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1 answer

Ag-Grid filter across pages or current page

When using the Ag-Grid with multiple pages, is it a good practice to filter records across pages or should it be just the current page ? Also for sorting, is it a good practice to retain the current ...
copenndthagen's user avatar
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Grid where user makes individual choices in every cell. Is there a better way?

I'm in a new job. The company has a pattern for grids, where choices are not made in a column header. But in each cell individually. I have never seen this before. So I have a grid now, where one ...
Rosebud's user avatar
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Expand/Collapse button directions in tree table ie data grid versus non-table applications

I'm creating a tree table for use on our platform. We currently use chevrons for our expand/collapse buttons, and in doing a lot of research across UX forumns, I decided on the rule that the chevron ...
abaumm's user avatar
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Should the checkboxes for selection be aligned?

In case of hierarchical grid displaying nested data with selection checkboxes on the left column, should the checkboxes at parent and child level be aligned vertically in the case when the child rows ...
SoftEngi's user avatar
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How to show missing values in table rows and columns?

Approach 1 Show NA for missing items Approach 2 Show - sign for missing items I have a table that displays crypto prices, volume etc. There are often times when I don't have data in a particular ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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Time Series with Multiple Attributes for Each Year

We need to represent a time series of data. The problem is each item has multiple attributes that go along the time series. In essence, it's something like this - a long time series for 100+ items. ...
Mike Borozdin's user avatar
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Data tables/grids in task based UIs

I'm designing a business web application. I'm leaning towards a task based UI style, but I'm facing a challenge regarding the creation of complex entities such as orders, composed of order lines. A ...
FedericoG's user avatar
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Display to a user the selection of multiple colors in a cell of a DataGridView

I have two DataGridView, the first containing a list of users the other containing colors. First DataGridView (Users) The second DataGridView (Colors) By selecting a cell from the first ...
Lorenzo Belfanti's user avatar
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Best way to show Readonly and Writable cells in a grid?

I am designing a data grid on a web application that will display a mix of writable and readonly data. A bit of background: we're migrating a desktop application that identifies readonly vs writable ...
aprilebansil's user avatar
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Filtering in Datatables

Currently, we are having issues with filters on our datagrids and the space they take in the screen. I think the way they are used right now they take a lot of space that's not needed. I would ...
Dennis Wijkmans's user avatar
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Need ideas and opinions on table display of objects in different states

CONTEXT: I need to display a large number of "policies" in a list context for user selection and inspection. Each of these policies may have two versions live at any given time, one on the staging (...
Mattynabib's user avatar
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Indented row headers

We have a screen layout where we have several columns to display. The problem is - you guessed it - real estate - to be able to fit all columns. This is for desktop, tablet and mobile screens. One of ...
Neil Mazumder's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

In a data-table, should actions be on the left or right

When working with tables, I prefer to place actions that are specific to the row (i.e. edit, delete, etc.) within the row. Sometimes I use an action menu, sometimes it's an edit or delete icon. ...
contactmatt's user avatar
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Search Results in a TreeTable

I Have a TreeTable where groups of itens are organized by categories, as you can see on the image bellow. What is the best approach to present the list of results taking into account that is ...
anglc's user avatar
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Summarising grouped data in a data table

I'm working on a financial app and we're getting mixed feedback from users as to how we've displayed the summary for groups in data tables. We've data tables which are, say for example, shopping lists ...
Neelesh Sonawane's user avatar
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2 answers

How to visualize identical cells in a data table

I have a time series grid for which there will be sparse data, as changes won't happen often, as shown: I'm wondering what the best way to display cells when there haven't been any changes is. The '-...
user2899059's user avatar
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Is multi-layer ESCAPE expected?

We design an application, containing a grid with an active filter search and inline-editable columns. Each row represents a record, of which multiple fields are editable. The application should be ...
Aadaam's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Grid - Inline Editing and Sorting - How to handle the features together

The Dilemma: You have a grid/table with sorting (and/or multi-sort) and inline editing. The user modifies a value that should modify the sort order. What do you do? An Example: Lets take
Chris Janssen's user avatar
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Display change history of grid

Assumption: if there is a grid with 20 columns (I mean a lot of columns), and users can add/edit/remove rows and columns in bulk. Now we want to display the detailed changes of this grid (which means ...
syd1202's user avatar
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fast data entry UI patterns

I am working on a web app that helps people manage their finances. the app requires users to manually enter key financial transactions on a weekly basis, and there is a strong requirement to make the ...
user18989's user avatar