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Updating items on sorted list: How affect pagination, items shown. Pros and Cons?

I have a website where people can save and edit documents. The account is usually limited to a single person, but some accounts are shared with someone else (like a family account). I show the list of ...
user295469's user avatar
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Encouraging users to 'group' very large data sets

We have a product that requires users to import large data sets (100+ rows) and then 'group' those datasets into buckets within the product. This is part of the set-up process so that they can start ...
jacklawley's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

When data is grouped in a table, should pagination be based on individual rows or groups?

I have a table of data pertaining to stores. The user has the ability to group the data by Store Name, which will display the Store Names in a collapsed view with a (#) that indicates how many rows ...
Cindy's user avatar
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1 answer

Sorting option between grid and list view

I have a view in our saas product which has a grid of items as cards. In the toolbar there is a dropdown for sorting which one of the options being 'most recent' - this is the most common sorting ...
GATE13's user avatar
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4 answers

Need help with filter grouping

I'm working on filters. I need help on filter grouping. We do have different filter groups that can be applied on given data. The problem here the page looks overwhelming with given options. I cannot ...
NB4's user avatar
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Mixed past and future events in one list?

tldr: Has anyone ever seen a list of date-specific items, sorted by "distance from today" regardless of whether they're past or future? Detail: I have a page showing two lists of online ...
wiiiiilllllll's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Should filtering and sorting be combined?

I'm working on an application where it requires filtering and sorting. Typically, these two functionalities, albeit similar, are always separated. However, I came across this article today where they ...
M Bo's user avatar
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Ag-Grid filter across pages or current page

When using the Ag-Grid with multiple pages, is it a good practice to filter records across pages or should it be just the current page ? Also for sorting, is it a good practice to retain the current ...
copenndthagen's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Multiple sorting orders in one screen

For the following example shown in the screenshot (mobile app that records public transport trips), when a user visits their journey history screen there are multiple sorting chronological orders. ...
Kate's user avatar
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2 answers

Filtering and Sorting a Table that has more than 1 row per user

Imagine if... you had 6 users. They all drove cars. The table shows which cars they drive and how many miles they have driven each car. It also shows a flag which is just a way to tag a user that is ...
Antistandard's user avatar
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Filtering and Sorting a Table that has multiple rows per User row

Here's a good challenge for you all. Challenge: Filter by 2 colors, then Sort by 'Amount' and not replicate the user's name throughout the Name column? User Goal: To be able to see which is the lowest ...
Antistandard's user avatar
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1 answer

Making sorting discoverable on a table with no default sort

We have a table that orders results of clients (can be searched on name, address, email, phone, etc.) based on an algorithm, so there isn't a "default" sort we can mark with an arrow to ...
AllisonB's user avatar
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2 answers

Sorting list order with pagination

In a lot of the projects I've worked on, often there's a list of items where the users can manually organize the order, so that they're presented in the desired order in the web page. Normally these ...
Vicky's user avatar
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What's the most intuitive control to sort a bar chart?

I'm designing a feature that includes a bar chart which needs to be sorted in a few different of ways. I'm exploring a few options on what's the most intuitive way to achieve this. A. Tabs B. Combo ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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Sort a grid with some empty cells

I have an editable Grid/Table where the cells can be edited. In a column, there can be some filled and unfilled cells. The column can be sorted. What is the best way to sort the cells? I am thinking ...
Fanny's user avatar
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Default sorting

Hello UX Stackexchange! I am working in a data-related company. Most UI layouts are based on tables. By default, any table is sorted by the first column ascendingly. Now comes the situation, where we ...
KochetovMXM's user avatar
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How to display recorded webinars AND future webinars in search results

Similar to this issue but slightly different. Sort order when I have events and products I have a page that shows webinars available for purchase in a card-like format. Users can filter and see ...
Sam's user avatar
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2 answers

Studies demonstrating efficacy of a top-to-bottom sort order in a multi-column list

I'm working on a UI that has a list of items (a dozen years) in a multi-column list. I know from past research that users will read list of items across columns top-to-bottom rather than left-to-right....
dan00binator's user avatar
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Behaviour of Sort in a table where data is grouped

Consider the following table: It's a table of 'food' all split into categories, with each sub-category also containing items. A 3-tier hierarchy. The table is sortable by name, but... what should ...
JonW's user avatar
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Client side sorting

I'm currently tasked with implementing client side sorting on specific page view for our application. Below is an example of how the UI for client side sorting works, basically a user can click on a ...
Juan Marco's user avatar
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Sorting VS Row Rearrange

I have a watchlist containing a list of stocks, and one of the popular usages of such a list is rearranging the rows (dragging and dropping selected rows to a favorite user position). Now, let's add a ...
Guy Cohen's user avatar
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Filters applied overview - how to distinguish filters with the same name

I'm trying to find the best way, how to display filters applied overview. The problem is, that some filtering options, may have the same name across different filter categories (also because they are ...
Iga's user avatar
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2 answers

Product sorting order in the shopping cart

What do you think is the best way to sort products in the shopping cart: newest added on top or at the bottom? Especially on the mobile version of the website, I think that newest on top will give the ...
Sergej's user avatar
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1 answer

Pros and Cons of Sorting by Number of Reviews

If we say the goal of the user is to quickly find the best product when browsing the product listing page. What are the pros and cons of providing users the option to sort by Number of Reviews? Does ...
Chairman Meow's user avatar
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How to handle data addition in data grid when data is sorted

I have data grid in application which has pagination and the latest added record is added on top. If the data is already sorted on a column and another record is added to the table how should the ...
vaibhav Kothari's user avatar
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Dropdown menu that contains more than one topic [closed]

I'm trying to figure out what is the best solution for dropdown menus that contain more than one topic. For instance, if I want to view and add at one field all the users and the groups created at the ...
Emanuel Alhazov's user avatar
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2 answers

Loading for a list with ~40 seconds completion time

We have a listing page which the data are gathered by multiple providers. These providers have different response times (min 15 seconds to 1 minute sometimes). Our default sorting is based on the ...
Hasan Hemmati's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Sort/Search/Filter - In each column or one for the whole table?

