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108 votes

When your page has no results, what do you show?

For this situation you can use an empty state which can be just text or a graphic with text and an action button. Example of an empty state from Product Hunt: Good empty states will give the users ...
RobbyReindeer's user avatar
43 votes

When your page has no results, what do you show?

I would hide Showing "0 results from 0 results". Instead I would add in place a Blank State image with a button for the user to add data. ( If the user adds the data ). Displaying a pagination where ...
Chris's user avatar
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42 votes

In a static data table, should rows be highlighted on hover?

Yes. Just yes. Though I do UX work, I am speaking as a user on this one. As a user, I very much want you to help me easily follow a row of data from end to end. I want to easily be able to see what ...
Aaron's user avatar
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33 votes

Where should a newly added item go in table?

The system should add the newly added user to the corresponding page based on the sorting and jump from the current page to the page of the newly added user. a. for extra affirmation, popup a ...
aly.i.ux's user avatar
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27 votes

Need a better layout, so that blank space can be utilized

Maybe try having the scoring information appear as a sub-heading under the student's row when you expand it? Something like this. You'll want to be careful to stylistically de-empasize the sub-...
Jim's user avatar
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22 votes

How do you make it clear to the user when the data in a table is updating live (or not)?

You could include an update button that the user has to click. The button shows the number of new elements and live-updates that number. This way you can make the user aware of possible new rows in ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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21 votes

Need a better layout, so that blank space can be utilized

Tweaking Jim's answer... ...adding a bit more distinction. Boxing in the child table, vertical lines separating columns, instead of horizontal as in the parent table. . Inspired by Tonny's comment, ...
bloodyKnuckles's user avatar
20 votes

When your page has no results, what do you show?

For completeness, there's a canonical bad solution to this that is extremely common: quietly (maybe even silently) generalize the user's query until the set of results is non-empty, and show them ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
19 votes

Icons in table head - good practices

In this question you can see several answers about when to use text vs icons. I would go for all text as icons are not always understandable by everyone in the same way and some of them depend on the ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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19 votes

How do you make it clear to the user when the data in a table is updating live (or not)?

To make my users aware of the data updates I usually put the last update date time on screen like that: updated at: 01/03/2017 19:24:55 (2 mins ago) --------------------------------------...
Lucas's user avatar
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12 votes

Icons in table head - good practices

I would take into consideration 3 factors: 1. The Icons How Obvious are the icons? Are they commonly known and used for a single purpose? or you are developing your own icons? 2. The Users Would ...
UX Labs's user avatar
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12 votes

What is the best practice for data table cell content alignment

If the column is a text, left-align it If the column is a number or number + unit, right-align it (like excel) If it's a multi-part value separated by a common separator (like 1024 x 768 is multi-part ...
Nitin Jadhav's user avatar
12 votes

How do you make it clear to the user when the data in a table is updating live (or not)?

If you have a complex information for the user, in most cases the best solution is to simply spell it out. Display a gray information box directly above the table if the user is viewing search results:...
Falco's user avatar
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12 votes

Editable table in material design

If you like to keep the table clean, show only the edit icon on the hovered cell: You can specify which cells are editable by showing the icon or not. Keep text selectable: And add a click handler ...
jazZRo's user avatar
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10 votes

Material Design data table filtering

If you need complex filter consider creating a separate section. Perhaps a "actions" section on top of the table where users can not just filter but perform other actions to interact or modify the ...
Matt Costa's user avatar
10 votes

Best practices to allow user to hide/show columns in a data table

Consider placing table controls in close proximity from the data the user is viewing. In the example above, you're using a list builder. You say this is similar to an Excel table: do you have any CRUD ...
Mike M's user avatar
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10 votes

A table within a table - Table Inception

When I was on a team working on a similar issue in a data table, the option we ended up with was actually using an overlay (we called it a drawer) that was full height, on the right hand side of the ...
Warren Payne's user avatar
10 votes

Where should a newly added item go in table?

Another option that is quite common (e.g. Windows Explorer) is to add the user at the current position ignoring the sort position. This avoids the UI jumping around when new items are inserted. This ...
Voo's user avatar
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9 votes

Need a better layout, so that blank space can be utilized

A little bit cleaner and following @Bergi and @CoDEmanX suggestions. Original: When you expand a row, what you have is: As the ID, First Name and Last Name is common to all the subjects the info is ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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9 votes

Most readable way to display key value pairs

Option A (right aligned keys and left aligned values) makes the most sense in most situations (as always there may be some cases eg RTL languages where you need to adjust) Depending on the data you ...
scunliffe's user avatar
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8 votes

Trouble creating surveys with iOS elements

I guess it depends who is filling up that survey. If I was designing it for some enterprise solution or for beta testers of my app, I would make it condense and simple without focus on UI/UX, but if I'...
pingDino's user avatar
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8 votes

In a static data table, should rows be highlighted on hover?

Material Design is a framework with guidelines (it's comprehensive but a starting point): Test with users to determine what's best for them. Have you also considered striped rows (zebra stripes) if ...
Mike M's user avatar
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8 votes

In a static data table, should rows be highlighted on hover?

TL;DR No, alternate row colors instead. Long answer: Alternating row colors (usually white and light green) to make it easier to read lines in wide reports have been used way before computer ...
Tulains Córdova's user avatar
8 votes

How would I go about making these arrows more intuitive and informative?

Standard way to symbolize trend / number change in this kind of chart is with red and green color, for negative and positive. You can place some small arrow next or in the box, as additional visual ...
xul's user avatar
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6 votes

How to create a custom textbox with a label and value

I find the approach you present quite clear. I would simply organise the values without adding oblique lines and use some opacity to differentiate the elements. In the image one of the fields is ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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6 votes

Table headers: uppercase or lowercase, left or center aligned, top or bottom?

Alignment can depend on the data you're displaying, and what you want the user to quickly grasp. uppercase or lowercase? Miles Tinker's research work (32 years of research!) looked at legibility of ...
Mike M's user avatar
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6 votes

How to best present multiple statuses in a table?

Here are some suggestions that could improve this design: 1- Make the color labels the same width! This will make it visually more appealing as alignment makes it easier to scan over the page, also ...
Moath's user avatar
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6 votes

Accessibility of tables without borders

Does it fail any WCAG criteria? I don't think it would be a violation of any WCAG rules (surprisingly, I did run through them all in my head trying to think if one applied), but that doesn't mean you ...
GrahamTheDev's user avatar
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6 votes

Accessibility of tables without borders

Borders are only one way of showing that tables are "tables". Shading Another way, which I often use, is shading. This is quite common for rows - either two alternate background colors (one ...
manassehkatz-Moving 2 Codidact's user avatar
6 votes

How to display status for On, Off, Faulty

As it is correlated with the function status: ON / OFF, it's a good choice to show both statuses close to each other as they both indicate the need for action. But other than that, you should asses ...
Chris's user avatar
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