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-1 votes

Why does it seems like the convention is "Last Name, First Name" all over the web?

It's a Trust expression: I.e Last, First Middle in the capacity of First Middle Last
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Jesse W. Henley Jr's user avatar
0 votes

Is combining filter and search a good idea?

You can combine them. Depending on the requirement of your user base. A free search field can be part of a more sophisticated filter structure.
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László Bővíz's user avatar
0 votes

Edit button in top right corner of screen

When I tap "edit", at top right of my cellphone screen, it selects each app icon, for a chance to change it.
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Phyllis Mitchell's user avatar
2 votes

Action buttons for modal in view and edit mode

you can skip close button on view mode which will give user clear idea how to navigate
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Tejas's user avatar
  • 36
0 votes

Onboarding before using app vs previewing first?

Signup walls results in Significant user churn and also majority of these signup would be fake accounts. These vanity metrics doesn't guarantee high retention. So, I agree to your first approach where ...
HimanshuUIUX's user avatar
1 vote

What type of design pattern to use to toggle list actions?

You can pack activities into a kebab menu You can use clickable chips to place them in a particular list. And delete using either a cross or a button
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Vitaliy R's user avatar
-1 votes

how to make card with more detail

Title and on the other end arrow for some kind of accordion/dropdown when you expand it you have rest of the info
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Paco's user avatar
  • 61
0 votes

UX Party Game Design - Should an action that is not available for all players disabled or simply hidden?

#3 Sounds the most intuitive. If there is no possible function, then why display it in the form of a button?
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ööö's user avatar
  • 1
0 votes

IP address input in RTL language - force LTR?

Mixing modes is never good. If every other input field is implemented with rtl, so should this one.
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ööö's user avatar
  • 1
0 votes

Traffic lights: why yellow before green?

This is the right topic for discussion and most US citizens raise the question when they visit Europe. There are lots of answers but one of my friends explained that it might be due to manual and ...
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Felesia Wilson's user avatar
-2 votes

How does a combination of paragraph spacing with indentation rate for legibility and aesthetics?

I was always taught that for business purposes you skip the line, and for friendly letters (or informal purposes), you indent. I have not seen anything to change this; I believe people are going by ...
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English and journo background's user avatar
0 votes

Can/Should I Label an informational span for screen readers?

You should use role and aria-label properties. Mozilla give this example :
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fred727's user avatar
  • 101
0 votes

What are the best practices to design user interfaces that are going to be used under direct sunlight?

Use e-ink device and keep the whole thing monochrome. This will bring the best results.
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U0001's user avatar
  • 111
0 votes

Info Icon vs Question Mark

"i" when information is already present and known to the user, but is not visible directly. Indicates general guides to help the user. "?" when information is already present/ being used and might ...
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Shivansh Kumar's user avatar
1 vote

Should we allow inner component scrolling? or let the screen stretch and use browser scroll?

I prefer web scrolling than inner scrolling. At first we think about user experience, inner scrolling present a better view but most of time user skip content in inner scrolling section.
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FaTuSu Tama's user avatar
0 votes

Why most of the microphones are placed on the left of headsets / headphones?

Most people are right-handed, so 90% of headsets are made for r-h people. With right hand you can adjust microphone position more accurate than left.
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coredo's user avatar
  • 13
1 vote

Is there a standard for indicating a high contrast style?

The Noun Project is showing some circles (half light/half dark) that seem to convey the two modes well: You might also use a toggle with "High contrast" ...
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Izquierdo's user avatar
  • 12.9k
-1 votes

Single column or two-column layout for text? Which is better for readers?

Single column for sure and research is present. Have a look at idea Number 1(ironically) here all of findings are supported by research and studies I believe double check on the source tho. Other ...
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ntnlbd's user avatar
  • 344
0 votes

What gives the impression of faster progress: progress bar or countdown?

Countdown. As a part of behavioural study, I believe countdown would create more anxiety in users thus leaving more impact. It appears to be more progressive and users knows when will the wait end, ...
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Pravesha Jain's user avatar
-2 votes

Underlining non-link text for instructional content … valid?

You have to design your documents for those of us who have vision issues and/or reading issues. But underlining can also easily impede those with perfect eyes.
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Johnnie Walker's user avatar
-3 votes

Why are chart x-axis values slanted bottom up for long labels?

You can plot the bar chart from right to left, column chart from bottom to top, some people like looking at the largest and some may sort country ascending. Agree readability: the degree of ease for ...
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Snowman's user avatar
1 vote

Are there Material Design best practices for Filtering/Sorting in a Tab Layout?

Consider using the overflow menu.
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KevinC's user avatar
  • 11
0 votes

What is this Google Apps popout menu called?

It can be referenced by the picture it makes. We call it either the Google Apps Chiclets or the Google Apps Waffle.
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LRispoli's user avatar
3 votes

What are some ways to display 3 dimensional data in a table?

it is my idea with table grid pattern. the idea is same like above answer but pattern and visualisation is different.
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B.Sadashiv's user avatar
7 votes

When conducting user research/customer surveys, how do financial incentives affect quality and quantity of feedback?

General Summary It's safe to generalize and suggest that both the positive and negative effects of incentive use on survey response rate and data quality can be described as mild to none. Notes on ...
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dennislees's user avatar
  • 11.7k
2 votes

Need to display 3 grids (lists) with many to many relationships

Answering My Own Post I did the grouping in the following way: My problem was how to efficiently group the products/services which are related to same customer. In this design, I group the product ...
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Moksh's user avatar
  • 875
-1 votes

Abusive use of "Share" button

No it's not cool, what is the user trying to do? play a game or spam social media? Also what if they are offline?
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Peter's user avatar
  • 144
-1 votes

How important is the search box?

