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5 votes

Testimonials - to have or to not have

Testimonials can work very well if they're done right. Don't plug testimonials just because you want to have them somewhere. Testimonials should be carefully picked. A few things to consider, Try ...
nuwa's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it better to show testimonials one-by-one or all at once?

Not sure if there are any UX guidelines on this, but in my opinion - It's best to show a few testimonials upfront; like 2-3. When you have more than 3 testimonials you can use a thumbnail slider to ...
Dipak's user avatar
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1 vote

Testimonials - to have or to not have

testemonials may be a relevant thing to use if: you have prestigious users within your market niche using the apps or products you are developing you have meaningful responses in terms of people that ...
tmm88's user avatar
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Testimonials - to have or to not have

There is one deciding factor to your question that is: Are you a product or service that has many competitors. If yes, you need to show testimonials because they provide a sense of confidence to your ...
Dipak's user avatar
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1 vote

Does testimonial actually work (we all know its fake)?

It's pretty well established that it does actually work, but there are a lot of variables that affect it, such as context, if the person is an expert or not, language. As you've pointed out, it's a ...
Gavin's user avatar
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