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59 votes

Why put a warning sticker over the warning on this product?

Is there any chance the label pictogram is actually 10x10mm? Guidance on Labelling and Packaging Version 2.0 - September 2016 states in section 5.2 (Size of the label and of the label elements) that ...
Roger Attrill's user avatar
18 votes

Should I use error message or warning message for optional field validations?

In this case since the user has tried to upload an invalid format, regardless that it is optional, it counts as an error. Warnings and Errors can be defined as such: WARNINGS should appear when ...
RobbyReindeer's user avatar
10 votes

Warning message on a successful action

This file will be uploaded even if there are warnings because the warnings are solved by the application itself. By referring to your sentence above, would it be worth allocating that much of space ...
Dipak's user avatar
  • 16.3k
9 votes

Is it excessive to say "Are you sure you want to..."?

I would not ask the user if he's sure, i would assume he is and explain him his actions. I like invisions approach, they even added checkboxes so they make 100% sure that if you delete you delete ...
Pectoralis Major's user avatar
9 votes

Warning message on a successful action

The process is successful, but there are warnings detected What you have is Notice1 + Notice2 + Action. Product upload successful + There were warnings + View warnings The examples you propose ...
Alvaro's user avatar
  • 16.9k
7 votes

On a warning sign, describe safe actions near pictured danger, or pictured safety?

The list states things to DO and NOT to DO. The picture shows the areas where to BE and where NOT to BE. There is no direct relation between Doing things in the Be area and Not Doing things in the ...
Alvaro's user avatar
  • 16.9k
6 votes

What is the difference between an alert and a warning message?

At a conceptual level an alert is usually a cue used to raise a users attention. For instance a phone may vibrate to send an alert that something requires attention. A warning is usually related to ...
simonlh's user avatar
  • 431
4 votes

On a warning sign, describe safe actions near pictured danger, or pictured safety?

I suggest not splitting the Do and Do Not along the safety boundary in the diagram. Having them split like that makes one think one is for one side and the other is for the other, just like the "man" ...
bloodyKnuckles's user avatar
3 votes

Warnings on a dialog

You have a couple of options: Warning Notice/Alert Waning Notice/Alert with confirmation Confirmation Dialog Warning Notice/Alert Alerts tend to attract the attention, yet require no further action ...
UX Labs's user avatar
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3 votes

How to explain that a feature is only "partially" secure?

For this, I would take a leaf out of Google's book. On Google Drive, when you want to share a document, you are provided with a popup and you get to choose whether you want to allow people with the ...
crazyloonybin's user avatar
2 votes

What would be the best way to guide users in this design and avoid forcing users to make the mistake then correcting them?

The current de-facto standard is an immediately-visible (i.e. large) asterisk next to each mandatory field, with a lead-in explanation that the starred items are required. Given that this app is for ...
MMacD's user avatar
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2 votes

What would be the best way to guide users in this design and avoid forcing users to make the mistake then correcting them?

It's all in the placement. It would be best to have the submit button positioned below the Course Date option, because this is the typical logical reading order that implies the date should be set ...
Jason Cemra's user avatar
2 votes

Warning message on a successful action

User should see warnings before the success message First notification should be in orange: 349 warnings were detected and the second one (after some time, letting user to read first notification) ...
Erkan Kerti's user avatar
2 votes

How to display multiple complex validation errors and warnings

Your banner messages are going to be used in conjunction with validating form submission and marking fields that are missing or fail validation etc. There is little value in just pointing out there ...
Alok's user avatar
  • 435
2 votes

How to display multiple complex validation errors and warnings

Conceptually, they're not the same, so mixing both is not a good idea on most cases. However, in your specific case, you could be a bit more generic. Take this for example: There are problems. Then ...
Devin's user avatar
  • 38.3k
2 votes

Is it excessive to say "Are you sure you want to..."?

I personally hate "are you sure"s. For example: when copying files I'll get an overwrite/skip option; if I select overwrite, I don't want to be asked if I'm sure — since it's all too easy to click "...
Jennifer's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

What feedback to give to users about why drag & drop does not work here?

Maybe draw the documents different, if a filter is set. With filter, it looks like a list. It is uncommon to be able to drag and drop in a regular list. Without a filter, draw them like objects (with ...
Dany Bittel's user avatar
2 votes

Maintenance countdown warning message - modal pop-up window? is it a good practice for such a important message

The level of salience the message needs to have depends on a few things: Have you scheduled the maintenance window during peak hours? Then a modal or interstitial page may be appropriate. If your ...
Ro Achterberg's user avatar
2 votes

Warning/ Information on top of a Modal

My suggestion would be approach 01 ie inline validation. The reasons being: This satisfies Gestalt's law of continuation and law of proximity. Since 01 is valid, it is much easier to relate the ...
Swapna's user avatar
  • 662
1 vote

Close/Cancel function: Use Secondary or Warning type button?

Use the simple Close or Cancel button when: Wanting to close that view to continue some other related activity. Use the Alert button before closing or cancel when there is/are a: Running timer ...
Danielillo's user avatar
  • 20.4k
1 vote

Close/Cancel function: Use Secondary or Warning type button?

A warning button is used in the case of destructive actions or data loss. If the close/cancel function will lead to the user losing changes or work, it's acceptable to use this type of button, even if ...
Izquierdo's user avatar
  • 12.9k
1 vote

Placement of warning within a trade flow

I would prefer option 1. It is clear beforehand what the status of the stock is and the investor can decide whether she wants to take the risk of a trade. It is also transparent and shows that you are ...
Nash's user avatar
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1 vote

What feedback to give to users about why drag & drop does not work here?

I would change the cursor to "unavailable" cursor when the user attempts to drag the item, & show a tooltip at the same location instead of a toast message ("turn off filters to use ...
cgtk's user avatar
  • 461
1 vote

What is a good approach for warning user on leaving a modal or side flyout panel with unsaved changes?

I would recommend having a pop-up modal asking the user that there is unsaved information that he will lose. It's weird to click somewhere on the platform and have a warning somewhere else. Don't ...
Lonut's user avatar
  • 1,068
1 vote

When and how present a warning message when fields are not valid anymore?

It depends on how your company handles old forms without validation. If a form previously edited is valid till a new change, then provide a page notification reminding the user of this change when a ...
Erkan Kerti's user avatar
1 vote

When and how present a warning message when fields are not valid anymore?

I think that the answer might be dependent on what is technically feasible or practical rather than what you think is going to suit the user best (because introducing this type of change is already ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
  • 27.7k
1 vote

Warnings on a dialog

I would suggest that such functionality is better implemented in-place, rather than opening an extra dialog. If you present a subset of information in such dialog, it could be lacking some context. ...
Franchesca's user avatar
  • 12.6k
1 vote

Should I use error message or warning message for optional field validations?

Both is possible, depending on the stage where you want to output the warning. Check the filetype when the user selects the file: display a warning next to the field "the filetype is invalid and the ...
allo's user avatar
  • 378
1 vote

Should I use error message or warning message for optional field validations?

The answer is to ensure the user is informed upfront, by including 'optional' as part of the label for the field, you could expand this to 'optional, image files only,' which would assist your users ...
DarrylGodden's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it excessive to say "Are you sure you want to..."?

You can use the approach Google uses. They let the user perform the action with the feedback alert on the top where the user can undo the action. Reference image below:
Vineet Arora's user avatar

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