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4 votes
2 answers

Is there research that shows that users don't like typing on virtual keyboards?

A widespread assumption among UX professionals says that users are not keen to use the virtual keyboard. Guidelines for mobile UX recommend to minimise text entry, suggest that typing holds back the ...
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Ari's user avatar
  • 53
0 votes

horizontal vs vertical tabs

Horizontal navigation pro: takes up little vertical space and all space around it will be useful for other items con: can only fit a limited amount of items in one line (you want to avoid breaking ...
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user11449's user avatar
  • 129
1 vote

What is the acceptable number of "intro" screens for an iPhone app?

Answer to you question is very easy -> there is zero acceptable "intro" screens in iPhone apps. Design of an app should be as good, that you don't need any explanation to the user. It should be ...
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Tankista's user avatar
  • 179
-2 votes

Long form sales page techniques and / or examples?

Read this page: then join the newsletter to download four great examples of what works and why it works.
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Ashley's user avatar
  • 5
0 votes

Mobile UX prototyping tools in the classroom

fluidui is also very useful tool as mobile prototyping.
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keesung kim's user avatar
0 votes

Is there a service where I can upload product screen shots and get feedback from users?

Try It's really easy to use and has a free offering that might help.
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John's user avatar
  • 9
0 votes

Is there a service where I can upload product screen shots and get feedback from users?

I haven't personally tested this to be honest, but this sounds like something Amazon's Mechanical Turk can help you with ( I've read good things about asking for ...
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Martijn Oud's user avatar
7 votes
8 answers

Is there a service where I can upload product screen shots and get feedback from users?

I'd like to upload some mockups that are not interactive, a jpg for example and be able to ask users questions like What do you think this service is for? or Where would you click to log in? ...
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ed209's user avatar
  • 179
2 votes

What is the UI/UX term for in-view content "jumping" up/down due to changes out of view?

I have always heard that being referred to as an accordion element.
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Neaox's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote

Let tester directly click on web site to report bugs, similar to bugherd?

Looking at the pricing I'd go with which has a free plan and also has Wordpress integration -
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Farm work australia's user avatar
0 votes

Is it good practice to force users to give us their email address before showing them our site?

Totally bad idea. 90% of the users will close the browser window for your website and move on to the next tab if they don't find anything useful or if the prices don't show up by default. You must ...
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Bill Berlington's user avatar
5 votes

Is it good practice to force users to give us their email address before showing them our site?

Essentially forcing the customer to input their email address before viewing the product can be viewed as an aggressive marketing strategy by the user. It is common that the customer, or potential ...
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ryan's user avatar
  • 51
101 votes
15 answers

Is it good practice to force users to give us their email address before showing them our site?

Our company has a website that sells wine. Our idea is that we will the ask user to sign up using their email address before we present them with any products. The reasoning behind this is that if a ...
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Sarawut Positwinyu's user avatar
0 votes

Should "Like us on Facebook" be a required field on a form?

In my opinion, definitely not ! Not only it goes against good practices, but what would be the reason why a user would be forced to like something before signing uop ?? Unless it is a dictatorial ...
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Ivan's user avatar
  • 39
51 votes
6 answers

With infinite scrolling, do scrollbars still make sense?

I noticed this today on Google Plus: Virtual Scrollbar in a Google+ Gallery This is a virtual scrollbar, as opposed to native scrollbars everyone on Windows or pre-Lion OS X does know. Now this ...
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Aadaam's user avatar
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-1 votes

Best way to present toggles for sharing on other social networks?

I think the way Untappd does it when checking into a beer is best. Completely clear.
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Whitney Hess's user avatar
-1 votes

Can personas work for enterprise level software with 10+ archetypes?

Have 2 types of hierachies: role based views and standard view with all features.
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jrosell's user avatar
  • 270
0 votes

Is "magic" an appropriate label for a sorting option?

How about "Sort automatically"?
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user541686's user avatar
0 votes

Recommended UX events and event news sources?

UX Intensive!
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user avatar
0 votes

Any websites to hire a UX designer?,, ,,
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themihai's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote
5 answers

A shorter but meaningful validation message for "This email is already subscribed"

What are the shorter, meaningful message for "This email is already subscribed"/ "This email is already register" What is good ? "This email is used" "This email is existed" "This email ...
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Sarawut Positwinyu's user avatar
-8 votes

Is implementing dark patterns unethical?

Any way to make money within the boundaries of the law is Ethical. Whether something is ethical varies from person to person and often conflicts. Some people might see it as unethical if you don't ...
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Pieter B's user avatar
  • 595
20 votes
3 answers

Why Do Long, Ugly Sales Pages Convert?

It seems impossible to avoid the litany of "snake oil" sales pages consisting of long, boring videos and endless (and I mean endless) text. These look like UX nightmares, and yet they're becoming ...
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acconrad's user avatar
  • 443
17 votes
6 answers

How to become a User Experience Designer?

I am a UI designer and developer and have been designing websites for aound 10 years. I want to get into user experience design. I know how to do a design, but I am lagging the terminologies and the ...
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Navii's user avatar
  • 171
71 votes
7 answers

Why don't ATMs give you cash before your card?

I live in Australia, so this might not apply worldwide, but here, when withdrawing money, the ATM will give me back my bank card, then several seconds later the cash comes out. This typically leads ...
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joshschreuder's user avatar
2 votes

Color for add to cart button

I read nationally the color red also encourages customers to rethink options as it also means STOP in many many many coutries. Just an additional thought.
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Nathan Kellert's user avatar
16 votes

What is more pleasing to the eye fade in or suddently appear

Users hate slow UIs, just as they hate slowly loading websites. Pop in, fade out. Your users are not here to admire your application. It's just a tool to help them achieve a goal, and when that's ...
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Jimmy Breck-McKye's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there any research indicating how users perceive certain design flaws, such as gradient banding?

