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Questions tagged [text]

The main body of printed or written matter on a page.

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2 answers

Assistive texts in forms

I'm designing a long form that requires users to complete multiple fields and upload various documents. I'm considering where to place assistive text—either alongside the label or beneath the field. ...
Neha Kamath's user avatar
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Standard for setting max width for a body of text

Let's say I have a body of text on my website for users using my website on mobile. Is the industry standard for the max-width to be a maximum of 90vw or 95vw? Why would one be better than the other?
user's user avatar
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UX concerns with showing dynamic tips/fun facts/"Did you know...?" section on a loading progress modal

In my app, there's a window that opens up with a spinning logo next to a progress bar that shows update/loading progress. I want to add a section with various tips and fun facts about the application, ...
AcinonX's user avatar
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Color contrast and hover state [a11y]

When multiple pieces of information of different importance are presented within a same piece of UI (e.g., table row, list item), some designers prefer to have the "secondary" or "less ...
hayavuk's user avatar
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Text Contrast Issue: How to enhance a hero image section?

I'm using a hero image as a landing page for a ecommerce site. Here's what it looks like so far: I'm having issues with the text's contrast over the background image. Any ideas on how I can make the ...
solange's user avatar
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How to have previous/next and "up" navigation for navigating pages on a book, while also having a configuration menu?

I have this basic layout idea so far, for navigating things like book pages, where you can go: Left: back a page Right: forward a page Up: up from verse level to chapter level to book level to site ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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Best way to show errors in a text-based Terminal app for this new programming language?

I have the beginnings of a new programming language I'm working on, which uses "trees" of lowercased terms (separated by dashes for multi-word terms). The punctuation and everything can be ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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When typing uppercase letter, Is it faster to press shift with same hand as the letter or there is no difference?

Are there any studies comparing typing speed of these styles of case shifting: use shift only on one side of keyboard. Use pinky+ corresponding finger when the letter is on the same side as the shift ...
Andrew Butenko's user avatar
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What are some of your favorite examples of websites presenting long form text (essays, long articles, etc.) in an interesting and/or unique manner? [closed]

I am going to put together a simple Webflow website which will feature a ~2,000 word essay on the homepage. I am looking for creative ways to present the essay in a way that is interesting/unique, but ...
Mark Rather's user avatar
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2 answers

What do you call the element in the orange box?

Wondering what's this part is called in design. Also the string in the orange box is not included in the email content when you open the email. How this string is created? Generated automatically? ...
Q.X's user avatar
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Show relevant information as UI text correctly

I'm making a webapp meant to be used by schools, in which teachers can create quizzes and assess students' answers. I'm finding myself struggling to get across the domain logic on grading, which is ...
Samuele B.'s user avatar
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Multiple levels of conditional text

For a report builder, my non-technical users need to be able to visually specify conditional text that is potentially multiple levels deep. Example: Mr X and Mrs Y, each possibly replaced by Mr Z if ...
mtruyens's user avatar
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How to display truncated text in a clickable table on touch screen?

In a table with clickable rows (a click on each row opens the dedicated page), the text could be truncated if it's too long. We thought to add a tooltip with the complete text on hover, but our app ...
Emilie's user avatar
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Why do web paragraphs break, while print paragraphs indent?

Both indentations and line breaks create a strong disruption that signals "this is a new paragraph" to the user. Question: Several decades into web browsers becoming a major form of ...
Izquierdo's user avatar
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7 answers

Best practice for Styling links when used in tables and headings

Should links in data tables be styled like regular text links or only have some indication on hover? For example Shopify tables have default black text color and only change to blue on hover: I dont ...
Neatpixels's user avatar
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How dark does a background have to be before white text shows up better than black text?

How dark does a grey background have to be, before white text is easier to read against that background than black text? Suppose you start off with a white background. Clearly, black text is easier ...
Toothpick Anemone's user avatar
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Why do Dutch truck number plates have a gap in the 'zero'?

Some recent number plates of Dutch trucks have a gap in the top left part of the 'zero'. Example: (source: I assume this is done to increase readability; I can't think of any other reason. It ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Is it ok to use text area for multiple subjects?

When user is answering question with radio buttons that opens new more specific questions. Is it bad idea to wrap those questions in one text area? In my case user want might add multiple "...
Robert's user avatar
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Name for special limited alphabet that doesn't include "look alikes" (o, 0, i, 1, L)

Is there a special limited alphabet that does not include characters which look similar? I.e., does not include: 0 O i L 1 Use case: This is for assigning a unique user ID. And we don't want them ...
Clay Nichols's user avatar
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Compact text indication of lost radio connection

I am working on a UI for a robotics application that uses radio communication. There is a text field for each robot that normally displays battery voltage in the format 3.72 V. Sometimes the radio ...
japreiss's user avatar
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How to display better text message if someone's enter wrong E-mail id?

How can we display a better text message when a user enter wrong mail id on any mobile application he/she is using ? Would - "Ugh, You entered an incorrect mail, please check again and fill the ...
Shubham Singla's user avatar
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Multi-Line Text Box vs Single Line Text Box

We have a 'Notes' section in several of our webpages that is currently only displayed as a single line text box. We tend to get short responses (5-7 words) describing what they need. This almost ...
KlavierKatze's user avatar
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Text size for navigation bar should be same, bigger or smaller than 16px?

