to state it's a perfectly valid design decision which may (or may not) be appropriate for your application. Let me pick it from a different point of view and highlight ...
Adriano Repetti's user avatar
3 votes

Detect if User has pop ups enabled. Best way to do it

I think popping up a window and closing it really fast would look extremely suspicious to a user that happened to notice it. I would very quickly abandon a site that began doing that—no telling ...
maxathousand's user avatar
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3 votes

How to show a score without numbers?

If I see a gauge needle at full throttle on a driving app my logical perception would be I was driving too fast. Stars would mean my driving was stellar. A traffic light, besides color considerations ...
Devin's user avatar
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3 votes

Ghost Accounts in banking

This is an information architecture problem, try fixing it by adding an additional level to your data hierarchy. You can solve some of the user confusion in seeing products they own mixed in with ...
Racheet's user avatar
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3 votes

About Commanding in UWP apps. What commanding approach is best? office like?, UWP? or classic win32?

I'm so glad, somebody raises that question. It's Microsoft's fault that you have to write such a long question, because they created that inconsistent mess. Everything started with Microsoft making ...
OneWorld's user avatar
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3 votes

Alternative to TAB layout to show three different pages connected

I've changed the whole layout in to a single page now it looks like only the list screen, by pressing + a bottom sheet will compare where the user will fullfill the form (same bottomsheet like in ...
Igor Mytyuk's user avatar
2 votes

Bottom Navigation Bar With Floating Action Button

Ideal answer will be Yes. Floating action button is used to indicate primary and most frequent action taken by the user, whereas bottom navigation bar is used as secondary navigation. Relationship ...
Andy's user avatar
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