Design paper cuts are frustrating to me, because I feel like they compound to create an overall poor user experience. However, has there been any research behind how these oversights from a visual ...
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user avatar
-1 votes

Why don't users want to see adverts relating to products/services they might be interested in?

1) Nature of choice is not necessary being open to everything. In fact in many cases user spend his time REJECTING bad options. But thanks to user tracking bad options follow user without any tool to ...
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Andriy Tyurnikov's user avatar
3 votes

Why don't users want to see adverts relating to products/services they might be interested in?

It's because it's not only the ads you get served, you're being profiled at the same time with sometimes unintended consequences. How target figured out a teen was pregnant before here father knew. ...
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Pieter B's user avatar
  • 595
3 votes

Why don't users want to see adverts relating to products/services they might be interested in?

Personally, what puts me off (and so I rise my mental filter and never read ads) is that, in most of the cases and by definition, advertisement lies and are biased. If I'm searching for "Where to ...
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pistacchio's user avatar
2 votes

What is an alternative way to display a very large number?

I think (a) * 10^x, e.g. 1.02 * 10^16, is easier for people to read than scientific notation. Even easier would be to just use the abbreviations for the powers of 1000: 107K 44M 392B 602T
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Michael's user avatar
  • 172
15 votes
5 answers

Where should form instructions or hints be placed?

I was browsing Forrst and came about a screenshot of a form designed with Twitter Bootstrap that had the label on the left, the input field on the right, and the instruction that it's required under ...
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dnbrv's user avatar
  • 13.3k
6 votes
2 answers

How do left-handed people hold smartphones?

Is it with their left hand, using its thumb to tap UI elements? Or do they use their right hand like right-handed people? Is there any research into this matter with published numbers?
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Yosef Waysman's user avatar
67 votes
29 answers

Examples of placebos in UI design?

This is purely a curiosity question but one I thought would be a bit interesting. Is anyone aware of placebos in use on popular web sites or applications? Either intentionally or unintentionally? ...
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DA01's user avatar
  • 41.9k
2 votes

Color for add to cart button

I've come across a few reports in the last couple of years claiming that red outperforms green for all call-to-action buttons. I would have to second whatterz notion though; carry out your own A/B ...
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copperkid's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

UX Designers vs Frontend Developers, how to avoid conflicts?

I was recently a testimony of the clash existing between UX Designers and Frontend Developers within a same company. Each team, compromising about 10 to 20 employees each, mocked the other team's work....
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Naoise Golden's user avatar
0 votes

Is it a good idea to put the word "or" between buttons on a screen

You may not use the "OR" explicitly, but as in content design it can read - "Select one action to proceed" This will not be a standard UI convention, and the "OR" will not stand in alignment with ...
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inkmarble's user avatar
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4 votes

Why do light switches find themselves OUTSIDE the room they light up in some European countries?

I know for a fact that at least some of them (Bathroom, toilet) was on the outside because of regulations (read the local law). This was so in at least France and Sweden. You could have a specially (...
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Valmond's user avatar
  • 141
11 votes

Should a desktop app open by default in fullscreen mode?

No, a desktop app should remember the way it was set last time it was used - size, position and mode (minimized, maximized, normal) - and open in exactly the same way. Please note that minimizing and ...
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Marjan Venema's user avatar
9 votes

Why do most public toilet doors open inwards?

Depending on country there are architectural regulations regarding the opening of the doors. Usually: public doors => open outdoor to facilitate the exit in case of fire or other emergencies. ...
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Elzo Valugi's user avatar
48 votes

Why do most public toilet doors open inwards?

I believe that in some places it is against building/fire regulations to have bathroom doors opening outwards. Rational or not, I think the reasoning is that an outward-opening door could allow for '...
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Gordon Kennedy's user avatar
171 votes

Why do most public toilet doors open inwards?

I believe the answer is actually because of building codes. If a room has only one entrance, it MUST open inwards. This is because if anything on the outside is blocking the door, it can still be ...
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Kelketek's user avatar
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0 votes

How to mark a tooltip-containing word in a paragraph?

The best way to go in my opinion is to use a little questionmark-icon before or after it. This is generally known as "help" also set the pointer in css so when hovering the "hand" does not appear
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Luuk's user avatar
  • 109
0 votes

Content first or Design first?

During the first stages of our web development projects, we first determine what the content will be. We don't need the exact text, but we need to know what types of content will be in the site and ...
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Miriam Schwab's user avatar
2 votes

Bylines at the top or bottom of an article? Or both?

To me, a byline is critical and so is a publish date. I feel I can't trust a site that doesn't tell me who wrote the article. I also need a date to make sure it's new enough to still be relevant.
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rvibbert's user avatar
1 vote

Disabling submit-button until the user has completed the form

When you disable the submit button instead of validating the data on blur or on form submission (in case when the submit button isn't disabled), you must inform the user clearly about the required ...
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sami's user avatar
  • 11
3 votes

Good web-form dropdown alternative for unfamiliar fields?

Have a look at Chosen by Harvest, there is a good combination of autocomplete and select box that you might consider using. It is suitable for both "familiarity" situations. If the options are not ...
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Matej Hrescak's user avatar
1 vote

upgrade-friendly visual treatment for features disabled in the free version of a freemium product

Picnik addresses this by keeping the premium effects on screen, but they are distinguished by having them visually labelled as 'premium'.
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Adrian's user avatar
  • 11
0 votes

Should I place an image behind text data?

I'm going to go against the grain here and say No Don't do it. It adds nothing to the user experience, and potentially could detract from readability/usability.
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Steven A. Lowe's user avatar