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32 votes

How to handle a UX issue that cannot currently be fixed (deleting Facebook posts on a 3rd party site)?

Be transparent with your users. I would include a message that communicates two things: The application did its job successfully Facebook imposes this "inconvenient" requirement Perhaps ...
maxathousand's user avatar
  • 19.6k
6 votes

Why Instagram doesn't allow hyperlinks?

On Instagram, posting clickable links on comments are not enabled, The move was taken to crack down on people excessively using self-promotional links in the comments to the extent of spammng.. ...
Jasmin Javia's user avatar
5 votes

Why does LinkedIn switch to an unspecific number after 500+ connections?

It has two goals/benefits; it clearly separates those who have reached 500 from everyone who has not, and makes sure the quality of connections stays high. It's a mixture of prestige (you have a well ...
Wendy Wojenka's user avatar
5 votes

social sharing ui/ux on mobile. actionable text + icons or icons only

Your decision should also be informed other factors: how much you desire to encourage that behavior how dense/sparse the information on screen already is how many social networks you plan to provide ...
theChrisMarsh's user avatar
4 votes

Where to land after the onboarding process?

Do it the linked in way. Have a progress bar, showing how much their profile is complete. Gamify it or provide rewards (if possible) as and when users complete their profiles. So, you could have the ...
Kish's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the best way to show a user that a social media account is linked?

I'd suggest to remove the Connect button like above and change it to an unlink button. Show them the linked account id and provide an Unlink button next to it. In case you don't have an unlink option ...
Shreyas Tripathy's user avatar
4 votes

Comment vs Reply in a social feed

There is no "ideal phrase" for "it". They are both different terms that mean different things. Comment a note explaining, illustrating, or criticizing the meaning of a writing ...
Pectoralis Major's user avatar
4 votes

'View previous replies' on Instagram and LinkedIn... but why?

It probably means that they want to encourage novelty over discussion. See this other question for some more general discussion on comment-order Display comments order - best practice.
cal's user avatar
  • 141
3 votes

If your app requires an email address to register, but you also allow registration via FB, what if FB doesn't return an email?

I would simply ask the users. Once you discover that their email address is missing, show a message like this upon their login: Please, complete your profile information by providing your email ...
Mike's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does LinkedIn switch to an unspecific number after 500+ connections?

Actually they used to show the exact number; however this resulted in people comparing (and really, competing) their profiles solely based on this number, no matter what those connections were really ...
Dániel Kis-Nagy's user avatar
3 votes

Share buttons on mobile app

I have some experience with this; what it's told me is that how you label, size and position of your share icon are vastly more important than which icon you use. Many people don't really have that ...
qoba's user avatar
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3 votes

Should I notify the user that the thread owner deleted their post?

Even it's a matter of choice as you explicitly told by, "I know that comments should be deleted silently" I don't see any benefit here by not notifying user that his/her comments or posts deleted ...
Erhan Yaşar's user avatar
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3 votes

User signs up using their Facebook account logs and then logs in with their (same email) Google account. Now what?

I think the best solution would be that every account is associated to the email. Once they log in with one social then it's linked. So let's say I have google and facebook, I connect google and then ...
Olo's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Should I include the @ symbol with the username when the social icon is shown as well?

Necessary? - I don't think it's necessary to put it, but the reason many people add a "@" tag before their username is that while the "@" tag refers to a person/organization, most ...
Manu R.'s user avatar
  • 29
2 votes

Should social media be embedded on a website on mobile?

Give only the minimum they have to see on mobile. The more content, the more user frustration. Leave out this Instagram feed for your mobile site. Keep things super clean and simple, so humans will ...
Nussi Einhorn's user avatar
2 votes

Delayed Concurrency on Social Media sites?

This is called an optimistic UI. There seems to be lots of info on it if you know what to search for - this page gives a good explanation, including options for how to handle errors if they happen.
PMah's user avatar
  • 136
2 votes

Share buttons on mobile app

We've had very poor response to the multiple sharing links on desktop sites. Less than a quarter of one percent of visitors to the page clicked on any of the share links. Our sites will probably ...
RobC's user avatar
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2 votes

If your app requires an email address to register, but you also allow registration via FB, what if FB doesn't return an email?

Can you not check on the fly when they are registering? When people are registering using fb, your db gets all the fields name, email id etc. Put a logic if DB is not getting email id, show rest of ...
user108525's user avatar
2 votes

What should be the flow if user used social log-in at first then tried to login via email after?

If the person is trying to login from a different device you won't be able to tell him he already signed in via social-login. What you can do though, is remind him that he might have used social-...
Pectoralis Major's user avatar
2 votes

Is it a good idea to use over in advertising material?

Interesting question, a couple of points: For example, are users likely to be more suspicious of typing in the unfamiliar link as opposed to a one? This is definitely possible, ...
dougajmcdonald's user avatar
2 votes

'View previous replies' on Instagram and LinkedIn... but why?

You'd have to ask them. They might not know either. Corporate Inertia may well mean that whoever did decide to do it this way has long since left the company. And no one has questioned it since...
PhillipW's user avatar
  • 11.3k
2 votes

What's the best practise way of adding social share buttons in 2024?

In addition to the basic options, the Freepik share button also has a copy button with a non editable text frame, the link icon and the beginning of the URL, which leaves no doubt as to what it is. ...
Danielillo's user avatar
  • 20.4k
1 vote

What should be the flow if user used social log-in at first then tried to login via email after?

I think if your system supports both social media and email logins then you should allow both to be linked to the same account. So the next time a user that has signed up through social login tries ...
Prakhar Gupta's user avatar
1 vote

Vertical Videos vs Horizontal Videos

I'd use horizontal for anything people want to watch on a whole screen - movies, business presentations and so on. While chat and such, which is mostly about showing a single human, and any similar ...
Carl Dombrowski's user avatar
1 vote

Vertical Videos vs Horizontal Videos

The use of either will depend on the purpose of the video. If all you want to do is stream popular music videos or movies, then you have no choice but to go wide landscape. Vertical videos are being ...
Ren's user avatar
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1 vote

How to avoid creepiness when suggesting profile edits in a social network?

Ideally, you should not be collecting the information of the people who have not given their consent for your service. These invites should be a one time use of the information, and not tie them to ...
Gautam Krishnan's user avatar
1 vote

Is it proper to use "Connect With Us" in this case?

I believe that the best approach would be to see the title of the section from the users perspective. For example, instead of "follow us" to "Get quality content" or "Get... (whatever good you share ...
Mike Mark's user avatar
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1 vote

Where to land after the onboarding process?

I agree with what most people here are suggesting. The reason your users are signing up is for the content, so when they are done with their onboarding they should be directed to the feed. Many ...
Martin Capion's user avatar
1 vote

Where to land after the onboarding process?

You should land the users directly to the feed-page, as they(users) have already shared there preferences and if you are able to land them directly to the results/content page that will give a ...
bagaria's user avatar
  • 339
1 vote

Can comments decrease content creation in fear of not receiving enough social feedback or acknowledgment?

"Likes" work well on a platform where there's a lot of users evaluating a lot of content quickly -- it's shorthand. Most of us have experienced posting things that generate few Likes, but I don't ...
Izquierdo's user avatar
  • 12.9k

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