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Questions tagged [use-cases]

a list of steps, typically defining interactions between a role and a system, to achieve a goal

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1 answer

Asking the user's goal in the Signup or first time Sign in?

I want to qualify users in a SaaS product and understand how to bucket these users into use cases. Still, I wonder what's the best moment to add this question and reducing onboarding friction. Is the ...
luxo's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a use case for Pie charts sliced by date?

I dislike pie charts. They have a lot of documented flaws. However some of our customers still love them, so we support them. Question is, is there a valid use case for a pie chart sliced by date? ...
Joshua Dance's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Vertical Videos vs Horizontal Videos

What's the different between using cases for both formats and is that makes one trending in one situation and flop in another. Are there any guide or case study that can help me understand in which ...
Richard Pariath's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

What is the difference between a Use Case and a User Journey? Is there any?

I was wondering what the difference is between a use case and a user journey? To me they seem to be doing the same thing?
stephlouwalk's user avatar
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1 answer

How to facilitate multiple options whilst emphasizing 1 option in particular?

In this screen we have six options which can be toggled to suit the users preferences. All of these preference options are necessary to the product. However, in 90% of use cases the users will only ...
RobbyReindeer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it a good experience to open a browser on browser

I recently came up with an idea of opening a browser on a browser. I had a use case where I show multiple news from different publishers on a page. But when clicked it opens in a new tab on a mobile ...
Harshith's user avatar
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Registration case studies/research

I am working on a commercial website where customers choose a template and then use a drag and drop interface to create their own adverts or promos. Before the customer can access this section ...
Tommisauce's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Are use case documents essentially user flows in word form?

I'm writing an use case for an app I'm building and I realized that it's essentially an userflow, but in word form. E.g, you have tasks to complete, you figure out the different steps and alternative ...
pood's user avatar
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1 answer

What is first, a customer journey map, personas creation or user cases?

I am in the beggining of a new app, and I would like to know the order of the tasks: after the questions to the users and stakeholders, what is the order? a customer journey map, personas creation or ...
Alejandro Gómez Naranjo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Disabled cookies - is it a viable use case to relate to?

Disabled cookies - is it a viable use case to relate to? i.e. users reaching a website with disabled cookies, should i tailor a code case for them? Notify them that they cannot use the site w/o ...
Naor Urian's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Confused about the best way to map out bot flows

I'm part of a team that is building a messenger bot as another delivery method of data we're currently sending via email. The goal is to ship an MVP in a couple of weeks and validate the concept/...
Phoebe's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to deliver to Front-end developers the behavior spec of a component?

I am working on a new "component" for the company product that I work. The component is like an expansion panel which will have some call to actions that the user has to complete. This actions, the ...
Elizabeth González's user avatar
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4 answers

Guidlines for UX teams working from a use case document

I am trying to resolve an issue here: The business analyst team here are adamant that the use case document that they write (including some wireframes that they've done) should be used as a template ...
Cometodust's user avatar
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Intuitive understanding of CMS-Rights [closed]

I am working on a CMS and users have problems to understand the Rights. Every user registers automatically and have no right unless someone put him into a Rightgroup. A Rightgroup have 15 rights ...
Grim's user avatar
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5 answers

Whats the different between Use Case (in Software Development Process) vs User Goal (in Usability Testing)

My background is system analyst, but while learning UX processes I have faced several things that confuse me; one of them is the differences between User Goal that is used in usability testing and Use ...
Elie's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Does the following constitute a use case? "I want a score to represent the product usage in correspondence with their likelihood to churn."

My understanding is that a use case is a particular role's interaction on a system to achieve a goal. Nevertheless, I repeatedly see people calling things like the above a "use case," so maybe I'm ...
Austin Chambers's user avatar
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1 answer

Primary Scenarios and Use cases

Should you write a primary scenario for every use case in a use case diagram separately or write one primary scenario that incorporates all the use cases in the diagram?
Malumbo's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Swipe left to Delete or Swipe right to Delete?

For actions like "Edit" and "Delete", which should go with Swipe left and Swipe right? I myself found Swiping left (right handed) is less natural than Swiping right, so "Delete" can be assigned to ...
Anh Nguyen's user avatar
6 votes
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how descriptive should a user story be?

I have been tasked to write some user stories to help create a page for transactional history. The standard approach is to follow the now known statement " As a type of user, I want some goal so that ...
Okavango's user avatar
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Are users resizing window?

When I calculate some layout positions and sizes in javascript, I always add a listener to recalculate it when user changes the window size. This way I can e.g. always keep a tile square etc. Now I ...
David Pustai's user avatar
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How to describe functional requirements for a software with high degree of freedom like photoshop/excel?

I am wondering how you would describe the functional requirements for a large/free system like Photoshop or Excel. In this case, we want to describe the requirements of an existing system which we ...
Filip's user avatar
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21 votes
7 answers

Do you use "scenarios" and "use cases" as one or separate?

There are a lot of discussions and information on the difference between scenarios and use cases, but I want to know how do they - or don't they - work together? At a high level, the main difference ...
Adriaan's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I represent conditional displays in wireframes?

I am working on a pretty big project. There are many use case scenarios possible for the different user types. I produced deliverables for the client which are essentially persona competition ...
Marc D's user avatar
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5 answers

Can a use case scenario be generic

I am working on creating a use case scenario document and one of the requests was that I should have some generic use cases such as an user just using the navigation to look around the site. I am a ...
Mervin's user avatar
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Use case scenarios and the use of screenshots?

I have been asked to create an use case scenarios for the project I am currently in .Though there are some excellent templates on the internet about how to structure a use case scenario,I was confused ...
Mervin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What makes a UX User Story?

How does one create a user story as used in Agile methodologies? How should they be written; is there a standard?
blunders's user avatar
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3 answers

What are the use cases for advanced search?

I'm working on a search engine for bibliographic data, and I'm trying to understand the use cases for an advanced search feature. Typically seen on the web, this feature will search specific fields (...
CambridgeMike's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Better portfolio with 'case studies'

How can I make a better portfolio with case studies? I'm disappointed in peoples portfolios being like an art gallery, or not organized well. I probably just need a good example.
DisEngaged's user avatar
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what factors would you use to rank the importance of use case scenarios as they relate to a cost-benefit ratio?

Examples: Users (# of) Frequency of Action (# per XYZ) Cost (Resource XYZ) Usability Problems (Hard <> Easy) Failure Rate (successful <> unsuccessful) And based on the factors you present, ...
blunders's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Case studies to help sell UCD

I'm looking for some nice simple stats and references to help convince potential clients of the value of UCD. Real-life case studies you can explain in one line I suppose. One of my favourites is of ...
Pete Williams's user avatar