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Questions tagged [mobile-text-entry]

the process of entering text on a mobile device, such as might utilise an on screen keyboard or facilitate text messaging

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2 answers

Keeping the text handle visible at all times when in text editing mode on mobile devices, any accessibility issues?

There is a very interesting article on the 'invisible' problem of editing text on mobile that highlights the lack of novel and tailored UI design patterns for text editing. One of the really ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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Use of T menus for text editing in mobile

There is a very interesting article on the 'invisible' problem of editing text on mobile that highlights the lack of novel and tailored UI design patterns for text editing. In particular, the idea of ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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3 answers

How should I design a text field that doubles as text view in a form?

Suppose you have a list of data that also doubles as an editable form like this: The problem with this is that I cannot show any obtrusive indicator (like text field border) to give the user a visual ...
Chen Li Yong's user avatar
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Handling too long pre-fill text on text boxes

I'm designing a form for multiple languages on mobile. in english the prefill text is not too long, but when the translations e.g. russian, what's the best way to handle when it ends up being longer ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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Appropriate labels for multiple times entry fields

I am working on an app where the user can book a service and can select upto 3 occurrence of that service per day. This means the user needs to be prompted to enter three distinct times of the day. I ...
Anjan Biswas's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What is the point of fullscreen keyboard on Android?

On Android, when using landscape mode, certain apps override some user settings and "force" the keyboard to go fullscreen (see first screenshot - WhatsApp app with an Android fullscreen keyboard). The ...
Turkeyphant's user avatar
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How to present a character counter for a byte restricted text input?

I have a text input which restricts input of characters when a certain byte limit has been met. I want to indicate this using a character counter which increases or fills up (in case of a progress bar ...
TheLinuxEvangelist's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Input fields - Is <input type phone> more user friendly for credit cards than <input type number>?

Basically this question, but with more usability focus: So we have these two general keyboard ...
Big_Chair's user avatar
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3 answers

single input or seperate inputs for a solution containing units

We are trying to create a web application to teach units to students of 4-6'th grade, the question would be like what is average velocity of the car that moved 60km in 3 hrs? The answer would be ...
Sriker Ch's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How did Twitter choose their character limit? [duplicate]

Twitter posts are limited to 140 "characters", which turns out to mean code points in UTF8 (not the only or even most intuitive measure). Was this determined by a (likely outdated) technical ...
lofidevops's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Proven UX practices for fast data input and further association

I am investigating the ways of solving the following UX task: There is a user (sales person). They have a tablet. They want just a multiline edit field where they can enter any text about their ...
nickolay's user avatar
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1 answer

Shift placeholder on focus in text field

I have seen some websites where the placeholder in a text box shifts up and lets the user continue typing in the input box, what is this behavior called ? -------------- Email-Id -------------- -----...
GoodSp33d's user avatar
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1 answer

Mixing floating text field with normal text field in one app. Bad design?

In the app that I am designing, the user has to enter a verification code. Here I use a simple text field with a hint and no floating labels because there is no way to lose context of what you are ...
An SO User's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Design for rapid time entry on web and mobile

What is the most efficient way for users to enter a hh:mm time in a web interface and a mobile interface? In this case users would be entering time more than 40 x per hour. Context: This is for ...
stephenz's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What are the universally understood symbols for "remote computer" or "server" or "the internet"? [closed]

I've recently came across an idea that mobile device icons are growing into a pictographic language of their own. For example the floppy drive can be considered a universally understood symbol for "...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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-5 votes
2 answers

Why no typographic apostrophe in auto-correct?

Probably the first kind of automatic alteration or correction of characters entered by the user by means of a keyboard, were “smart quotes”, i.e. the replacement of ' and " by proper typographic, ...
Crissov's user avatar
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1 answer

Making typing API keys easier for mobile users

I have a mobile application which uses data from a REST API, and needs an API key for that particular user to access what it needs. The problem is that the API keys are anything but short. ...
naiveai's user avatar
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1 answer

Recommended Design for UX with multiple text inputs? [closed]

We (My friends and I) have created an Android Application to calculate for a snow day based on multiple text (numerical) inputs that the user interacts with. We released the app before the real storm ...
Tanishq dubey's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Are click-to-edit fields appropriate for mobile UX?

I have used click to edit fields for a html5 application which makes it slick to use on a desktop but I am not sure how the click-to-edit fields would be perceived by mobile users. Would it be ...
Jarnal's user avatar
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Standard margins for full-screen text editor

I would like to present a full-screen text editor. Are there any standard rules for calculating the side and top and bottom margins based on the screen size and possibly font size? I'm particularly ...
hpique's user avatar
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Numeric input - alternatives to slider / text field for mobile game?

For our game the player's occasionally required to enter numbers. Sometimes it's the number of units to buy and in that case typically a number between 1 and 10,000, other times it's goods to buy, in ...
Nuoji's user avatar
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Is there a mobile friendly text entry markup (akin to Markdown)?

Is there a mobile-first markup language? In my Android phone, typing .h2 hydrogen peroxide H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide is is easier than ## hydrogen peroxide H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide is In the ...
Jesvin Jose's user avatar
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Speed and accuracy of text entry methods on smart phones?

Are there any comparisons between the different text entry methods within the restricted interface size afforded by a smart phone. Specifically between T9 predictive text, on-screen keyboard with ...
Toni Leigh's user avatar
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