There is web based application which has bad experience issues with reports and mapping. Currently application is mixture of 4 different products and they provide service to customer as per needs. Like Product A serves the need of monitoring, Product B do the firewall and etc. However, Customers subscribed based on service package rather than certain product( certain product help with different service requirement) so they have to navigate through different product option to download reports. Customers are experiencing issues with navigating reports and mapping it as per requirements. I am not sure what is the effective way of mapping the services and report to users like for Requirement 10.1 go here. Also some scnenarios auditor have issues locating them.
I also think part of is information architecture problem.
I am thinking of following solution and let me know if it fits the best per the problem statement.
1) Have a FAQ section inside the web application where they can find the service report mapping. 2) Build a unified report section: This is easy to say but difficult to build scenario as some time user subscribe to certain products and not just service for other purposes.