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2 answers

Should i show all the selected items in a data table in a popup when editing items?

Currently I have a large list of items that can be up to 1000. I am allowing users to select from this list of items and remove them from the group they are assigned to. I have the popup created, but ...
Gene's user avatar
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2 answers

In one line of a dropdown menu, how can I show that an item is disabled with an icon?

So I have a list of groups, but these groups are dependent on the model you selected. In this image, Group 1 is disabled because I have selected model b (not shown) and Group 1 is only for model A. I ...
Gene's user avatar
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Showing icon label on mouse hover only

I'm developing a data table and I'm having trouble fitting all the columns on one screen. My main goal is to reduce the width of the table, and one of my ideas were to remove the icon label and show ...
Gene's user avatar
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What is the minimum size for a profile picture when used somewhere other than the profile page?

I am creating an app and want to know the recommended minimum size for profile pictures when their picture is used to show that they are assigned to something. I wanted to do something similar to ...
Gene's user avatar
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How to keep consistency between 2 cards when one of the items are optional?

I am creating somewhat of a reminders feature for my app and one of the features (time) is optional. When all options are selected, I have an ideal layout with one item in each corner of the card. ...
Gene's user avatar
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How to show that multi-dependent optional forms are linked together without hiding?

So I am creating a form with 3 optional items that are dependent on one another. The first is date. If the user adds a date, they have the option to add an alert time. Once they select a time, they ...
Gene's user avatar
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What would be the most accessible and attractive approach for selectors in forms?

I'm working on a project about forms in which we have a question about selectors. We have seen that there is a boom of selectors that do not show whether it is a checkbox or a radio button. From my ...
Beatriz GP's user avatar
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How to display features that are "coming soon"

We have a product with multiple different features, and at this point in time we must postpone about 3/7 of the features on a page until further development. 2 of them are somewhat significant ...
Gene's user avatar
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3 answers

How do i let the user know the server is updating on the back end and their change is not active yet?

Imagine a long list of websites that you can either allow or block from your internet. The user can go down the list and block every single one relatively quickly, however on the backend each of these ...
Gene's user avatar
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3 answers

How to design with toggle options under a form that enable a feature

So I am designing a form where the user enters in an ip address and can either use just the IP address, enter in a range, or a netmask. My initial thought was to grey out the second form on the "...
Gene's user avatar
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1 answer

Greying out disabled items that can be enabled vs items that cannot be enabled

so I am working on a device management system and to add a new device to a group you must input some info into a form. Some items, you must click a check box in order to enable the dropdown, while ...
Gene's user avatar
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3 answers

Back button fatigue

Let's say I have two pages, a list of products "Product List" and the "Product Page" itself. When I click on a product (e.g. a phone) I'd like to explore its variations (e.g. ...
paul's user avatar
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2 answers

Is the user attention required or not?

We are developing 'Work Experience' module. You can see the screen as wireframe attached here. Scenario: The User entered information in 1st block. After that, he clicked on '[+ Add Work Experience]'...
Pavan Kumar's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Mobile "Clear Search History" Best Practice

I'm building an iOS app. Within the app my users are searching for other users. The searched users kept and show in a "Search History" list when there is not input inside the Search Bar. When the ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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7 answers

Minimum Maximum slider - Usability best practice

I'm developing an iOS mobile app for slowing down/speeding up videos. After some research and intuition I've decided to choose a Slider as the responsible UI component for the video speed change. The ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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1 answer

Thumbnail gallery wizard navigation on selection

I have doubt on my design related to thumbnail gallery wizard. Wizard has few pages consist of thumbnail images (10 images per page), where each gallery page has a question, and the answer would be to ...
NPN's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple selections field for touchscreen device

i'm trying to find an intuitive way to display a multiple products selector. The user has the possibility to select multiple product in the following screenshot. The problem is that most of the ...
Lonut's user avatar
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In mobile UX, which is better more taps but doesn't require thinking or lesser taps but requires a little bit of familiarization? [closed]

In mobile UX which is better: (a) one that requires more taps but has fewer options to consider at each level or, (b) a UX that is broken into more categories but requires fewer taps to get to the ...
mark dinong's user avatar
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How to make this type of expand/collapse more visible?

I am currently developing a website where I have very limited space for a lot of information. However, it doesn't pass my tests of user experience. How could I make this more understandable to use? ...
Daan's user avatar
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Using pop up or modal for mobile/tablet a good practice? If yes, why? If no, what are alternative options? [duplicate]

In what cases should pop up and modal should be used? What are the best and worst case scenario of using pop up and modal? In mobile/ipad version which option is most suitable option & why? ...
NB4's user avatar
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Should external link open in same tab or new tab? [duplicate]

What is best case scenario for external link to open in new tab or same tab? and Why? When do we use external link? Is it when the data is linking to some external page other than your existing page.
NB4's user avatar
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Trouble Getting People to Complete Free Listing Form [closed]

I own a motorsports website which I have poured my heart and soul into to make it the best in the industry and of which does very well and is blessed by Google in search for popular queries such as "...
Stuart's user avatar
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1 answer

Time intervals for prompting the user for profile information

I have to collect some piece of information from the user and add it to his profile. The screen that asks the user for the information is skippable but with without a "don't remind me again" option. ...
user3149845's user avatar