There are a lot of discussions and information on the difference between scenarios and use cases, but I want to know how do they - or don't they - work together?
At a high level, the main difference between a scenario and a use case as I understand it is that the scenario does not contain any of the technology or system interactions and is solely focuses on what the user (persona) is doing.
So do scenarios and use cases both get created or is it ok to combine it into one?
I have an assumption that they can help each other in building the valuable information that goes into both, but ultimately gets used for different purposes as in:
Scenarios are used to inform design decisions and help with visualising the user's world more vividly during the design and development cycle keeping everyone focused on building the product for the user.
Use Cases are used to inform business analyst and developers on the logical steps that need to be considered during the development cycle.
Scenario from Wikipedia
...a fictional story about the "daily life of" or a sequence of events with the primary stakeholder group as the main character. Typically, a persona that was created earlier is used as the main character of this story. The story should be specific of the events happening that relate to the problems of the primary stakeholder group, and normally the main research questions the design process is built upon. These may turn out to be a simple story about the daily life of an individual, but small details from the events should imply details about the users, and may include emotional or physical characteristics...Use Case from Wikipedia
...describes the interaction between an individual and the rest of the world. Each use case describes an event that may occur for a short period of time in real life, but may consist of intricate details and interactions between the actor and the world.
UPDATE: Based on the answer from Aadaam I thought I need to add more detail around the question to clarify what I am looking for.
I understand there is a clear difference in a scenario vs a use case, but there are clear similarities as well. These similarities create confusion when you have a project that uses both.
In the project I am referring to there are ux designers and business analysts. The ux designers rely on scenarios to convey the user's story. The business analysts rely on the use cases to convey the overall business, user and system requirements and functionality.
So with that in mind - how and why would you use both during a project? Or is there a way that you can streamline by building the one and feeding the other?
I have my own opinion on this, but first want to keep my biases out to get an objective answer.
Some more additional information to provide clarity, special thanks to Aadaam for providing insightful answers around this topic.
This information below comes from a course that I have recently gone to about user centered analysis in the ux research field
Distinctions of Scenarios and Use Cases
and how they may fit together in an orginisation
Scenarios are fully user stories
- They do not reflect the system's activities (except as experience by the user)
- Scenarios should be technology agnostic (as much as possible)
- For example, "Jim views his current travel plan..."
Use Cases tend to be equally about the user and the technology
- For example, "Jim views the home page, logs on with his user ID and password, and the system retrieves his current travel plan..."