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0 votes
1 answer

Is combining filter and search a good idea?

I’ve been struggling to design a history log. My goal is to include a search button for quickly finding specific entries and a filter option to narrow down data based on specific criteria. My main ...
2 votes
4 answers

What is the best method to choose between two options in UI?

What is the best method to choose between two options - toggle, dropdown, radio or segmented button? For example, the two options I have are 1. horizontal 2. vertical They are mutually exclusive. Eg:
1 vote
1 answer

Should user simply be able to upload a PDF?

I'm working on an application where a user can submit an important document that contains information we need from them. The information contains details such as - event name, event location, duration,...
0 votes
2 answers

Apply theme customization on a financial app [closed]

I am designing a UI design for a financial app, can a user apply different themes to change between colors of the UI, so what themes are best suited for this feature?
2 votes
3 answers

Making the user pay attention to what's on the screen instead of having him press next next next

I work on a fitness and recovery app which has an on-boarding process which requires the user to position 2 sensors on his body and pay attention to some small tasks on the screen (like put the ...
1 vote
4 answers

Multiple steps each with a tasks vs one step with multiple tasks (for the user)

I am sketching the user flow for a new feature of a fitness/medical recovery application that is using hardware sensors to monitor the way the user is performing certain fitness exercises. In order ...
11 votes
3 answers

Prepare a user to perform an action before proceeding to the next step

I am designing an application that allows the users to train at home. I have a step (let's call it step 1) in which the user must be in a position in order to "sync" (step 2) with the app for the ...
6 votes
6 answers

Why do users misunderstand the recycle bin as archive?

Today I faced yet another user misusing the application's recycle bin as archive. When I offered him to empty it he went angry because he "always did so" and didn't want to lose his mails. The first ...
0 votes
1 answer

How long can a loading screen be before it starts creating a negative user experience?

Loading screen originally were intended to distract the user from the fact that they have to wait for technical requirements to be fulfilled. Sometimes we see them used as a tactic by apps and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Does the location of "main buttons" affect usability?

Here we have Meta Stack Exchange: The "Ask Question" button is part of the "search results" group. Could this possible confuse users? Should site-wide "main" buttons always be placed on the header ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Backgrounds Color For Primary Menu and Secondry Menu [closed]

I am designing the statistics tools which will have it's Dashboard filled with multiple floating tiles showing accurate data as per user's need. Apart from that we have primary and secondary menu, ...
3 votes
1 answer

Are there any recommendations or statregy for showing reviews on content at product launch?

We have a bunch of content that want people to read and have added reviews to the content to help others understand what is more valuable than other content. We are about to launch this feature and ...
6 votes
1 answer

Thinking in Inheritance vs Editing Multiple Disimilar Values

When presented with multiple similar modules, all containing the same set of user definable parameters, what pattern is shown to best suit the widest range of user expectations? Inheritance: Using a ...
5 votes
5 answers

Update vs. Save

I'm working on an application that has a lot of CRUD functionality. When creating an element, I have a button labeled with "Save". My original thoughts were to bring this "Save" button across all ...