What are your thoughts on the use of sort/search/filter functionality within each table column vs. a single sort/search/filter that drives the entire table? When is one preferred over the other? What ...
Cara Rickard's user avatar
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Windows vs. Linux file managers: Sorting triangles point in opposite directions?

Windows Explorer's sorting triangles: ▼ Larger and newer files first. Various Linux file managers: ▼ Smaller files first. ▲Larger files first. Why is there possibly that distinction? And which one is ...
neverMind9's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Convention for sorting within a sort on grids

The convention of a sort-able grid seems to be well established. A user sorts on a column by clicking on the header and an arrow appears indicating the direction of the sort. However when the column ...
Wouter's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

Alphabetical grouping of accented words

We have a list of countries in our UI where the design prototype groups the countries by initial letter. The country names change by language, so the grouping also changes. This also means that the ...
ecc's user avatar
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2 answers

Default Sorting ascending or descending

When we have a data table shows time off requests sorted by dates, is it good to default sorting to ascending or descending? (We do not have the capability to change sorting, or maybe that's the ...
YogaPanda's user avatar
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1 answer

Best practice for draggable, sortable with paging records

What will be best design practice for having items thumbnail with option as drag gable, sort able with paging records(considering more than 1000+ records)? Below is just my current implementation. ...
Yogen Darji's user avatar
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Table Search + Sort Interaction

So I'm trying to figure out the best practice for interactions between a table search and sort. Here is a common data table scenario we have in our app. We have a table of users. The user can ...
eRocket's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

What is the best practice for data table filters?

For best user experience, what is the best practice for data table filters with 10+ columns? User's Goal: The user is trying to filter the list using of various filter types dates, number and ...
Saroj Shahi's user avatar
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2 answers

Do users understand when a title is a button

I have a filter and sort feature on a particular website, and the current layout is as follows: Of course, I want to reduce elements to as few as possible, so my question is should a layout like this ...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
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Table converted to Card Stack - sort options

We are revamping the look & feel of our website (and making it more mobile friendly while we're at it), which includes converting a few tables to a single-column card stack. Now, there is debate ...
Newton Olivieri's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Are there Material Design best practices for Filtering/Sorting in a Tab Layout?

What I’m trying to do I’m trying to find out what the Material Design best practices are for adding independent filter and sort options to EACH tab in a tab layout. What I have proposed I’m proposing ...
Rhys's user avatar
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2 answers

When sort on table column with empty data, what order should empty cells appear in?

When sort on table column with empty data, what order should empty cells appear in? For example, say there is a Latest Date column where we have a number of dates and sort by earliest date first. ...
danielone's user avatar
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1 answer

Filter tab to categorize data table's content?

Any UX issue for using filter tab to wrap the entire data table so it separates (but not eliminate) one category from the entire group. Example: Objects that has different status such as "Pending" "...
Howie Yeo's user avatar
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Filter vs Page Tabs?

Any UX issues, mainly on consistency, on mixing “filter based tabs” and “page based tabs” in a reporting system? Filter Tabs: In the below example, the content columns will remain the same however it ...
Andrew McCullough's user avatar
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Should trees in navigation always be by sorted by default?

Should trees always be in a sorted order? I am designing a tree navigation for a desktop application and wanted to know whether it should always be in sorted order (alphabetically). Windows guidelines ...
bhakti bathia's user avatar
15 votes
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How should sorting work when numeric is mixed with alpha-numeric

Say I am displaying data to a user in a grid, report, drop down box, etc. The data in question contains a field called Invoice Number. This field contains only numerics 2/3 of the time, but the other ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 answers

Sort by criterion that is not displayed

I have a list or rows (from 20 to 120K, incrementally loaded as the user scrolls down), each showing n columns. The list is sorted by default using one of the n columns and I have a sort dropdown ...
mathieu's user avatar
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Sort Icon placement

I am introducing a sort feature for a few elements such as: Name Import Code Site Priority I did some Googling and the general concensus is that an icon should always be placed to the left of a text ...
Keith's user avatar
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Sorting on a page

When the results are displayed across pages and say you are on nth page and try to sort on a column, should it remain on the same nth page or should it display the first page? If it can be either, are ...
Raj's user avatar
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Direct selection vs confirmation of selection

Which is best practice? A user clicks a SORT button, goes to a screen with a longish list of "sort by" options. e.g. Sort by: date, price etc... The user selects an option and is taken directly ...
BadseyBurger's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

What are the best practices for sorting tables with sections?

When you have a table with sections, the sections denote a hierarchy for instance: Name Corners Perimeter - Standard Shapes 7 ...
Dina Neishtadt's user avatar
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In there any research available whether people sort first or filter first?

I am curious whether there is some research available on the topic of how people deal with a long list of items. Do they sort first or filter first or it depends a lot on the context of the task and ...
digsrafik's user avatar
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Mobile Filter Dropdown Menu

I have a web application that has been responsively designed for mobile. While in a parent container you can apply filters to sort children. I am debating between two design types. Option A: This is ...
Jason McFarlane's user avatar