I have been looking at ways to prevent spam bots from posting, regstering and performing actions on my site.
Initially, I thought about implementing ReCAPTCHA using its API. However, I have found ReCAPTCHAs to be getting more difficult to read these days (some of the distorted letters aren't even legible!). I also found the audio option supplied for vision-impaired users to be frustrating and even harder to use.
I have been looking at other ways to prevent spam bots. The checkbox captcha and honeypot captcha are described on this site, so I won't go on and describe them.
I have ruled out a checkbox captcha because it is generated client-side using javascript. I only use Javascript for progressive enhancemet.
The honeypot captcha seems to be the best solution. However, I am interested in its accessibility with screen readers and other web browsing tools for the visually impaired, having no experience with those tools.
How good are screen readers/ visually impaired tools at parsing CSS? Do they even parse and apply css styles? Has anyone got any examples or implemented honeypot captchas that satisfies accessibility compliance?