The default font size is 16px, but I don't know if the font size of the navigation menu should be the same (16px), smaller (14px) or bigger than 16px. I think that bigger than 16px is going to be ...
Bea Gomez Perez's user avatar
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Width of a page that contains mostly text [duplicate]

I'm working on a design for a blog. The blog is very text oriented. It contains long articles of thousands of words. When I look around the web I see that blogs often have a 'fixed width' page size (...
Gerlof Leuhof's user avatar
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Preferable way of indicating a specific board on a software platform

Suppose that a software platform has the following architecture: Workspace A Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Workspace B Board 4 Board 5 Board 6 And each space is custom-named by users like below: ...
ddffbb's user avatar
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Is it right to use a float numbers instead of text in design

We have a design that indicate the user about the measurement of food ingredients For example: 1.5 cup 0.5 cup Is it right to use it as above or replace it with 1 cup and half A half of cup
Mohamed Hamdan's user avatar
6 votes
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Past simple vs present perfect in popup

In a UI popup like below, which tense is more idiomatic between the past simple and present perfect? Data was/has been imported. Will you go to your workspace? The files were/have been deleted. Will ...
ddffbb's user avatar
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3 answers

Best way to display page full of links?

I have a page that looks like below. I shrunk it in dimensions to give a broad idea of the page. So it has categories and under them there are links. What would be some of the options in terms of ...
Reis's user avatar
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What is the optimum Flesch Reading Ease Score for a Website?

Defining Readability as the way text is written ( not font styles and size ), what's the optimum Flesch Reading Ease score for a General Public website for users over the age of 18 ? Background: https:...
PhillipW's user avatar
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Purpose of this from the WCAG guidelines about text-spacing

I need help understanding this guideline about text-spacing. I'm wondering what is the purpose of these text style properties in the bulleted points. My understanding is that users should be able to ...
m.jung's user avatar
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What's the name of the (old) experimental UX concept that revealed further details on demand?

The idea is of course similar to modern day spoilers but the concept proposal was quite old. Moreover, the details were revealed inside the text not separately, i.e. simply added further sentences to ...
jak's user avatar
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How to present a lot of choices and options, where each case is important?

Can't show app interface but here is the concept. 1st image situation and a short description of the person. The Second image is Cases and options for how to help. (First, you choose case then option)....
Ai inque's user avatar
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How should dyslexia-friendly headings, sub-headings, paragraphs and button texts took like?

I haven't found any clear resources online to be able to figure out what makes any web test truly dyslexia-friendly. I hope you guys can share valuable information here.
Roland Pokornyik's user avatar
13 votes
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How do you convey that the minimum size of an input is X characters?

I have this Q&A site, where I want the title to be at least 20 characters and the body to be at least 200 characters. What is the best approach to convey these to the user without having them to ...
Aysennoussi's user avatar
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Is limiting About Section text input more beneficial or annoying?

Background: According to the study below (Found on NN), users read less than 1/4th of all text on a given webpage. So, theoretically, organizations would benefit from having much shorter about ...
BrettBrettBrett's user avatar
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Is there a benefit to adding the punctuation symbol in parentheses when referring to punctuation?

In writing documentation when referring to punctuation such as a comma, is there a benefit in readability to include the symbol of that punctuation character in parentheses afterwards? For example, ...
Ashton's user avatar
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Images look bad with perfect paragraph width

I'm working on a WordPress template and trying to maintain perfect line width of ~70 characters. My blog has a lot of posts and most of the post contain at least one image per paragraph, usually more. ...
Wordpressor's user avatar
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Should non editable text have the default cursor on hover?

I'm seeing more and more website adding a global CSS body {cursor: default} for the cursor to be default when hovering non editable text. I'm guessing the goal is to make a difference between ...
Joan's user avatar
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Highlight Color & Text Color [closed]

How do we avoid using the same highlight color as the text color? For example: when you highlight a paragraph, the background color changes to draw attention to the paragraph, but what if the color ...
Leo Nguyen's user avatar
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Address box in a form [closed]

My users will need to fill the address line and be very precise since the address represents their client's location (including apartment number, floor, etc.). However, I would like to use only 1 ...
Solomon's user avatar
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Handling text overflow in wireframes

This is something that has bothered me a lot on how to approach. I like to use "ugly data" in my wireframes since my goal isn't to have pretty wireframes, but functional ones. Using simple ...
nine's user avatar
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How to display a user's note after form submit? [duplicate]

After a form submission I display the user's submitted data, but I struggle with showing an optional note. This is how I display it when it wasn't filled: And this is how I currently display it ...
ofmiceandmoon's user avatar
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Managing different sized contents in a card

How to manage different size of contents in a card, keeping the card size same?
Jayadeep's user avatar
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What is the correct user expectation on text alignment, when English is used together with Arabic language?

I was wondering, what is the correct user expectation, when English is being used together with Arabic, within a sentence. For instance, in the 1st line, the text is aligned toward right. How I type ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
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Improve elements position [closed]

I'm designing an android app and the only elements I have are a text and two buttons, with a large white background. I would you set these elements to improve the user experience? This is what I've ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Best way to align number columns in a table that has a text column after

It is a common knowledge that number column in a table should be right-aligned, whereas text column — left. In this example (taken from this article), you can see that there is a text column (...
Kata's user avatar
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2 answers

How to display text with label in Material UI? [closed]

In a single page I would like to display Text Fields for user input and texts, which are static, but have labels. I tried to use the same text fields but with disabled attributes: However, I am not ...
Pablo's user avatar
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41 votes
5 answers

Is it a problem if <h4>, <h5> and <h6> are smaller than regular text?

On many websites and website templates, the font size of <h4> (sometimes) and <h5> and <h6> are often smaller than regular text, i.e., that of <p> with no additional classes. ...
iBug's user avatar
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4 answers

What should be the text color with image having black and white colors

The bullet points are not standing out with red.
Abhilash Narayan's user avatar
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In this design should title precede image or vice versa?

I created two designs in Balsamiq, in the first one the titles "International Flights/Domestic Flights" come on top of their corresponding images and in the other one it is the other way around. Both, ...
Faezeh Bahmani's user avatar

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