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8 votes

Why do some websites hijack "open in new tab"?

It's unlikely that there's intentional malice. There are times when "new tab" functionality is intentionally violated, usually because the website is written as a "single page application" (SPA). SPAs ...
phyrfox's user avatar
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5 votes

Set screen brightness based on time or manually?

In my opinion, in your scenario, the brightness should change according to the environment light, which is not necessarily related to the time of the day. The use of an automatic toggle option lets ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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3 votes

Most intuitive accordion action icon

There are other questions with this same theme, you can take a look at: here and here These posts can help you :) In my opinion, I prefer the icons of more and less The plus icon is the clearer ...
Maisa Barros's user avatar
1 vote

Deliberately making "break a streak" as an achievement

As someone who has worked with many apps like yours, I find your concept intriguing and interesting. However, and precisely because I have extensive experience on the subject, I can tell you it won't ...
Devin's user avatar
  • 38.3k
1 vote

Consider a scenario where I have setup autopay. In case I want to edit the settings, what should the ideal behaviour be? Should it load an empty form?

In this autopay scenario, the ideal behaviour would be to show the form with the current populated fields based on what the user had set previously. This way the user can just make changes to the ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 vote

Behavior modification vs usability

The first rule of UX: Don't assume. The second rule of UX: Don't assume. The third rule of UX: Don't repeat yourself. Confused? So am I! Questions What is the user goal here? To get ...
Izhaki's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the difference between Persuasive Design, Behavioral Design and UX?

Simply put: Persuasive Design is a part of Persuasive Technology and can be defined as follows: Persuasion design is the design of messages by analyzing and evaluating their content, using ...
Devin's user avatar
  • 38.3k

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