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53 votes

What is the smallest screen size you design for

What is the smallest screen size you design for 320px But, as others have answered it, for best results you actually need to measure your audience and consider how much resources you want to pour ...
John Weisz's user avatar
13 votes

What is the best max-width content container in a website?

The "best" max width is going to depend on your content. The Web Accessibility Initiative suggests aiming for a maximum line length of 80 characters. Depending on your content's layout, design, font ...
Josiah Nunemaker's user avatar
12 votes

Why are monitors landscape and books portrait oriented?

As we have two eyes one next to the other our horizontal field of view is larger -almost 180 degrees- than the vertical -135 degrees-. In western cultures we read from left to right and top to ...
Alvaro's user avatar
  • 16.9k
5 votes

Where do I place a side navigation panel for wide screen displays?

It's not possible to choose an option without knowing what the real content of the page is. Other options to consider: C – Responsive content The sidebar on the left and the responsive content ...
Danielillo's user avatar
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4 votes

What's the reference screen resolutions to start preparing mockups for desktop?

Design for the most common screen resolution in your userbase. If it's an internal company application then you can hopefully find out the various devices being used boy contacting the internal IT ...
JonW's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the best max-width content container in a website?

This is my absolute favorite site to reference for max resolutions: The key takeaways are to look at the following: 1. Flexible Max. A bit of a side note,...
Davbog's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the best max-width content container in a website?

What principle/rule can we use to determine what is the best max width following standards and screen resolutions? You can provide multiple versions for different screen resolutions so that every ...
Pectoralis Major's user avatar
2 votes

For mobile app developer, which screen size is the most common one?

What's your product for? Do you have targeted an audience of users yet? Where do they live, what do they do, how are they interacting with your product? I wouldn't necessarily decide on this upon "...
Christoph's user avatar
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2 votes

How to simulate screen resolution realistically when testing responsive Web UI?

If you are interested in testing for different screen sizes and features, I recommend to test with Device mode of Chrome DevTools which I think you are commenting in the question. You can set up your ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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2 votes

Horizontal vs. Vertical centric email signatures

The short answer would be based on saving vertical space: chose the horizontal one. Emails can take a lot of vertical space and a vertically long signature can make the email seem even longer. (...
Caê Penna's user avatar
2 votes

How representative is the number of people who resize their browsers?

I don't know your breakpoints but you may be over thinking it. Responsive design works for a range of sizes. Say your break points are 480, 640, 720, 1020 and 1400. Would it really matter if someone ...
Mayo's user avatar
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2 votes

Question about Material Design dp and screen sizes

You're absolutely right. However, it seems that this is done on purpose — Google itself lists the physical density for the device as 132 dp/in and calculates a different dp touch size range than for ...
Tin Man's user avatar
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2 votes

Which screen resolution is best for reading in 13 inch laptop?

The higher resolution the better it is for your eyes. Looking at pixels is not good for your eyes so you can limit that with high res. The higher is always better, but if you can’t find a 4k ...
RobbyReindeer's user avatar
2 votes

What is the best max-width content container in a website?

What principle/rule can we use to determine what is the best max width following standards and screen resolutions? If your max-width is too large then you will very likely create a horrible ...
Mayo's user avatar
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What is the relationship between screen size and application design? Is it a two-way street?

You are close to a philosophical question here 😁 I think there is kind of a two-way street idea there indeed. Clearly there are several things to take into account, I think. To illustrate this ...
Geoffrey C.'s user avatar
2 votes

What is the best max-width content container in a website?

I think 1366px is best according to statistics. 1366px – 27.81% – Rising 1024px – 14.3% – Falling (includes both landscape and portrait views for 1024 x 768) 1280px – 13.26% – Falling ...
Prasanth's user avatar
2 votes

Are there any stats that show screen WIDTH instead of DIMENSION?

W3 counter posted this information Jan. 2017: > Top 10 Screen Resolutions > 1. 640x360 - 26.54% > 2. 1366x768 - 13.00% > 3. 1920x1080 - 5.73% > 4. 1024x768 - 5.52% > 5. ...
kylegill's user avatar
  • 225
2 votes

What screen dimension would you choose to design your wireframe width?

1920px is far too wide. Remember that pixel density plays a significant role here. For example, my large laptop's display is 3024px wide, but when I inspect websites that take up my whole screen, they ...
Chloe's user avatar
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2 votes

maximised vs full screen

I use "maximized" to refer to a windowed display mode and "full screen" to refer to a display mode that excludes all normal desktop functionality. Thus when watching YouTube I ...
Luke Sawczak's user avatar
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1 vote

Screen resolution stats and responsive design

That's a common question, and unfortunately I think there is no real common answer, despite the one that tells you "it depends" 😅 (I'm sure you hate me right now 😁) Statistics to the ...
Geoffrey C.'s user avatar
1 vote

Vector or raster graphic for UI elements?

If you are designing UI elements use vector graphics. Use raster only for photos. If you use vectors the elements you design will maintain their sharpness at any resolution. EDIT: (I thought it would ...
Adriano's user avatar
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1 vote

How should my design resize according to the screen size?

Observe how other platforms are designed, ideally ones that operate in your same business area. I recommend you create an account on a web application similar to the one you are designing and see how ...
Giulio's user avatar
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1 vote

Android UX/UI guidelines for smaller vs larger screen size and pixel densities

"so for that bigger screen size and density, I should be making controls larger right?" NO. It depends. If you are hellbent on achieving the same ratio of whitespace then yes, but that is a stupid ...
straya's user avatar
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1 vote

Web application Design - using full screen width

A lot depends on exactly how your site is designed (a bunch of wide tables might benefit from the extra width, but something like Google Forms may not). Use as much screen space as possible until it ...
Barnyard's user avatar
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1 vote

Web application Design - using full screen width

This is easy to target using your application/site analytics. If we consider the screen-resolution analytics in the image below, we can understand that if we keep the page-width between 1280px and ...
Ren's user avatar
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1 vote

Web application Design - using full screen width

A lot depends on the overall structure of the application for example, use a hybrid is possible. I notice the trend that modern sites are more flexible Full screen resolution: Arguments: greater ...
Piotr Żak's user avatar
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Is it common practice to use separate identical images of different resolutions for different screen sizes?

The first approach is the best for the user experience as it saves energy, time and sometimes money. Also its a common practice. Energy consumption: The overall energy needed to download, process, ...
cameraman's user avatar
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1 vote

Menu sidebar height on small screen resolutions

Well, Joao, scroll-ability is always a great option to fall back on when dealing with a fairly large amount of items which you want your prospective customers to be aware of on mobile view. Remember ...
Adedoyin Akande's user avatar
1 vote

Mobile design and images sizes problem

Unfortunately for you there's nothing you can do if all images that were uploaded in the past have max width of 480px. There's no way to upscale an image without loosing image quality. If the users ...
Alin's user avatar
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1 vote

Horizontal vs. Vertical centric email signatures

I would add another consideration to Caê Penna's answer. Gmail Workspace allows me to remove images in emails from unknown senders. In this situation, the vertical layout is likely to show up better, ...
essbee's user avatar
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