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4 votes

design for the savvy user or the 'stupid' user

I think the answer to this question has two layers. The Business layer The first, very important one is how it matches your business. Attempts to satisfy all Users may very often lead to deteriorating ...
Dominik Oslizlo's user avatar
4 votes

Does any research exist on what makes one audible document better than another from a user's perspective?

Users with vision impairments will typically use a screen reader. If you have never tried one, I would highly suggest looking up the basics of how to use one (you already have one in your pocket — ...
Victor's user avatar
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2 votes

Should summary be after each question?

The only way to know for sure is to test with users and survey them afterwards Stakeholders say yes to summaries, designer says no to summaries. Who is right? Personally I think your intuition is ...
dennislees's user avatar
  • 11.7k
2 votes

Website home page design when there are multiple audiences

I always default to support the primary audience. In your case, I'd create a consumer-facing website as the homepage. Include an easily findable link to the Retailer section of the site. This allows ...
Ken Mohnkern's user avatar
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2 votes

Does any research exist on what makes one audible document better than another from a user's perspective?

I'm learning to create documentation for our JAWS(screen-reader) users to navigate our organization-specific applications. Within Word, the most important things appear to be making sure the ...
April  Salutes Monica C.'s user avatar
1 vote

Call out to secondary audience

What you are referring to is called Segmentation: Market segmentation is a marketing term that refers to aggregating prospective buyers into groups or segments with common needs and who respond ...
Danielillo's user avatar
  • 20.4k
1 vote

Stylle of text for scientific words in website

The benefit in correctly capitalising latin names is that people who don’t know how they should be capitalised are not inconvenienced by the capitalisation, where as people who are aware of how the ...
James Fenwick's user avatar

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