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Questions tagged [captcha]

A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a person.

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47 votes
6 answers

Can we do better than CAPTCHA?

There are a variety of different forms of CAPTCHA and other strategies in order to prevent spam. To briefly list a few: Simple math or word questions. Obfuscated text. JavaScript-based CAPTCHAs. ...
Virtuosi Media's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Does Captcha Really Affect UX?

From my own personal experience, I don't like CAPTCHA when filling a form, especially encountering unrecognizable picture or calculation-required one. When I submit some advises to the website, it's ...
Allen Koo's user avatar
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116 votes
19 answers

CAPTCHA on mobile: what are the alternatives?

From a UX perspective, CAPTCHA's are bad, bad, bad. But let's say we have this as a requirement. And it's for a hybrid app (compiled app, but built upon an HTML5 platform). I'm trying to find out: ...
DA01's user avatar
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33 votes
10 answers

Is there an easier and more user friendly alternative to CAPTCHA?

I'm working on setting up a CAPTCHA on a project, and just thought about the user experience of it. I personally find them tedious, especially if they're too difficult. Even these are pretty easy ...
Mike's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Accessibility and CAPTCHAs

I want to include a CAPTCHA in my web application, but I also want to make sure that my web application is accessible to individuals with impairments or disabilities. How should I go about doing that?...
D.W.'s user avatar
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11 votes
9 answers

barebone registration: is password repitition and captcha really essential?

If you design a barebone registration form which only requires email address and password as essentials can you omit the password repetition and captcha without too much technical trouble? I ...
bedienbar's user avatar
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56 votes
11 answers

"Typocaptcha" - an alternative to CAPTCHA? [closed]

We all hate CAPTCHAs, but to some applications they're a necessary evil. Today I wondered if there's a better alternative we just haven't thought of yet. I considered the dilemma: how do you create ...
rybo111's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Honeypot captchas and accessibility

I have been looking at ways to prevent spam bots from posting, regstering and performing actions on my site. Initially, I thought about implementing ReCAPTCHA using its API. However, I have found ...
F21's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Should password field be cleared if Captcha is wrongly entered?

On registration screen there are 3 fields: Email, Password and Captcha. User has entered valid email and password but has entered wrong Captcha. Here an error message specific to the wrong Captcha ...
Aditya Durgude's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Has Captcha become common knowledge?

I am doing a business site for a web company, and was wondering if Captcha has become so well-known, that it no longer needs an explanation ? Right now there is only a input box, the captcha image ...
Nils Munch's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Asirra or Captcha?

I've just heard about "Asirra" and tried it. But, I am a little bit confusing about using. What is your choice for usability? Asirra or CAPTCHA, and why?
ARTniyet's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to handle different recaptcha errors on the frontend?

I am using recaptcha v2 invisible on my Nuxt SSR website with the help of this module I added it to my login, signup, forgot password and reset password pages 3 Recaptcha Error Conditions There are ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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