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Questions tagged [cognitive-load]

The amount of effort needed to understand the given task.

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22 votes
2 answers

Count number display: "99+" vs full number

While looking for a definition of badges, I stumbled upon these guidelines: and I am confused about this in particular: "In case a badge is used ...
drabsv's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Likerts' scale usability in Google Forms

I've stumbled upon the way Google Forms uses Likert scale for mobile devices. Is there any reason why horizontal axis isn't fixed when user is scrolling down the Likert scale? Looking from UX point of ...
fakermaker's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Does objects cause less cognitive load than tables

I have a feeling that if you make card view or similar object that represents an item from the real world, such as a 'car' or 'person', then it causes less cognitive load than a table view - except ...
Niels Brinch's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Visually distinguish cards in a list

I made an LMS webapp which, in the main page, shows a list of courses. The page looks like this: The goal of the app, from a graphical interface standpoint, is to keep an elegant material design look....
Samuele B.'s user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

What is wrong with this flowchart-matrix design?

I have an application called "Redmine-Bugtracker" with the matrix below. This permission matrix allows users to add permitted status-steps on an issue depending on the current-status of it. ...
Quandary's user avatar
  • 141
2 votes
1 answer

Research about effects of text page formatting on cognitive load?

Has anyone come across peer-reviewed research on the effect of text page formatting on cognitive load? I'm more particularly interested on wider evidence about whether working with column width, one ...
mapto's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

When/how to use skeleton loaders

I am on a project where we have different views in terms of medical data (user list, forms, vital signs, documents, graphs etc.). I read about skeletons and when to use them but when in practice, it ...
CookieWookie's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What's the rationale behind Paypal's amount input?

This is something I've always wanted to ask because it's really frustrating for me. If you use Paypal, you will see that when you try to send money, the Amount input requires to enter the cents or ...
Devin's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Single or multiple form field(s)

Consider an application where a user can make a list of people to meet during the day, and share that with a colleague/secretary/etc. It is something between a todo list and an actual calendar. So ...
ahron's user avatar
  • 601
4 votes
1 answer

Icon consistency in buttons

I am designing a page for apps. This page will show apps available for integration. Question Should I make them all text only buttons or it's fine that some buttons are icon+text? Default All apps ...
intnnn's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is there any scientific results on the difficulty of picking elements from a list?

I am looking for a reasonably formal study of the impact of the number of elements in a list (e.g. a dropdown menu) on the time, effort, and loss of comfort for the user whose task it is to pick one ...
user589082's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to fix this issue of showing multi-color coded events on a timeline?

I need to show multiple(8-10) type of repetitive events on a horizontal timeline in a multi-color coded fashion. But this approach seems to be harder for user to grasp and lead to high cognitive load. ...
nitin9nair's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How to decrease a cognitive load on a dashboard component?

Any suggestions on how I can decrease the cognitive load on the example below? The development, benchmark, and amount of comments regarding each question are equally important for the user. I think ...
Lorelei Heckmann's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any rule of thumb on how much or how less I should put a UI content on a screen?

I get a dilemma over whether I should spread my content over several pages to reduce user cognitive load, or put as much information as possible in a screen to lessen the navigation depth. For ...
Chen Li Yong's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How to detect Cognitive Friction on a mobile application?

I'm researching Cognitive Friction on my thesis and it's the resistance encountered by a human intellect when it engages with a complex system of rules that change as the problem changes as Alan ...
Erhan Yaşar's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is it better see a video on modal or in a new page?

I'm having trouble trying to decide if it's better to click on a video and open it on a modal or in a new page? We want the user to focus on the video and see more videos, but do not leave the page ...
user120504's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Data table entry: creation vs editing - how to design workflows for least friction and effort

I am designing a new feature and workflow in our business application, which allows administrators to create export configurations, which can later be selected by users, to quickly export projects ...
tricon's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Alternative quantity selection - cognitive load & space problem

I am working on a product where users are ordering rather large quantities. Or even better said: The amount that people buy varies wildly. Some order a lot, some a bit less. We are aiming at adding ...
imightmax's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How to measure information overload of an UI?

I would like to measure the "information overload rate" of an UI. It's important to note that I'm searching more for a questionnaire / analysis which evaluates the information overload implicitly or ...
lydiaP's user avatar
  • 51
2 votes
2 answers

Is there any way (or best practise) to measure the perceived workload caused by a software on a certain user?

Perceived Workload has a subjective character trait, but I would like to find a way how one can measure for example the perceived workload from any individual. Here I mean the workload, which is ...
SteffPoint's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

All options at once or in steps

When presenting users with any number of options, would it be better to show all options at once, or break it down into steps? Imagine you have a list of options; 1a 1b 2 3 One way of dealing with ...
Nick Groeneveld's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How much time does the user need to digest what's on the screen before showing a modal box? [closed]

I'm designing a feature that would show a modal box indicating the amount of virtual money the user has. This is triggered just after the user decides to log in (assuming they have virtual money). My ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Which is better for a web-based CMS UI taking Miller's / Hick's Laws (cognitive load) into account?

I am working on a content management system. As the app is growing, more and more content types are being requested (Think of content types as "Widgets"). I would imagine future state may have 10-15 ...
EricPowell's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Should left/top navigation in dashboard be visible or hidden?

Should the dashboard left navigation be collapsible or should it remain expanded at all times? What are the pros & cons? In addition to this, how does it affect conversion rate? Note: This is ...
NB4's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is it easier to edit or to start over

Context When working with a content management system users might encounter a situation where they are not happy with a set of content. For example, a webpage in a CMS (Wordpress, Joomla) does not ...
Nick Groeneveld's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Should we disable an action in our system because we don't have a use case for it?

