What should be the flow if user used social log-in at first then tried to login via email after?
If the person is trying to login from a different device you won't be able to tell him he already signed in via social-login.
What you can do though, is remind him that he might have used social-...
Implementing social sign-up to a complex registration form
You could just after the login, when user is redirected to "dashboard" or any other beginning screen - display notices (similiar or same place where system messages are) at the very top with options ...
What should be the flow if user used social log-in at first then tried to login via email after?
I think if your system supports both social media and email logins then you should allow both to be linked to the same account.
So the next time a user that has signed up through social login tries ...
Dealign with Facebook login denied permission?
While your proposed flow is sound and pretty common, you're leaving out of the table a very important fact: many people used an email just to sign with Facebook and they never check it out. This is ...
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