My own research ( as yet unpublished ) indicates that the search is the MOST important part of the site, even more than the navigation hierarchy, which most sites give a whole lot more time to. When ...
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Schroedingers Cat's user avatar
0 votes

How to display a item as premium?

Use a highlight background like a gold color, and add another icon like star or money... Example:
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liwston's user avatar
  • 19
1 vote

Which is the most common symbol or abbreviation for the word "number"?

As you stated in your original question, the Numero sign is the most widely accepted generic symbol for "number". It even has a designated key on the Russian keyboard! (above the 3). I don't think it ...
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Jason Cemra's user avatar
1 vote

Should I layout timelines right to left when localizing for RTL languages?

Yes, you should definitely mirror them as well. In fact there are plenty of things to make sure you RTL (verb) if you're targeting Right-To-Left users with your app/website/etc.. We had a similar ...
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Ahmed Nefzaoui's user avatar
8 votes

Why Ctrl + C for copy but not Ctrl + P for paste?

The C key is comfortably positioned relative to the Ctrl key; that's [likely] why it's been chosen for the Copy shortcut. The P key, on the other hand, is too far away from the Ctrl key. On a QWERTY ...
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Tim Huynh's user avatar
  • 3,356
3 votes

What is the Button's Unpressed and Unhovered State Called?

I guess simply default state would suit the button the most. It may be a bit oversimplified , but perfectly matches the occasion since it is for commenting and the purpose is to convey the message. ...
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Sooraj's user avatar
  • 2,104
76 votes

How can I make it extremely clear that the user needs to take one last action?

Render the confirmation in a modal: This will highlight explicitly to the user that one more action is needed.
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Tom Griffin's user avatar
  • 1,344
0 votes

About Navigation Breadcrumb Blogspot...?

I don't find the article I read which speak about this subject. But anyway, It says (from a Google employee) that they will reward websites for the user experience comfort more than technical ...
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François D.'s user avatar
8 votes

What to use - "Login" or "Sign in"? What about both?

This is generally just based on the user's preference, but I would say you would be better off using sign in, but be consistent. You see, 'log in' does not generally mean enter the system with ...
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DripDrop's user avatar
  • 551
2 votes

Should we be including VAT in prices of products rather than adding it on at checkout?

Yes, yes and yes! 37% of our customers would not proceed with the purchase once they would find out that VAT was added at the later stage. We (my company) used to sell cheap trips around Europe to ...
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Ivan Venediktov's user avatar
2 votes

How many incorrect attempts should be allowed before invalidating a password?

From a usability perspective? Infinite. With help being clearly highlighted to the user. From a security perspective? That's one for the security stack exchange really. Though Andrew's answer seems ...
the other one's user avatar
3 votes

Are carousels effective?

Having designed a lot of ecommerce websites I would say that carousels are effective. Specifically in getting users to view more main promotions. They are fun for users to interact with and improve ...
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Tony Jessup's user avatar
-1 votes

Why are Inverted Colors considered an accessibility feature?

If you look at the data points on high contrast reading studies what you notice is more veriability on the high constrast side of chart. You will also notice that readability is not significantly ...
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Atm's user avatar
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-1 votes

How can I prevent the user from deselecting all the checkboxes?

Yep, I agree that one should be selected by default. ----- Additional comment below ----- This really depends on the context and what kind of application it is: what the label is and the options ...
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stringtheory's user avatar
0 votes

Alternative wording for 'pre filled' for Partially filled out PDF printout forms

Using the phrase 'populated' may be appropriate here. The forms are 'populated' with data already, so forth.
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Eleanor Zimmermann's user avatar
2 votes

Terminology for Permissions Operation

I would use the word clone. I am a developer and that is the word we use. In many development languages that is exactly what clone means. If it was just temporary the term developers would use ...
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paparazzo's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

What do you call a form that changes based on users answers?

I am looking for what to call the UX idea of a form that changes based on the answers a user has entered. For example a web form that asks: Are you satisfied with your purchase? If you answer yes, ...
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Joshua Dance's user avatar
0 votes

Are there more elegant options to CAPTCHA?

Try making a capcha, but making the images display a simple math problem. This way, it will be harder for a robot to do, while the image can be less distorted and easier for a human.
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DripDrop's user avatar
  • 551
8 votes

Make people understand they can click on a button in a flat design

material design is good but they're not flat perfectly. I recommend you this, my ideal flat button p/s : if you want people consider something is a button, you need provide them "label" and "icon"....
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Long Eleven's user avatar
-1 votes

Best way to call out important content to screen readers?

I have used aria-label and aria-labelledby. Though i am not an expert in AX
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Nagwani's user avatar
  • 57
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4 answers

What's a better and more user friendly term than 'Audiences"

If there is a segmented audience set, comprising of individuals as one segment, and various types of businesses as other segments, is there a good collective term that can be used as a top level ...
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anu's user avatar
  • 101
0 votes

What's a better and more user friendly term than 'Audiences"

You could try "Clients" if it fits the context
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Andrea Tate's user avatar
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0 votes

Designate two files from a list using comboboxes on each list element. Is there a better way?

Only display a single combo box for Type 1 when the page loads. When a user selects type 1, only then display the type 2 combo box.
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Coops's user avatar
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