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340 votes

Why does Google still use paging instead of progressive loading?

Infinite scroll has its uses, but a search result page is not one of them. Infinite scroll relies on discovery and exploration. This works well for when you're not looking for anything in particular; ...
Wendy Wojenka's user avatar
144 votes

Why does Google still use paging instead of progressive loading?

There is no official statement regarding this, so no one can give you a 100% accurate answer. One of the biggest reasons might be the ad placement of Google. They earn money with every search, and ...
Pectoralis Major's user avatar
108 votes

When your page has no results, what do you show?

For this situation you can use an empty state which can be just text or a graphic with text and an action button. Example of an empty state from Product Hunt: Good empty states will give the users ...
RobbyReindeer's user avatar
107 votes

Why does Google still use paging instead of progressive loading?

Since no one posted it yet, to me the main reason against infinite scrolling is shown in this XKCD comic: The tool tip reads: Maybe we should give up on the whole idea of a 'back' button. &...
Uwe Keim's user avatar
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95 votes

Why does Google still use paging instead of progressive loading?

Noscript Support In addition to the other answers above, infinite scroll is only possible with javascript enabled. If Google wants to appeal to the widest possible userbase for their main page, then ...
tklodd's user avatar
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67 votes

Pagination: what do you need the “last page” button for?

There's a very simple reason for this: you want users to know there is an end to the amount of data they are shown. Humans have a need for closure and control, and the Last button helps with that; ...
Wendy Wojenka's user avatar
66 votes

Should the pagination be reset when changing the order?

Order of data transformation As explained in Sorting a Paginated Record Set User Experience Expectation, and as illustrated there by the following order of data transformations: You can see that ...
Izhaki's user avatar
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43 votes

Should I use regular pagination or infinite scroll in this case?

Both solutions have their pros and cons. Pagination Pro: Users can easily orient where they are and go back directly to the page they were before in cases like: browser restarts, swictching from ...
Dominik Oslizlo's user avatar
43 votes

When your page has no results, what do you show?

I would hide Showing "0 results from 0 results". Instead I would add in place a Blank State image with a button for the user to add data. ( If the user adds the data ). Displaying a pagination where ...
Chris's user avatar
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42 votes

Best approach to update all entries in a list that is paginated?

Allow the user to see how many are selected, and give them the option to select the whole data set beyond the pagination. Gmail has this pattern. Once you select 'All' via the checkbox, a message ...
Mike M's user avatar
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38 votes

Pagination: what do you need the “last page” button for?

You didn't really describe your exact use case, but I can share some uses I see for the "last" button, and I hope these are helpful to your particular needs: Forums In many forums, there are massive,...
Nick2253's user avatar
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23 votes

Why does Google still use paging instead of progressive loading?

Pagination works better for several reasons: Because the resulting HTML isn't complete, some browsers display NOTHING, while others display what comes back. So, browser compatibility would be one ...
Andrew Jay's user avatar
20 votes

When your page has no results, what do you show?

For completeness, there's a canonical bad solution to this that is extremely common: quietly (maybe even silently) generalize the user's query until the set of results is non-empty, and show them ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
15 votes

Should the pagination be reset when changing the order?

Keeping the page number after changing the order makes no sense. The page number is the same but the page isn't, let alone that going back or forth between pages lost the idea of coordination. What ...
jazZRo's user avatar
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14 votes

Best approach to update all entries in a list that is paginated?

Add a button to the bottom where the other page controls are. Also, if users are doing mass changes often, consider making a separate tool for it.
moot's user avatar
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13 votes

Why does Google still use paging instead of progressive loading?

Google is already testing progressive load... Google loads content progressively on Google images, but they don't do that on web results. There are many reasons for this, as already mentioned in ...
Devin's user avatar
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12 votes

Pagination: what do you need the “last page” button for?

How about and oldest item? Although I don't see why it couldn't be solved with sort by date rather than pagination. Same goes with price, alphabetical etc.
Boat's user avatar
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10 votes

Why does Google still use paging instead of progressive loading?

Google follows both models; pagination and progressive loading at the same time but for different pages. e.g. for images like here, you can see that there is progressive loading and after a certain ...
Sanshizm's user avatar
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9 votes

Should I use regular pagination or infinite scroll in this case?

I suggest you go with Infinite Scrolling because we see it ourselves everyday that the number of times we click on the page 2 of Google Search. When we don't find what we are looking for on page 1 - ...
Dipak's user avatar
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9 votes

Pagination: what do you need the “last page” button for?

Previous answers cover the human perspective, but there are also lots of non-human bots and webcrawlers that browse paginated websites. The bot for the crawling project I am personally working on ...
Blofeld's user avatar
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9 votes

How to help users keep the effort when filling a long (160+- questions) questionnaires?

Torture! I'm sorry not to answer your question directly, but I'm actually quite alarmed by the the whole idea... So your friend has decided to put high-school teenagers through the torture of having ...
Izhaki's user avatar
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7 votes

Should I use regular pagination or infinite scroll in this case?

Let me just answer as a user of web pages. I don't have UX designer research to back me up, just this personal raw emotion and experience as an (admittedly maybe unusual) end user: The very thought ...
mtraceur's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is pagination not covered by Material Design specs?

Material design guidelines are primarily focused on mobile interfaces. And, in mobile interfaces scrolling is much easier than pagination. So, they haven't included it yet as a pattern because it ...
Kristiyan Lukanov's user avatar
6 votes

What would you expect at the end of a pagination?

I would display [<] 8/8 without the arrow to the right. Hiding the arrow is an important visual stimulus indicating that the user has reached the end of all results (It is also how Google does it). ...
Nash's user avatar
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5 votes

Should the sort/filter changes throw the focus on first page or current page?

Since using a sort or filter of any kind will most likely change the order and the amount of data displayed, the best approach would be taking the user back to the first page. Keeping him on the ...
JimyPP's user avatar
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5 votes

When is it appropriate to use a list of numbers for pagination rather than only a "next page" button?

A good example is with a sort. If I have sorted by price I may want to skip several pages to get in the price range I am looking for. If the search is relatively static and I know that yesterday ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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5 votes

how should the "select all" select when paginating elements

I saw a simple solution on mailchimp, see attached image.
Ami Rotter's user avatar
5 votes

Should the pagination be reset when changing the order?

Note that there are cases when it makes sense to not reset to the page one—when there's a notion of the ‘current selected’ or focused item in the list. Examples are mostly desktop apps with emphasis ...
aaa's user avatar
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4 votes

Should you paginate content for screen readers or allow the user to navigate on their own?

"...the user would need to choose "next page", then move their focus to the top of the screen to resume reading again." Actually, you should do that for them. As a screen reader ...
slugolicious's user avatar
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4 votes

ng-table UX design table-page and results per page controls

I think the ng-table UI is still a better design for results-per-page compared to the drop-down option with a little tweak. Just by adding a text nearby will help the user understand the purpose of ...
Bharath Selvaraj's user avatar

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