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5 votes

Too many expanding panels, not enough room

The correct layout depends on your user needs in context (what is exactly the scenario ?). Do they need both the information in side panel and data table at the same time ? Do they need all the ...
Funkit's user avatar
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2 votes

Too many expanding panels, not enough room

What problem is your interface trying to solve? Only user testing or observing real-world use can tell you for sure, but there are many common patterns you can use. I've worked on many similar ...
Nathan Rabe's user avatar
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2 votes

Too many expanding panels, not enough room

Put the customer information into the lower right corner, as a flyout menu which can be opened and closed with a click. And make sure to add extra scrolling room in the main area, so one can scroll ...
Falco's user avatar
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2 votes

Display due date in user timezone or company timezone

The principle here should probably be to display the date/time so that it does not need to be mentally converted to the reader's local time. This is to minimise cognitive effort and prevent mistakes. ...
TommyPeanuts's user avatar
1 vote

Table that mixes different type of data

I think your gut feeling about adding new columns to a table upon changing a filter are correct, that's not a common pattern and it breaks some heuristics around consistency and acting like a regular ...
Izquierdo's user avatar
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1 vote

pagination vs "load more" for a business applicaiton

"pagination is good for business" is a shorthand for various otherwise unconnected problems. Performance Business computers tend to be low-end machines and tend to be outdated to no end. ...
Leo Wattenberg's user avatar
1 vote

I ask for your help in this crazy modal/dialog flow

I think that before you come up with a solution, you need to understand a little more about the problem(s), which you can do with user research (via a quick survey, or even by calling 5-10 clients who ...
Izquierdo's user avatar
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1 vote

Too many expanding panels, not enough room

Now that it's clear what users actually do with this I understand your current design better. Users will be using this on a desktop computer so there is no need to talk about mobile screen sizes. They ...
jazZRo's user avatar
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