I work on a complex and heavily data-backed app (essentially an ERP) that has a number of different objects in the system that track real objects in the world. Users can create objects which later ...
Drew Beck's user avatar
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-6 votes
2 answers

Is user experience designed to make humans lazy? [closed]

Let's say for example, in a railway station a sign board displays the arrival of train. Let's take two scenarios. Scenario 1 The sign board displays "train 1 arriving at 9:35" Scenario 2 The sign ...
Aravind JR's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How important is tool-tip in the website

What is the best practice to use tool-tip in the website? Say for example I have product ABC which contains info (Country, category, price) USA | Electronics | $500. In similar way I've long list of ...
NB4's user avatar
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32 votes
11 answers

Using flags vs. three-letter codes for countries

Do you think replacing country flags with three-letter country codes gives a better experience? I have seen lot of users facing problem in detecting countries' flags when shown small. The attached ...
Harshith's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Adjusting summary totals when inputing data

Our application currently shows the budget of a group of line items at the bottom of the page. When you make an edit to a line item, the budget changes. When you make the change the old budget remains ...
themack's user avatar
  • 345
1 vote
1 answer

User-friendly short URL aliases with words or emojis

First off, I’m not talking about quicklinks or SEO of URL paths on a site you’re in control of, but shorter aliases for third-party addresses. As far as I can see there are several major reasons why ...
Crissov's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Lets the user set the password itself or send them one via mail after registration?

I have to built an order process for an energy provider. The order process is very big and the user needs 10-15 minutes to complete it with all the data. The last point is to set a password to access ...
ScienceNoob's user avatar
127 votes
9 answers

Should you always minimize cognitive load?

The title says it all. I enjoy reading UX questions and answers from Stack Exchange's hot network questions, and I often see people justify their answers by saying it minimizes cognitive load. I ...
sudo rm -rf slash's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Best way to combine two-step service request screen and minimise cognitive load

I am currently working on a service aggregator app as part of a university project. One of the main difficulties I am having at the moment is figuring out how to allow the user to carry out a search ...
methuselah's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Should I label (before) or subtitle (after) a number in dataviz/widget?

Discussing about donut chart in Is multistability a good thing on a donut?, a question arise. Discarding the pertinence of donut chart, do you have arguments/studies that would favor one of the ...
Édouard Lopez's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is multistability a good thing on a donut?

Current I'm reviewing an email application that currently has the following chart on the dashboard, where the default state is the left one (contacts), and the second state appear on right after ...
Édouard Lopez's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Which gives heavier congitive load in grid on phone screen? Grid of images or grid of text? And which is faster to recognize?

Im creating an app where on main screen I'll present contacts. Im wondering if I should present them to user in grid view or table view. I assume that list view is probably faster. But if I choose ...
Klemen's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

"Remember me" login functionality

Is there any research available about the viability and use of "Remember Me" toggles/check boxes on login flows? I can't seem to find any information on whether or not they're used or not.
TheDrPfeffer's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Cognitive strain by reading data in tables?

I would like to know if there is a study made about the cognitive strain that there is (or isnt) on reading dataheavy tables. I know there is a lot of help out there for how to make tables easier to ...
klara's user avatar
  • 21
8 votes
2 answers

How long does the User remember?

I'm wondering for how long the User holds the knowledge about a site? Assuming that you (as User) came to a new website, browse it for a while, accomplish your goals and then leave. You have learned ...
Pablo Armentano's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Can we Quantify Cognitive Load?

UX practitioners often use the term Cognitive Load to describe something bad. User have difficulties processing all information required to complete a task, and may fail, falls into the category: ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Would it be easier to scan a list of grayscale profile pictures compared to colored?

Our search is giving a list of persons and their profile picture with some additional information, last updated, name & title. As of now, we are grayscaling the profile pictures, with full color ...
Velkommen's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Flashing messages and cognition, how effective are they over non flashing messages?

How does a flashing message effect cognitive processes like memory and attention and what, if any, were the outcomes of any studies performed in this area? For example, if a warning sign flashes how ...
Toni Leigh's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Changing a visual object as it is dragged

Imagine that you have an interface with two principal panes: a map and a timeline. We want to enable our user to be able to select a job displayed on the map (for instance, "repair washing machine at ...
Phil Parry's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Confusions about applying Hick-Hyman Law in user interface design

I think many people here have heard of "Hick-Hyman" law, which describes the time it takes for a person to make a decision as a result of the possible choices he or she has; That is, increasing the ...
nan's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Forcing users to use a new password everytime they reset

This is getting common that while resetting one's password, web-applications force users not to use a password which they had used before. Just like forcing users to follow a particular pattern of ...
Salman Ehsan's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Is it useful keeping "foveal vision" in mind when arranging content?

I came across this video explaining how you can reduce the congnitive load by arranging your content in small chunks fitting into your "foveal area":
Steffen Kastner's user avatar
29 votes
6 answers

Forcing users to use a particular pattern for passwords

Many websites, specially government ones, enforce users to use a password which conforms to particular criteria. For example: use between 8-13 characters with at-least one integer and one capital ...
Salman Ehsan's user avatar
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127 votes
12 answers

How do you give your user options without overloading them?

I was using WinSCP the other day for transferring files, when I came across this.. umm.. I'll call it a set of options, but it was more like an interview. Oh boy. I just want to move a file. Now I ...
corsiKa's user avatar
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395 votes
20 answers

What explains the current shift from glossy UIs to matte UIs?

I've noticed an interesting phenomenon in the user interfaces of many famous applications, they're moving away from the glossy complex to a more dull and bare minimum design. Why the sudden change? ...
Adi's user avatar
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