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Questions tagged [sliders]

an input allowing selection of a point on a linear scale

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Pop up to slider

I have this situation where the iterations (history) of an order are shown in a popup with multi select option for comparison, comparison table is a vertically long table. When I click compare – Is ...
Aby dominic's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

What's a less binary alternative to sliders?

I am working on a project that has a slider that allows a user to select their preference between two things (let's call them A and B). It is perfectly possible for them to get both A and B but the ...
SamTheProgrammer's user avatar
1 vote
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How do you solve variable height progressive reveal slider?

Say even on Google, you're first entering email, then pressing next, and the content of the little window is sliding leftwards to go to the next step, however the height changes and this makes the box ...
Nielsen's user avatar
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UX Pattern for slider with dynamic minimum and maximum

I'm working on an app where we'd like to use a slider, but it's quite possible that when the user opens the modal that we don't really know what the range of that slider should be. Or, put another way,...
andyopayne's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How should the switch (or checkbox) react to changing the slider value?

The Situation: The user can drag the slider handle to change the opacity of a 3D object (teeth). The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is 100. The user can also turn the switch off, and it will set ...
ellis's user avatar
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Accessibility slider with no min/max values

What would be the best instructions for a slider that has no min/max value. For example, you are either all the way to the left or right of a question asked. You could also be in the middle, or ...
SC30's user avatar
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Alternatives to a Product Add-On Carousel

I have started updating my companies website to be more accessible and as I began to work on our carousel slider I ran into numerous articles stating that carousels should be avoided all together. ...
Trevor Dammon's user avatar
3 votes
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Widget to enter 3 numbers that must add up to 1

I need the user to select 3 numbers that add up to 1, let's call them x, y, and z. I could have a slider for x and y. Then z would simply be 1 - x - y. But what if the user slides x to 1 and y to ...
at.'s user avatar
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4 answers

What's the best option for an opacity slider on this color selection menu?

Hi! I am currently working on a new cosmetics app. As an example, in the Lipstick category, users would be able to change their lip color by choosing a different lipstick color. We created a small ...
Topaz Mamuka's user avatar
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What's the best word to use for table overlapping the mobile screen to show the information on the right, "swipe left" or "slide left"?

For me, the best way to show the list is by using cards either you scroll sideways or scrolling down by having each list stacked cards. With client preference to have the table similar UI and behavior ...
Sknny's user avatar
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What's a better approach to slider?

I'm currently creating a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of two statements top and bottom. User is required to use the slider to indicate the preferred statement by dragging the handle ...
Tharindu's user avatar
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Data leveling UI suggestions

I m here looking for suggestions and design idea if someone can help please, Basically i m working on a screen that should display a lot of data defined by levels. Lets say we have a City with its ...
Mouad's user avatar
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Options for manual camera controls on a phone app

I am making an advanced camera app for Android. Right now, I have come up with 2 ideas for implementing 3 manual controls (focus distance, sensor sensitivity, and exposure time) on a touch screen: ...
Tooniis's user avatar
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Calendar display options issue

On the website of a client we have a calendar of events with quite a bit information in addition to the date and place. It looks like this: It's a jssor static slider The user can see/go to the next ...
Danielillo's user avatar
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7 answers

Visualize an object as non movable

I am currently creating a slider for numerical values. The idea of the slider is, that values are changed by moving the ribbon. Some tests showed that users mostly tried to move the indicator itself ...
Octfx's user avatar
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Option to select a range and fixed values

Im currently designing the UI for a event tool. When the user is creating an event he has the option to select the amount of people needed for this event. He should be able to define a range (e.g. "...
Pectoralis Major's user avatar
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2 answers

Any Alternative to Slide in Panels that does not compromise UX?

We are in the process of developing an Enterprise level Web Application where certain screens have cards housing some information on them and are clickable. Upon click instead of a Modal we have ...
Melvault's user avatar
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Value input for several dependent ranges

My system measures events for event sets. The activity level for each event set is based on the amount of events in that set. The numbers in the image below illustrate the amount of events needed for ...
jakapo's user avatar
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How to show & change different states of a system for supply chain

Two ways I can think of in regards to supply chain is a drop down showing order status such as not started, processed shipped. Or a slider like mechanism showing progress towards the end similar to ...
Frank Visaggio's user avatar
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Alternative to slider on front page

According to this topic - Are carousels effective? sliders are very ineffective way of managing space on the website. So I am wondering what would be an alternative which would achive the goal of ...
aMJay's user avatar
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What do you call the date range slider bar underneath a time series chart?

What's the name of a slider bar, underneath a chart, that determines date range, that the chart is showing? The one I circled in pink.
Rosebud's user avatar
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Logarithmic and/or linear scale sliders when to use them

I've been having a discussion with someone at work regarding the usage of Logarithmic and linear scale sliders. Here is an example in a jsfiddle*. Background of the problem We are currently building ...
Kevin M.'s user avatar
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Responsive UI Pattern for selecting from a list of exact values greater than 5?

I'm designing a page where users should be able to sort between exercise videos categorized by "phase." (see image). These phases start with "Pre-Op" then proceed linearly 1, 2, 3, etc. Since these ...
Conor's user avatar
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Age range slider for filtering

I'm building a dating website and within the search page there is a filtering section and of course one of the filters will be for age range. I am wondering what is the best way to obtain this ...
MAX POWER's user avatar
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Content slider / carousel accessibility best practices?

I'm building a content slider for a news site and faced with the issue of keyboard and screen-reading accessibility. Case #1: Pure image slider For generic image slider it appears you can go with ...
Runnick's user avatar
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Select and adjust individual and multiple (four) input fields both numeric and with slider

I am working on a new solution for a graphical tool and need to find alternative versions how a user can adjust fx margin or padding. In this case there are four input fields where the user currently ...
Anders Lund's user avatar
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6 answers

Slider on Mobile - labels below or above slider?

