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Is this a good login/register flow?

I'm currently reviewing the design for the registration (signup) flow on a website. I've heard that it's considered a highly favorable UX, but I'm not entirely convinced. So I'd like to gather more ...
Euny's user avatar
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Register or Registration For a B2B Sign page

I want to assess the use of the word Registration vs Register on sign up pages. Is there a consensus or research done on this? Thank you
jeancode's user avatar
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2 answers

Email verification during onboarding that requires internal approval

I'm designing a sign-up flow for a clinic management platform (browser, desktop and mobile friendly) that is dedicated for business owners to sign-up for their company. The one registering will be the ...
Kenny's user avatar
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4 answers

Massive forms to be filled

I would like to know when user has to fill many input forms for account creation in particular, What would be the best way to minimize the filled forms? I don't want to put many input forms in one ...
Hanie Shakeri's user avatar
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Apply for a card: in a new page or on the same product page? What's the best user flow?

I have to design a product page for a credit card (it's a banking website). The page consists of info regarding the card, the fees, the rewards, security details, etc. My question is: what would be ...
Mimy Polina's user avatar
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Course page with multiple registration options

I'm designing a website where people register for courses (online or physical/in-class). The difference with other websites is that every course may have multiple registration options (multiple sign-...
Shahriar's user avatar
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Using a single email field to navigate to login if account exists or else to sign up

Are there any usability studies on the preference for the following Login/Sign up scenario. On the first page of the mobile application, you will see a field to enter the email address. If the email ...
Adhisha Gammanpila's user avatar
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Asking the user's goal in the Signup or first time Sign in?

I want to qualify users in a SaaS product and understand how to bucket these users into use cases. Still, I wonder what's the best moment to add this question and reducing onboarding friction. Is the ...
luxo's user avatar
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1 answer

Quantifying the impact of offering alternative signup/login methods?

Nowadays it's common for websites to offer signup/signin methods that don't require making an account (email/password) for that specific site, for example 'Login with x': Facebook Google Twitter ...
stevec's user avatar
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How to show different educational institutions' login options in an app?

I'm working on a mobile application where users, apart from being able to login and sign up with accounts made directly on the app, have the ability to login directly with their educational ...
Velionis's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Should a sign up for two different accounts be split into two pages?

Let's say there is a sign up for merchant and customers. Is it okay if I make the sign up page for the both of them on one page? I added an image here as an example. The sign up is for merchants and ...
Kamila Hanum's user avatar
3 votes
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Need to have 2 sticky buttons - Signup and chat

I have a client requirement to have 2 sticky buttons on the home page. One is for signup and the other is for the Chatbot. I need suggestions on which placement would be better with least impact on ...
aravind's user avatar
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Should we allow email invitations sent to an email address to be used with another?

Let's say I have a SaaS platform, like a B2B platform where there are company accounts. In this platform users can invite other users to join the company account by sending them an invitation link in ...
Weier's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to merge login/signup into one option

Currently for our platform, we are using facebook login & Mobile number verification for login and sign up pages. User does not need to have any additional password to complete his registration. ...
user232803's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Linking to registration email URL after a signup form

So, today I was working on the 'thank you for... page' at the company that hired me. It is a page that is shown after the user 'requests' an offer for a certain treatment. Because of privacy rights we ...
Kevin M.'s user avatar
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