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Questions tagged [truncation]

Truncation is the process of shortening a piece of content by cutting off the end (in a programming context, often applied to a text string or an array).

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0 votes
1 answer

The Card Height Problem

You have a horizontal row of three cards on a page. There's an image, a header, descriptive text and a button. How do you ensure all of the cards stay the same height if the content in each card isn't ...
mrg0000's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Truncating labels on a radio button swatch

I have an ecommerce project wherein there's a limitation on the displayed text inside the radio button for swatches. This is a requirement of our business analyst and said that it was good but there ...
Jhopat Santiago's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Handling too long pre-fill text on text boxes

I'm designing a form for multiple languages on mobile. in english the prefill text is not too long, but when the translations e.g. russian, what's the best way to handle when it ends up being longer ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Are content previews important?

What is the purpose of content previews? An example of content previews is that you have a list of news articles all with different stories, in the list is the name of the article and then 2 lines of ...
RobbyReindeer's user avatar
11 votes
11 answers

Best practice for truncating similar titles in data grid?

I have the following table, where the names are truncated up to 14 characters, because there's no enough room for the table itself (in real world there are some more columns). download bmml source &...
Kristian Vitozev's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Wrap or truncate long tabular data?

I have a table that displays about 10-12 columns of data and can be very cumbersome. Some columns are quite wide and the display doesn't look all that great. After doing some research, I found ...
Bill Punch's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Truncation design solution for a search result with more than 1000 authors

Three things: In recent years, we have seen a steep increase in the number of papers with authors in excess of 50, and a particularly notable spike in reports whose author counts exceed 1,000 and ...
Benoit Meunier's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Truncation vs. Wrapping text when designing for responsive page for multiple devices - which is better?

For a ready only form that is also designed to be responsive, some fields are long and some short. Currently, the default behavior is truncating long fields based on the space constraint. And on hover,...
Kavini's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How can I show long titles in a short drop-down list button? [duplicate]

I have a dropdown button which will display under it a list of sections for an online e-learning course. The button works fine for short titles but this website is known for having titles that can go ...
James's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Should large (wide) numbers be truncated differently than text?

Usually, when we have to display a text and we do not have enough space to display the whole text, it can be truncated and this could be indicated by an ellipsis. See for example this question: ...
stefan.s's user avatar
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29 votes
5 answers

Best way to handle long URLs

I have a list that contains long, in terms of character count, links and I am wondering if my solution is a good solution in terms of UX. My solution is that if the link is over 80 characters, then ...
irfan mir's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How do you show long names in mobile apps?

I'm working with a client that has an existing user base with some very long names and usernames. (i.e. Xx_fakenamehere_xX) I don't want to truncate them (they're already truncated in the current ...
jvspcorbust's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Should a username be truncated?

Is it ever OK to truncate a username? Is there any good solution / trade-off? Site shows username as: Username: Shrinivasuk View: Shrinivasu... Username: Ritesh View: Rite Username: Poonam View: ...
momwhocode's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

Truncating long text labels - Best Practices?

I was wondering whether there are any studies around truncated labels, in case if they ever get too long and layouts can't fix it? Does it confuse users if a label is truncated with an ellipsis ...
spunkypixels's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Android text truncation guideline

Is there are set of guidelines for the Android how the text should be truncated in the controls? Fading text, ellipsis, cut in the middle, etc.?
Anna Rouben's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

Studies or experience on using faded text to indicate more content?

Text that ends with ... normally indicates that there is more to read. But now I heard some people talking about faded text is a better user experience? Has anyone tested this or has experience from ...
Elsa Gentry Kant's user avatar