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2 answers

What are various factors to be considered for Font Selection Parameters for any applications?

I am sure there are multiple parameters and factors to be considered while selecting a font, for the application to be designed and developed. Few of the points that are straight away taken into ...
Ashumk's user avatar
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How many problem statements should I create?

I'm learning UX design, I've decided to start my first project and right now and in the define stage. But I've got a doubt. How many problem statements should I create? In the empathize stage I've ...
Luis Vásquez's user avatar
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2 answers

Small UX problem for an App as a portfolio use case

I am working on my UI/UX Designer portfolio and I have 4-5 projects to choose from what to include. I will need to write about the process that I had during these projects etc. But recently, when I ...
istoby's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple role playing under single login

I can start with simple example, User 'A' have to play multiple roles such as Manager, Team leader, and developer under the single sign in. By default, I am a manager when I am logging in, but I ...
Vasethvan's user avatar
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2 answers

Whom shall we design for either "Manager" OR "Sales Representative" OR "User"?

There are lots of frictions when we a thought process in terms of design. As during a design process, such many things happen in our real world like "I do not like your color combination or designs ...
shantikumar's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

What is the easiest method to study a system as a UX person?

I am assigned to a huge project as a ux design intern, currently this project doesn't have any documentation. And apparently anyone in the project doesn't know 100% of logic and domain of the system ...
user92695's user avatar
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3 answers

when do we need animation in UI

In the design workflow, when would be an appropriate time to think about ui animations? It seems to me many of the times animation is a nice to have feature. How do you make a decision that something ...
user3352464's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Should product owners force their design ideas into the final UI? [closed]

I dont know if its a valuable argument or not, but its something that I think about it sometimes. As a UI designer I always face a situaution when other people give their opinions about the UI, I ...
datisdesign's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Persona has to be a person? Difference between Brand ambassador, mascot and persona? Validating persona

Actually, these are three inter related sub questions. Q1. Does Persona have to be a person because ultimately whatever we will create (product/service) that will be used by human being only, and ...
Spicerjet's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

Is user experience design (UXD) equal to user centered design (UCD)?

Can user experience design (UXD) and user centered design (UCD) be considered the same? If not, how do they relate to each other and how do they differ?
Dennis Gommé's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Differentiate user centered design and user experience design [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is user experience design (UXD) equal to user centered design (UCD)? I am struggling to understand the UX roles with UCD. Can someone explain?
Vinod Dangudubiyyapu's user avatar