I'm trying to understand which is better for this case: a "milestone" labels for a slider. For an iOS mobile app. Above or Below the slider? Illustration: Would love to hear your thoughts. ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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Minimum Maximum slider - Usability best practice

I'm developing an iOS mobile app for slowing down/speeding up videos. After some research and intuition I've decided to choose a Slider as the responsible UI component for the video speed change. The ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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Providing affordance for round knob style range sliders

I have an application that uses round knob style range sliders like these: You can see an example of this slider here. To adjust the range - the user clicks or touches the slider, and drags ...
dwjohnston's user avatar
5 votes
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What's a good way to show a slider that also has on/off toogle in an app?

I am working on an app where a user can dim the lights in a room. However, it is also possible to turn them on and off. I have three different concepts: just one slider where the left is off too. ...
beining's user avatar
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Correct method for slider error handling

I'm using a material design editable numerical value (percentage) with optional horizontal slider. What is the best way to show a user that picking a certain value either using the slider or field ...
user avatar
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When should slider tracks be clickable?

Trying to find some basic info on when to enable a sliders track and when to disable the track so users have to click-drag the slider thumb. Thank you for any help or resources!
WillHampton's user avatar
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Why Facebook and Linkedin use a slider to scale/edit users' profile image instead of mouse middle button scrolling?

Our team is working on a product which has a feature that allow users to upload their avatar and edit it. Originally, we would like it to be like google (you can edit the size & position of the ...
Cary Liu's user avatar
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38 votes
6 answers

Carousel with Down Arrow: Does it have a purpose? What's it called?

I've noticed that many websites that have sliders / carousels as a full height background have this "down arrow icon" centered in the middle. Sometimes you can click it. Does this arrow have a name? ...
Jacob Raccuia's user avatar
1 vote
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Navigation too long, any real case solves this issue?

I'm working in a project where navigation is too long (because the app is rich function and owner doesn't want user to click too much). The issue is there's some items hidden at bottom, my solution is ...
Gigi's user avatar
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4 answers

Do Jog Dials make for good UX?

This question follows on from my previous question. In one of my comments there I had mentioned that I was going to use a round slider instead of the linear one I had been using. Whilst this worked ...
DroidOS's user avatar
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Improving the sensitivity of range sliders

The context here is a hybrid Android (v 4.4.x+) app. I have started with the code for the rather well written and documented noUISlider which I have modified to make it look more like a "Material" ...
DroidOS's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting with checkbox and number slider, reduce it to only a slider

I have to implement a number range slider for a maximum width parameter. For example the lowest slider value is 500 and for the highest I set it to a reasonable value of 3.000. First the user chooses ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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8 answers

where should the "point of coordinate" of a slider knob be?

I made a tool for my students, so they can slowdown music and learn it in their own tempo. In the tools there are some knobs, and specifically 3 of them interact to a "loop" functionality. The idea ...
Sergio's user avatar
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When to use a slider versus an input field for indicating a value?

For example, when you're indicating your weight / height, is it better to use a slider or should the user just type in the value? In what instances should you use one or the other?
catandmouse's user avatar
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5 answers

Dials vs. Sliders: When and how to use?

I'm looking for some general information on understanding when and how to use dials and sliders. Our challenge is that we're using both right now to explore relationships, compare values, and ...
WillHampton's user avatar
-4 votes
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What are the pros and cons of using a slider for blogs? [closed]

An example can be found on this link What are the pros and cons of using a slider to view recent posts of a blog? Is it better than simply using article cards?
Abdul M. Diaz's user avatar
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What is this alphabet slider called on Green's Dictionary of Slang?

I came across this website called Green's Dictionary of Slang and thought the alphabet slider was pretty neat. It shows the first word on the page for that portion of the slider you're hovering. I ...
justiceorjustus's user avatar
2 votes
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Better way for users to select a range in a table like structure

I am struggling to find the best UI for contiguous row selection. Each row comprises of a start time, text and an end time. Do you think click and SHIFT + click is still a valuable option for non IT ...
agori's user avatar
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Selecting Multiple Ranges From a Single Range

I'm building an application that requires individual accounts to be segmented by revenue. I’m trying to find the easiest way for the User to create these segments. This task involves breaking a single ...
Sam Solomon's user avatar
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Is there a name for a group of value-related sliders?

I need to illustrate a set of sliders. Each slider can be moved up and down by the user. Adjusting one slider will indirectly adjust the other sliders. Is there a name for this kind of UI component? ...
Trevor Hickey's user avatar
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Quality / price slider

I am trying to depict quality (custom rating) and price sliders in one phone screen. The problem is that price and quality does not have direct connection (i.e. high quality does not necessary mean ...
Kirill's user avatar
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Slider with 3 handlers vs Input fields

I am working on a feature were you need to distribute the total of the feature value (100%) between 4 factors, I think the best option is the input fields, but I like the visual feedback from the ...
VADO's user avatar
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Is a slider with multiple handles suitable for defining split points

I'm working on a web app. Now I have to divide a value range into several continuous parts, say, divide 0~100 into four parts: 0~20, 20~40, 40~60, 60~100. In the simplest way, I can use some text ...
jddxf's user avatar
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Snap-to-increment Ranger Slider vs. Buttons

I am working on an app which requires filtering of distance: < 10km < 25km < 50km < 100km My options are: 1 row with 4 buttons for each distance option, or a range slider that snaps on ...
Cyval's user avatar
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