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Separating team or a whole learner team?

A role-based approach to software design and development would probably support separation between the "doer" and the "thinker" as a way to efficiency. It is somehow a Fordist approach to processes, ...
Lili's user avatar
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When using embedded browser authentication, how can I increase user trust?

One tactic is to do it Apple's way. Tell them. If they are wondering, it has a friendly way of telling, but it's out of the way when not needed. Example Popup This login box uses OAuth 2, the most ...
Elijah Ciali's user avatar
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Effect of fuzzy images/text on the user

Nielsen & Norman have this article related to your issue, where it says: Design quality: professional appearance feels solid; clear navigation conveys respect for customers and an implied ...
Big_Chair's user avatar
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Material Design vs Trust

Trust has multiple dimensions and can be built through familiar interaction patterns, effective writing, and branding. Frameworks are only one dimension. What interaction frameworks (and patterns) are ...
Mike M's user avatar
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Value of the "Last Updated" field on a web page

The different terms you mentioned as examples mean different things and serve different purposes. Depending on what the content is and what message you are trying to relay to users will answer whether ...
Tot Zam's user avatar
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First page of a commercial service web site - a) list your stuff or b) seek to win visitor's trust by publishing PR news/ awards/ about us/ etc?

Customers are interested in the problem that your products solve for them. Thus, you can't depend solely on your homepage to be the "first page" that introduces your solutions to your ...
Izquierdo's user avatar
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First page of a commercial service web site - a) list your stuff or b) seek to win visitor's trust by publishing PR news/ awards/ about us/ etc?

If having the customer's trust is a deal breaker, then what should be on the homepage depends very strongly on the type of commercial service(s) which is provided. For example, if it's construction ...
Eric Chia's user avatar
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Can lack of sponsored content reduce trust in a list/ranking?

There are clearly some additional complexities and contexts that might explain the observations made, but if we look at the key aspects of trust it might be possible to try and tease out what are the ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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Customer Migration... more like customer confusion

The problem with the scenario you describe appears to stem from renaming product Y to X.1. Now customers are confused about the difference between X and X.1. Which is "better"? Which one should new ...
習約塔's user avatar
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Separating team or a whole learner team?

Of course you are only talking about visual design when you describe Designers. However designers do not own "design" and anyone can come up with a good idea which can be inspired by something. In ...
SteveD's user avatar
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Best moment to ask for payment in a scheduled service?

You could have a wallet within your site, that users pay into, and then services are taken out of. That way the user can see that the money is still 'in' their account, and you can hold the amount so ...
jrtapsell's user avatar
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Best moment to ask for payment in a scheduled service?

Perhaps you could work with your merchant services to place a "hold" amount on the account to verify authorization. You'll need to be very clear with the user that the charge happens after the service ...
Nic's user avatar
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