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2 votes
1 answer

How to build an events application with private events sharing?

I am building a sport application where people of a city can organize football matches and join other matches as simple users. We have currently built the basics of the application: users can create ...
alexlipa's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Passwordless flow: What to do when user enters an invalid email when logging in

I'm planning to make my app passwordless and I've seen sites implement things differently when one puts in an email they haven't actually used for an account on the site before when trying to login. ...
Gwater17's user avatar
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3 answers

Should you show current state or the state it's about to change to for password visibility? [duplicate]

I'm exploring the idea of adding a hide/show icons for password visibility. I understand we can just use the words "hide" and "show", but if we were to use icons, should its current state be shown ...
M Bo's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What percentage of internet users save credentials in the browser?

I'm trying to get a high-level understanding of what percentage of internet users allow their browser to store the username/password so I can understand the potential impact "breaking" this will have ...
Mlalahoi's user avatar
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Do we really need to remember all the passwords?

I'm just wondering if we really need to remember or note down all the passwords we use for sheer amount of applications nowadays. Why can't a user just click on forgot password every time he wants to ...
UXbychoice's user avatar
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Where to redirect the user after a password recovery email has been sent

I am working on the flow for password recovery and can't determine where to redirect the user once an email has been sent to help them complete the process. They enter their email address on this page ...
Fletchling's user avatar
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78 votes
10 answers

Should users be allowed to use any special character they want when creating a password?

I came across a number of login configuration settings where there is a list of allowable special characters and was wondering: Does this limitation cater for a specific security or usability need? ...
Okavango's user avatar
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2 answers

Any evidence password strength indicators break user journey?

Have any studies been conducted on whether password strength indicators break user journey's. Here is a hypothetical scenario: As a customer of an eCommerce website, I am ready to make a purchase ...
DigiKev's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Allowing every password of 6+ characters. Good practice?

I am developing a file sharing and hosting service, and right now I don't have any requirements set other then that a password has to be at least 6 characters long. I also accept all characters. I'm ...
Kid Diamond's user avatar
41 votes
5 answers

Does a password strength indicator increase password strength?

Just browsing the internet, I saw a password strength indicator on a sign up, and I realized that I personally didn't care. Does anyone know if, on average, password strength indicators increase the ...
OneChillDude's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Remember Me in an enterprise application: What to remember?

I've just finished a well-thought login validation mechanism and have asked myself the following question several times: What does the user expect when he checks the Remember me checkbox in an ...
SeToY's user avatar
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1 answer

Unlock Account for Highly Secure Website

I am working on project for a very secure sensitive website in which the objective is to make the "unlock account" workflow easy and intuitive. Currently, if user enters wrong username and password ...
ih123's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Why do users erase all the password when they hit one wrong key, instead of just the last wrong character?

We login to applications almost every day. The password is stored in our fingers, as an automated process (if they have used it long enough). When users realize they have entered a wrong character (...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
55 votes
10 answers

What is the best way to inspire users to choose strong password?

Most of the users use weak passwords. They may use weak passwords even for services where they store sensitive information. I think it's because they don't believe that their password may be guessed/...
Andrei Botalov's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Is it good UX practice to have a website generate a password for the user?

Is it good UX practice to have a site generate secure random passwords for users and send it to their email or is it better to have them enter their own one each time?
Hawkins's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Usability and security for user access and password handling in a web application?

I'm looking at putting together a website aimed at ordinary users that will handle personal data which I don't want to be compromised. How can I make the site secure but also usable? It seems most ...
glenatron's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Accessing secure content

Which of the permutations for accessing secure content do folks prefer? In this instance I'm referring to a saved quote and have usernames, email addresses and quote reference numbers available. E.g:...
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